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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Exercise V. State the syntactic functions of the gerunds in the following sentences.

1. Minnie answered “yes”, but Carrie could feel that going to the theatre was poorly advocated here. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. They would look on and on after everyone else’s eyes in the world would have stopped looking.


3. He turned a page in his album and stared for several seconds in disbelief before speaking to Tom.


4. The idea of going to him scared me. ___________________________________________________________________________

5. Thinking about Ron was painful, too. ___________________________________________________________________________

6. Sleeping in the open air is useful.


7. When will you finish wearing this dress? ___________________________________________________________________________

8. Excuse my reminding you about it.


9. He left the hall without waiting for the end of the performance.


10. Before writing about these events he decided to visit the places where they had happened.


11. These books can’t be sent by post without being packed in the right way.


12. I hope you don’t mind her being told everything.


13. It is useless calling him up at this time: he is never in.


14. I am not accustomed to being treated like that.


15. In looking through the journals I came across a very interesting article.


16. On hearing Sam’s cough Mr. Pot stopped reading a newspaper and looked in his direction.


17. His experience in driving a car will do him a lot of good in his future life.


18. We persuaded that he come by saying that we won’t keep him for a long time.


19. On seeing the approaching train we hurried to the platform.


20. Imagine his having only just realized the cinema.


Exercise VI. Translate from Russian into English using the gerund.

1. Этот перевод нельзя публиковать, если ты не покажешь его автору.

1) It is impossible to publish this translation without showing the author.



2. Бесполезно звонить ему, его в это время никогда не бывает дома.

It is useless calling him as he has always absent this time.

3. Я знал, что он не способен принимать решения.

I knew he was not able of making decisions.


4. Отец часто обвинял меня в том, что я отношусь к дому, как к отелю.

My father often accused me of being disposed to home as a hotel.

5. Мы занимались без перерыва.

We taught without having a break


6. Я удивился тому, что он женился.

I was surprised at his having married.

7. На секунду я испугался от мысли о том, что он подаст в отставку.

I was afraid a second of his retiring.

8..Утром шел дождь, и она утратила всякую надежду пойти в бассейн.

It was raining in the morning and she lost her hope of going to the pool.


9. О, я обычно нахожу способы развлекать самого себя, когда я остаюсь дома один.

Usually I find ways of amusing myself when stay at home alone.


9..По-видимому, на этот домик стоило посмотреть.

Apparently this house is worth looking at.

10..Тогда я заподозрила его в том, что он меня дразнит.

I suspected him of teasing me.


12.Даже в затемненной комнате я не мог не видеть, что лицо Миссис Джоунз распухло от слез. To read

Even in a dark room I couldn’t help seeing Missis Djounzs face swelled from teas.


13.Он проснулся и был склонен почитать, но единственной книгой в комнате была Библия.

He waked up and was inclined to reading but Bible was the only book in the room

14.Мы были благодарны ему за то, что он пришел встретить нас.

We were thanked him for coming to meet us.

16. Научиться говорить на языке можно, если только много говорить

You can learn foreign language for speaking a lot


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