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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


C. Translate into English.

1. Как часто вы получаете почту? How often do you receive mail?2. Кто приносит газеты? Who brings newspapers? 3. Вы замужем, не так ли? You are married, aren’t you? 4. Что вы делаете по вечерам? What do you do in the evening? 5. Давайте пойдем в парк после уроков, а? Let’s go to the park after classes, shall we? 6. Где файлы? Where are the files? 7. Он живет далеко отсюда? Does he live far from here? 8. Что вы думаете об этой ситуации? What do you think of the situation? 9. Сколько стоят брюки? How much are the trousers? 10. Лестница опасная? Are the stairs dangerous? 11. Где учится сын вашего начальника? Where does your boss’s son study? 12. Вы меня проводите (see me off), не так ли? You will see me off, won’t you? 13. Разве я не молодец (a brick)? Aren’t I a brick? 14. Что вы видите? What do you see? 15. Пудели – действительно самые умные собаки? Are poodles really the cleverest dogs?

E. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given word in bold type.


(a) We must come to a …decision very soon.

(b) We beat them …decidedly. We won 7:0.

(c) He can never make up his mind. He’s very …indecisive.


(a) You should be more …attentive while at the lesson.

(b) She listened to me so ….inattentively that didn’t even smile at my joke.

(c) …Attention, please! Now comes the time to announce the results.


(a) In …comparison with Mike, Pete is much more capable.

(b) The process is going …comparatively slow.

(c) Scientists have made …comparative tests on the new drugs.


(a) …Production of the new sports car has been halted by a strike.

(b) China is one of the two world’s leading …producers of rice.

(c) I’m afraid, the talks were totally …unproductive. We didn’t reach agreement on anything.


(a) He received a medal for his …heroism.

(b) They fought …heroically in the war.

(c) She was described as a …heroine.


(a) – Hold on the …receiver, please. I’ll explain everything. Just don’t hang it!

(b) She works as a …receptionist in a hotel in Scotland.

(c) Ask for a …receipt when you buy something, in case you need to return it.


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