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Minister Unsympathetic Towards Teachers 1 ñòðàíèöà

Part 1



Exercise 1. State verbs in the continuous. Write a sentence which follows on. Choose from these sentences.

1) I think it’s going to suit me.

2) I’ve never wanted to change it.

3) It’s too expensive to buy.

4) And I’ve still got a chance to win it.

5) It uses a lot of petrol.

6) I play it every weekend.


Example: I enjoy the game. - I play it every weekend.


1. I’m enjoying the game. _______________________________________________________

2. The car costs a lot of money. __________________________________________________

3. The car is costing a lot of money. ______________________________________________

4. I’m liking my new job. _______________________________________________________

5. I like my job. _______________________________________________________________


Exercise 2. Complete the following dialogues by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Use only the present continuous or the present simple. Where there is also an adverb in the brackets, decide the correct position in the sentence. The first one has been done for you.


A: How (a) do you work (work) this photocopier? I (b)__________ (think) I (c)_________(do) something wrong.

B: Yes, you (d)________(press) the wrong button. That one (e)__________(enlarge) the copies. You (f)_________ (need) to press this one.

A: Oh, yes. It (g)________(work) properly now. Thanks.



A: I (a)________ (see) the price of petrol (b)__________ (go) up again.

B: Yes, I (c)_________ (know). I (d)____________ (seriously consider) selling the car. It's so expensive, and we (e)_____________ (not often use) it.

A: What (f)___________ your wife __________ (think) of that idea?

B: She (g)_____________(agree) with me. She (h)____________ (not like) driving anyway.



A: Good-morning. Is Mr Cranshaw in?

B: Yes, he is, but he (a)_______ (see) someone at the moment. He (b)__________ (expect) you?

A: Yes, I (c)____________ (have) an appointment with him at 10.30. My name's Phillips.

B: Ah, yes, Mr Phillips. I’m afraid we (d)__________ (run) a little late this morning, but I (e)___________ (not expect) Mr Cranshaw will be long, if you (f)__________ (not mind) waiting.


A: why (a) __________ we ________ (wait)?

B: John isn't here yet. I (b)_________ (expect) he (c)_________ (have) trouble with his car again.

A: Oh! That car (d)___________ (always go) wrong! Well I (e)____________ (not wait) any longer. I (f)___________ (not want) to miss the start of the match. (g)__________you________ (come) with me, or not?


A: What (a)_________ you________(make), Pamela? It (b)___________ (smell) really nice.

B: Well, I (ñ)_________ (try) a recipe my mother-in-law gave me. It (d)_____________(sound) really easy. You (e)___________ (cut) up the meat and vegetables and then you (f)_________(just add) a few herbs. When she (g)______(make) it, it (h)_________(taste) really delicious. But I'm not sure about this. It (i)___________(not look) quite right.



A: what (a)_____ you _________(think) of that new girl, Jacqueline?

B: Well, frankly, I (b)__________(find) her terribly annoying. She (c)______________(always make) silly remarks and she (d)_____________ (never listen) to anything you say.

A: I (e)____________(know) what you (f)____________(mean), but I (g)__________(feel) a bit sorry for her, actually. I (h)_________ (think) she (i)___________ (try) to hide her shyness by being funny, but she (j)_________ (only succeed) in getting on everyone's nerves!


Exercise 3. Choose Present Simple/ Present Continuous.

1. I only __________ (speak) French when I'm on holiday in France.

2. He __________ (constantly - rush) me off my feet, although he knows how much I dislike this.

3. __________ (You - recognize) this sound? No, I haven't the slightest idea.

4. We __________ (read) quite a lot these days.

5. She __________ (go) to the shopping center almost every week.

6. This liquid __________ (give) off a strong smell.

7. Many guards __________ (treat) prisoners inhumanly nowadays.

8. They __________ (perpetually - say) that I'm involved in the burglary, but I have a perfect alibi.

9. We __________ (go) there pretty regularly.

10. Jim simply __________ (delight) in arguing his opponents down.

11. She __________ (forever - find fault) with me, whatever I do!

12. They __________ (give) due attention to this matter at present.

13. Where do you get the technical details for your book? I __________ (frequently - consult) my friend Alex.

14. The factory __________ (turn out) bottles at the rate of several thousands a day.

15. __________ (He - believe) what he reads in the papers?

16. He __________ (always - boast) of his achievements, although his success is entirely due to the circumstances. I wish he would stop his boastful talk.

17. We have sent for the doctor. The fever __________ (get) worse by the hour.


Exercise 4. I have been doing or I have done?

Put the verb forms in these conversations.


A: I feel really tired.

B: It's because you ve been doing (do) too much.

A: Well, at least I ’ve finished (finish) that report now, and I can have a rest.

A: Someone (1) __________(leave) the ladder outside, look.

B: I expect that's Brian. He (2) ___________ (clean) windows. I don't think he's finished yet.

A: You’ve got grass on your shoes.

B: I (3) ___________ (mow) the lawn.

A: Yes, I (4)___________ (see) it. It looks a lot better. You (5) ___________ (cut) it nice and short.


Exercise 5. Complete the dialogue. Put in the verbs in the present perfect continuous or simple.


Linda: What are you doing, Jeff?

Jeff: I (1) _________ (clear) out this cupboard most of the afternoon. There’s a lot of old stuff in here. I (2) ___________ (find) this, look.

Linda: You (3) ____________(read) this book for the last five minutes. I (4) _____________ (watch) you.

Jeff: It’s my old diary. I (5) ____________(not see) it since I was ten. It (6) _______ (be) in here for years.

Linda: And is that old tennis racket yours?

Jeff: No, it must be yours. I (7) ______________(never have) a tennis racket.


Exercise 6. Present and Past.

Complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets. The verbs can be present continuous (is doing), present simple (does), or present perfect (has done).

Example: We bought this picture many years ago. We’ve had it for ages. (We—have—it)


1. Colin’s car phone is very useful. _____________ all the time. (he—use—it)

2. Joanna doesn’t know where her watch is. ______________. (she—lose—it)

3. We’re in the middle of decorating our kitchen. Meals are a problem. ______________ from a take-away restaurant this week. (we—get—them)

4. Robert is on a skiing holiday. ___________ very much, he said on the phone. (he—enjoy—it)

5. This color is absolutely awful. _____________. (I—hate—it)

6. I hope these figures are correct. _____________ several times already. (I—check—them)

7. Ed and Kay like Scrabble. _____________ at the moment. (they—play—it)

8. These flowers are dying. _______________ for ages. (you—not water—them)


Exercise 7. Past continuous or simple.

Put in the past continuous or past simple.


Kim: I hear the lights went (go) out last night.

Charles: Yes, I was watching (watch) television at the time. The program (1) _____________(get) interesting, too. But the electricity (2) ____________(come) on again after about ten minutes. I (3) _____________(not miss) very much of it.

Angela: Sarah (4) _________ (come) down the stairs when the lights went out. She almost (5) __________ (fall) over.

Jessica: Tom and I (6) __________ (play) table tennis at the time.

Peter: I (7) ________ (work) at my computer. When it (8) __________ (happen), I (9) ___________ (stop) work and (10) ____________ (go) to bed.


Exercise 8. I’ve been or I was.

Complete the letter. Put in the present perfect or past simple of the given verbs.


I was (be) angry and sad to hear that someone plans to knock down the White Horse Inn in Brickfield. This pub has been (be) the centre of village life for centuries. It (1) _________(stand) at our crossroads for about 500 years. It (2) ___________(be) famous in the old days, and Shakespeare once (3) ___________ (stay) there, they say. I (4) ___________ (live) in Brickfield all my life, and I know all about it. We (5) ___________ (know) for some time of the danger to our pub. There (6) _________ (be) some talk a year or two ago about knocking it down. But all the villagers are against the plan. We will stop it, you’ll see.


Exercise 9. Past continuous or simple. Find the second part of each sentence. Put each verb in brackets into the past continuous or past simple.


* I (dream)

* When Mary (see) the question,

1. The train (wait)

2. Ella (have) a puncture

3. When I (try) the pudding,

4. When Karen (lift) the chair,

5. When the gates (open),

6. I (read) a library book

she (feel) a sudden pain in her back.

when she (drive) on the motorway.

when I (find) a $10 note between two pages.

the crowd (walk) in.

* she (know) the answer.

* when the alarm clock (ring).

I (like) it.

when we (arrive) at the station.


Example: I was dreaming when the alarm clock rang.

When Mary saw the question, she knew the answer.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________________________________


Exercise 10. I have done or I did.

Put in the correct verb form.

Example: I have done (have done / did) all the housework. The house is clean.

A young couple bought (have bought /bought) the house. But they didn’t live there long.


1. Our visitors _____________ (have arrived / arrived). They’re sitting in the garden.

2. Susan ___________ (have repaired / repaired) the television, but then it broke down again.

3. I __________ (have lost / lost) my purse. I can’t find it anywhere.

4. The match _____________(has started / started). They’re playing now.

5. Joanne ____________ (has run / ran) away from home. But she came back two days later.

6. James ___________ (has earned / earned) some money last week. But I’m afraid he’s already spent it all.

7. We ____________ (have planted / planted) a tree in the garden. Unfortunately it’s died.

8. Prices ___________ (have gone / went) up. Things are more expensive this week.

9. Someone ____________ (has turned / turned) on the hi-fi. I can hear it.

10. I ___________ (have phoned / phoned) the office at eleven. Helen isn’t there today, they said.

11. I ___________ (have made / made) a cake. Would you like a piece.

12. The runner Amos Temila ___________ (has broken / broke) the world record for the mile in Frankfurt. Then two days later in Helsinki Lee Williams ran the mile in an even faster time.


Exercise 11. Present perfect or Past simple. Put in the verbs.


Craig: Have you heard (you hear) the news about Cathy?

Nicola: No, what (1) _______________ (happen)?

Craig: She (2)_____________ (have) an accident. She was running for a bus when she (3) ____________ (fall) down and (4) ___________ (break) her leg.

Nicola: Oh, how awful! When (5) _______________ (this happen)?

Craig: Yesterday afternoon. Sarah (6) ____________ (tell) me about it last night.

Nicola: Last night! You (7) _____________ (know) last night, and you (8) ___________ (not tell) me!

Craig: Well, I (9) ______________ (not see) you last night. And I (10) _____________ (not see) you today, until now.

Nicola: I hope she’s all right. She (11) __________ (have) lots of accidents, you know. She (12) __________ (do) the same thing about two years ago.


Exercise 12. had done, had been doing or was doing?

Put in the correct form of the verbs.

Example: Steve could hear shouts from the flat next door. His neighbors were arguing (argue).


1. Lucy went into the living-room. It was empty but the television was still warm. Someone ___________ (watch) it.

2. I ___________ (play) tennis, so I had a shower. I was annoyed because I ___________ (not win) a single game.

3. The walkers finally arrived at their destination. They _____________ (walk) all day, and they needed a rest. They _____________ (walk) thirty miles.

4. When I saw Ben last week he said he ____________ (stop) smoking. But when I saw him two days later, he ____________ (smoke) a cigarette. He took the cigarette from his mouth and looked rather ashamed.

5. Harry found a note from Graham in Celia’s coat. That’s how Harry found out they ____________ (have) an affair. In fact they ___________ (see) each other for months. Graham’s wife ____________ (know) about it all the time.


Exercise 13. Present and past.

Complete the conversations. Put in a pronoun and the correct form of the verb. Use the past continuous (was doing), the past simple (did), or the present perfect continuous (have been doing).

Example: I rang at once, but you weren’t in your office. — No, I was having (have) lunch.


1. You look tired. — Well, ___________ (work) all day.

2. Is Helen still here? — No, ____________(leave) about half an hour ago.

3. I haven’t finished this letter yet. — It must be a long letter. _________ (write) it since lunch time.

4. Someone’s living in that house now. — Yes, a young couple. __________ (move) in last month.

5. Did Kirsty drive you home? Yes, __________ (stop) and gave me a lift while ___________ (wait) for a bus outside the cinema.


Exercise 14. Choose Past Simple/Continuous or Present Perfect Simple/Continuous.


1. How the government __________ (fight) inflation without lowering the standard of living in the mid-fifties?

2. There __________ (not – be) a famine here for centuries.

3. Jill __________ (begin) to open out, when she started work at the factory.

4. Lunch is not quite ready yet, although she __________ (cook) all morning.

5. He __________ (tie up) all his money in stocks and shares, so he has nothing in the bank to pay his debts with now.

6. The police __________ (recapture) the prisoners who __________ (escape) yesterday.

7. The European court __________ (already – indicate) its view that wine and beer are indeed competitive products.

8. Mankind __________ (know) these facts since the Middle Ages.

9. After so many disappointments I __________ (stop) asking people for help.

10. Many countries __________ (suffer) from a depression during the pre-war years.

11. This practice __________ (exist) since the fifteenth century.

12. I __________ (only – know) about that event for a few days.

13. While the car __________ (approach) the village, the driver __________ (slow down).

14. They (try) to improve the situation for a great many years, but until now without success.

15. The governing coalition, which __________ (have) no clear majority in parliament lately, __________ (announce) some modest spending cuts last month.

16. I wonder why he __________ (walk out) on his job as well as on his wife.

17. Sales __________ (fall) alarmingly of late. There is too much competition.


Exercise 15. Choose Past (Simple/Continuous) or Present/Past Perfect (Simple/Continuous).

1. You __________ (finish) already? — No, not yet, in spite of the fact that I __________ (be) at it for hours now.

2. It was not until a short time ago that people __________ (begin) to realize what impact the revolution __________ (have) on their ancestors.

3. Friends who __________ (talk) with him in the past few weeks, say he has changed.

4. We __________ (look) for opportunities everywhere in the past few months.

5. Nobody __________ (come) to see us since we bought these bloodhounds.

6. While the American car industry’s output __________ (slide) into the recessions of the 1970s the plant’s sales __________ (fall) abruptly.

7. After he __________ (sit) on several examination boards, he __________ (decide) to resign.

8. After many discussions we __________ (come) to a decision.

9. From the early 1980s onwards we __________ (witness) a steady decline in industrial activity.

10. In the course of the cold war period the administration __________ (arrest) people suspected of communist sympathies all over the USA.

11. We arrived just after the party __________ (begin) to warm up.

12. We __________ (do) business with them for a great many years, when suddenly without a plausible reason they turned to our competitors.

13. You __________ (neglect) some of your customers for several months now, so that you need not be surprised if you lose them at all in the end.

14. After the police __________ (find) the murder weapon, the facts of the case suddenly began to add up.

15. I’m sorry, I __________ (forget) where she lives.



Exercise 16. Choose the Correct Tense (Present/Past).


1. Our next-door neighbor __________ (just - move in).

2. We __________ (never - pass) on our concern about this issue to the people at the top until now.

3. He discovered that the committee __________ (exclude) him from the examination.

4. Now that we __________ (start) this project, we will have to see it through.

5. I wonder what you __________ (do) in the past few years. I __________ (not - see) you much of late.

6. It is sometimes said that the caveman __________ (start) along the path of civilization after he __________ (utilize) the energy for heat.

7. He __________ (study) the case for a long time, before it dawned on him that he __________ (look) in the wrong direction.

8. My associate __________ (have) an attack of bronchitis a month or so ago, but he __________ (get on) fairly well now.

9. Encouraged by higher prices Chinese farmers __________ (double) their incomes in the past five years.

10. She __________ (hang) around here for the last three hours and I don't know why.

11. A company spokesman stated at the hearing that the chairman __________ (lie) in his reply to a question about several financial issues.

12. We __________ (sit) up the greater part of the night, before she __________ (come) back home from a party.

13. Most of the refugees from Uganda __________ (settle) in Britain so far.

14. After he __________ (visit) many auctions all over the country, he __________ (find) the old master.

15. I __________ (try) to throw off this cold for days now.

16. The article used sources that __________ (already - prove) to be unreliable on several previous occasions.

17. It __________ (rain) heavily all morning, before it __________ (suddenly - clear) up.


Exercise 17. Choose Past Simple/Past Continuous.

1. When the aircraft __________ (operate) at 600 m.p.h., a violent gust of wind __________ (blow) it off course.

2. I saw that he __________ (scribble) a few notes in the course of the interview.

3. Last week the youngest member of the family __________ (agree) to give his stake to the others.

4. In the first half of this month the unions __________ (decide) to lay down tools.

5. While the talks __________ (go on), the army __________ (intervene) to end the deadlock.

6. When they __________ (sign) the treaty of Rome, few people __________ (realize) the difficulties that __________ (lie) ahead.

7. During his lifetime he __________ (continually - search) for a breakthrough in biochemistry.

8. In the second.half of last year our sales __________ (slowly - rise), although this __________ (not lead) to a further upswing in that period.

9. The extensive study which __________ (appear) last spring showed how complicated the matter was.

10. While the demonstration __________ (proceed) peacefully, an unexpected incident __________ (occur).



Exercise 18. A woman has been accused of shop-lifting. Complete the following extract from her trial by putting the verbs in the brackets into the correct form. The first one has been done for you.


Prosecution: Mr. Williams, you (1) were (be) the security officer on duty at Malgo Department Store on July 28 th. Please tell the court what (2) ___________ (happen) that afternoon.

Williams: Yes, sir. I (3) __________ (be) particularly interested in the cosmetics department, because the company (4) __________ (lose) a lot of money through shop-lifting earlier in this year. So, I (5) ___________ (watch) the customers on the security screen when I (6) _________ (notice) a woman behaving rather suspiciously.

Prosecution: What exactly (7)___________ she _____________ (do)?

Williams: Well, she (8) __________ (seem) rather nervous and she (9)___________ (keep) looking round as if she (10)____________ (want) to make sure that no one (11)__________ (watch) her.

Prosecution: (12)_________ you ever ________ (see) the woman before that afternoon?

Williams: No, sir. She (13)________ (not be) one of our regular customers.

Prosecution: I see. Please go on.

Williams: Well, then she suddenly (14)__________ (pick) up a bottle of perfume and (15)___________ (put) it in her shopping bag.

Prosecution: And she (16)____________ (not pay) for the perfume, I presume?

Williams: No, sir. And then she (17)__________ (leave) the store.

Prosecution: So what (18)____________ you ____________ (do)?

Williams: I (19)______________(follow) her and (20)__________ (ask) her to return to the manager’s office. When she (21)_________ (empty) her bag, we (22)___________ (find) that she (23)____________ (take) a lipstick and some mascara as well.

Prosecution: And she (24)____________ (not pay) for any of them?

Williams: No, sir.

Prosecution: Mr. Williams, how long (25)____________ you __________ (work) at Malgo Department Store?

Williams: For about three years, sir.

Prosecutor: And (26)____________ you _____________ (catch) many shop-lifters in that time?

Williams: Quite a few, sir. Shop-lifting is a problem in any big store.

Prosecutor: Quite. So you always know when someone is about to take goods without paying?

Williams: Not always, sir. But over the years I (27)__________ (learn) to recognize the signals.

Prosecutor: Thank you, Mr. Williams. That is all.


Exercise 19. be going to or will?

Complete the conversation. Decide which is best for the context, be going to or will.


Anita: What about your plans, Carlo? Are you going to return (you return) home after the exams?

Carlo: I expect I’ll go (go) back home at some time in the future, but first I (1) ____________ (spend) six month in the USA.

Anita: Oh, that (2) __________ (be) interesting.

Carlo: I’ve fixed up a job. I (3) ____________(work) for a chemical company in California. I’m looking forward to it. I’m sure it (4) ___________ (be) good experience.

Anita: I don’t know what I (5) _________(do). At the moment I’m trying to revise for the exams. But I don’t know enough. I (6) ___________(fail).

Carlo: I’m sure you (7) ____________ (not fail).


Exercise 20. be going to or will?

Complete the news report. Decide which is best for the context, be going to or will. Sometimes either is possible.


We have learnt this week that Brimley Town Council has plans for Westside Park. The Council is going to sell (sell) the land to a builder, A. Forbes and Son. ‘The plans are all ready. We (1) __________ (build) fifty houses,’ said Mr Forbes. ‘In two years everything (2) ___________ (be) finished. I’m sure people (3)___________ (like) the houses. Some of them (4)___________ (be) for young families.’ But people living near the park are angry. ‘This is a terrible idea. We’re against it. We (5)___________ (have) a protest march on Saturday,’ said Mrs Alice Marsh. ‘I expect everyone in Brimley (6)___________ (be) there. We want to make our intentions clear. We (7)____________ (stop) this plan.’


Exercise 21. The Future.

Choose the correct verb form from the phrases in brackets.


1. How’s your flat? — Well, the rent is very expensive. __________ (I’ll move / I’m going to move) to a new place. I decided last week.

2. I can cycle home. — Have you got lights? ___________ (It’ll be / It’ll have been) dark, don’t forget.

3. I’d like a photo of Adrian and me. — Well, __________ (I’ll take / I’ll going to take) one with your camera then.

4. Have you booked a holiday? — Yes, __________ (we go / we’re going) to Spain.

5. Look at the car! _____________ (It’ll crash / It’s going to crash!).

6. Can I borrow your bike on Monday, please? — Oh, I’m afraid __________ (I’ll be using / I’ll have used) it. I always cycle to work.


Exercise 22. What do these people say? Pay special attention to the underlined words.

Example: Maria is predicting a win for Italy in their next match.

Maria: Italy will win their next match.

1. Bob intends to get up early tomorrow.

Bob: I _____________________________________________________________________

2. Steve’s train timetable says ‘Arrival 10.30’.

Steve: The train _____________________________________________________________

3. Louise has arranged to see her bank manager tomorrow.

Louise: ____________________________________________________________________

4. Dan will leave in the very near future.

Dan: ______________________________________________________________________

5. Sarah’s next visit to her aunt is on Sunday, the day she usually visits her.

Sarah: _____________________________________________________________________


Exercise 23. Complete the conversation. Look at the context and choose the best form of the verb in brackets to express the future. Sometimes more than one answer is correct.


A: Hello. Where are you going?

B: To my evening class. I’m learning Swedish. And I (1)__________ (speak) it for real this time next week. I (2)__________ (go) to Sweden for three weeks. I (3)__________ (leave) on Friday evening. I (4)___________ (visit) friends there.

A: Oh, that (5)_____________ (be) nice.

B: Oh, it’s nearly half past. My lesson (6)____________ (start) in a minute.

A: Well, have a good time. I (7)___________ (see) you next month.

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