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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы




194. Международная жизнь.

195. Акахата.

196. Асахи дзянару.

197. Асахи симбун.

198. Бунгэй сюндзю.

199. Бунка хёрон.

200. Дэию минею.

201. Дзию симпо.

202. Иомиури симбун.

203. Киото симбун.

204. Майнити симбун.

205. Ринкёсин даёри.

206. Санди майнити.

207. Сэйрон.

208. Сэкай бунка.

209. Сюкан Асахи.

210. Тайсё нити-нити симбун.

211. Тисэй.

212. Тюо корон.

213. Юйбуцурон.

214. Asahi Evening News.

214a. The Daily Yomiuri

215. The Japan Chronicle.

216.The Japan Times.

217. Mainichi Daily News.

217a. The New York Times.

218. Voice.




T. Sila-Novitskaya. The Cult of Emperor in Japan: Myths, History, Doctrines, Politics. In her comprehensive study this author deals with a range of phenomena relating to the cult of emperor tracing its evolution from the 7th century up to the present.

The Introduction outlines the problems under study, ex­plains the historical context and defines basic concepts of the work.

Chapter One considers the evolution of the emperor's cult, and reviews major teachings concerning the emperor's rule in pre-bourgeois Japan, prior to the "restoration of Meiji" in 1867. The idea of tenno (the emperor's title) as an embodiment of mystical force of cosmic dimension crucial for the life of the entire society, is firmly established in the minds of the Japanese. The emperor is at the same time the supreme Shinto priest — a function which has been invariable for centuries and which has now become his main office. This ins­titution has gradually been turning into a sacred symbol of the state, the pivotal idea of national self-consciousness.

Chapter Two analyzes the mechanism of nationalist brain­washing to which the population was subjected in the period of the imperial rule, from the 1868 bourgeois revolution to the defeat of Japan in World War II. For the first time ever the author examines such documents as The Cardinal Principles of Kokutai and The Way of a Subject, which constitute a quintes­sence of state nationalism. The chapter studies the religious base of emperor's prestige and reveals the aspects of social psychology of the tenno cult. Four stages in the evolution of the ideology of emperor's cult in the period 1868-1945 are noted. Sila-Novitskaya studies the doctrines of the advocates of the cult and basic documents of that epoch. It is noted that moral and ethic norms of obedience to one's elders and devotion to one's seniors based on religious worship of the emperor and supported by mythological Shinto consciousness were cultivated for centuries in order to unite the nation and to develop in the Japanese a sense of belonging to the national community and loyalty to the state. A political religion was created to serve the emperor's cult proclaiming him a "living god".

Chapter Three describes the revival of the tenno ideology in the contemporary Japan. Ideas and rituals encouraging respect and love for the emperor are still cultivated (in the 1980s this policy was even intensified), although the institu­tion of the emperor's power has ceized to be a basic element of political structure. There have been three stages in the post-war policy to revive the tenno cult. Each stage differs in its intensity and methods from the others. There is evidence that today the imperial system is in transition.

As noted in the Conclusion, the role and content of the tenno cult are increasingly determined by the post-war para­meters of nationalism, i.e. by the concept of the "uniqueness" of the Japanese culture in broad terms and the idea of "cul­tural community of the Japanese". These two postulates have become basic to the official nationalist doctrine. If before the war the cult of the emperor relied on the sacralization of the state power, now, in accordance with the new concept of "symbolic" tenno cult, it is the community of culture that is proclaimed the main factor consolidating the nation in which religion plays a secondary role as a kind of secu­larized tradition.


Научное издание

СИЛА-НОВИЦКАЯ Татьяна Георгиевна

КУЛЬТ ИМПЕРАТОРА В ЯПОНИИ: история, доктрины, политика

Редактор М.А.Унке

Младший редактор Н.Н.Сенина

Художник Б.Л.Резников

Художественный редактор Э.Л.Эрман

Технический редактор В.П.Стукоенина

Корректор П. С.Шин

ИБ № 16461

Сдано в набор 24.11.89. Подписано к печати 07.08.90

Формат 84x108,4г. Бумага офсетная V 1. Печать офсетная

Усл. п.л. 10,92 -1-0,84 вкладка на мелованной бумаге

Усл. кр.-отт. 12,39. Уч.-изд.л. 12,08. Тираж 5000 экз.

Изд. № 6862. Зак. № 761. Цена 1 р. 60 к.

Ордена Трудового Красного Знамени издательство "Наука"

Главная редакция восточной литературы 103051, Москва К-51, Цветной бульвар, 21

3-я типография издательства "Наука" 107143, Москва Б-143, Открытое шоссе, 28

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