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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Переведите следующие предложения. 1. The -urgent need for increased water supplies in the North-East by 1970 can be met only by a new reservoir

1. The -urgent need for increased water supplies in the North-East by 1970 can be met only by a new reservoir, and Cow Green, in Upper Teesdale, is the least harmful site for it. Only two other sites could be regarded as possible alternatives, Upper Cow Green and Middleton, and neither could provide the needed water in time or at comparable cost.

2. M. F. A., Labor MP for Salford East, said: "The Sunday Citizen was not perfect but it was on the side of the working class." He was still hopeful that The Sunday Citizen could be saved. One way to overcome the difficulty would be for the Government to adopt the idea of a subsidy for newsprint.

3. The Committee reported that they could not find any factual basis for these rumors (of a Budget leak).

4. Grave consequences could follow if the Lords throw out this Bill, quite apart from the political aspects.

5. Britain could sustain a population much larger than at present and at a far higher living standard, by the full use of automation, nuclear power, agricultural and other sciences which Socialist planning would make possible.

6. Before a new British application could be considered, the current Common Market crisis would obviously have to be settled.

7. All the Commonwealth Prime Ministers have now made their opening speeches at Marlborough House, and last night the British Premier could have been in no doubt that on the basic issue he had no allies except Australia and New Zealand.

8. The coal board may break even this year, despite having to pay out £ 28 million in interest charges, N.С.В.[15] chairman said yesterday.

9. More than two million people may now be working on research and development in the Soviet Union, one-third of them graduate scientists and engineers, according to a survey produced by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

10. Some excuse for the behavior of Tory chieftains might be provided if it could be shown that the leadership battle revolved round central issues of public importance. But throughout, the dispute has been concerned with personalities and patronage — gang warfare in all its sterility.

11. It is possible that in accordance with this plan, investments may have to be made which do not lead rapidly to a rise in the standard of living.

12. Situations in which America may have to choose between rival policies advocated by her European partners are bound to arise.

13. When the delegates are taken to see the outstanding work of the Road Research Laboratory, and the examples of brilliant design and construction of British technicians and workers, they will be able to compare in their minds' eye what might be, with what is.

14. Finally, a new political balance in Europe, based on effective unity, might turn out to be the precondition of disengagement.

15. Such is the speed of history today that, when this is published, so many new and perhaps more shocking developments may have taken place that the events herein detailed may seem even more remote.

16. In reality the Pope may not have been anxious to see his suggestion, advanced from the marble rostrum of the General Assembly on October 4, enacted a bare six weeks later.

17. The Prime Minister mentioned that a more radical stand on some issues might have enabled the party to have avoided defeat.

18. There were signs that this tour might have marked a turning point.

19. He should remember that his own pitiless decision to flatten Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, might have succeeded in bringing in the worst days of the ascendancy of men without pity.

20. The impression that the Government and the G.P.O.[16] are prepared to turn a blind eye on the operations of the radio pirate stations has been encouraged by the delay in introducing legislation to outlaw them. The legislation is more complex than might have been imagined. The penalty clauses may well require requisition of the company's assets on land as well as the stations.

21. It was the sort of message for which the smaller members of the alliance may well have been waiting.

22. In the opinion of some political connoisseurs, that measure may well improve the prospects of the Conservative party with the nation as a whole.

23. The British Premier and the French President might well talk also about the Middle East — a region which, least.of all, has claims, to being called static.

24. The Norwegian Foreign Minister has said that the Security Council might well be given greater powers over the financing of peacekeeping.

25. Discussions could explore the economic problems that might follow disarmament and the question of security.

26. The strain must have been particularly telling on a man like Mr D., one of the most conscientious of the Government's back-bench MPs. He was involved in a car accident last session, but continued to attend to Commons duties on crutches.

27. In massive demonstrations in colleges all over the country yesterday, students showed exactly what they thought of the Government's plan to treble the fees of overseas students. If the Education Minister didn't get the message three weeks ago, when more than 4,000 students lobbied their MPs, then it surely must have been rammed home on him yesterday.

III. To be

Глагол to be в сочетании с инфинитивом имеет модальное значение и мо­жет выражать:

1. долженствование, обусловленное договоренностью или планом; перево­дится обычно при помощи должен или глаголом в будущем времени.

The Prime Minister и to go to Paris next week. На следующей неделе пре­мьер-министр должен поехать (поедет) в Париж.

2. возможность (в этом случае за глаголом to be обычно следует пассив­ная форма инфинитива).

Responsibilities and obligations possessed by the Soviet trade unions are to be envied. Можно позавидовать той ответственности и тем обязанностям, кото­рыми обладают профсоюзы в Советском Союзе.

3. намерение, желание — в условных предложениях; при переводе на русский язык приходится иногда вводить местоимение мы в неопределенно-личном значении.

Mass struggle is vital if the elimination of the evils of racial hatred is to be guar­anteed. Совершенно необходимы массовые выступления, если мы хотим, чтобы было уничтожено то зло, которое вызывается расовой дискриминацией (если мы хотим добиться уничтожения..., для уничтожения (ликвидации) того зла... необходимы...).

Примечание. Следует помнить, однако, что сочетание to be с инфинитивом может представлять собой составное сказуемое, где to be высту­пает в качестве глагола-связки, а инфинитив — в качестве предикатива.

The task of the committee is to find ways for a workable agreement. Задачей этой комиссии является изыскать (изыскание) пути для практически приемле­мого решения.

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