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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


The main problems and methods of phonological analysis.

The phoneme as a linguistic unit.

1. Comment the definition of the phoneme:

a) the smallest language unit; (Borisova, Metlyuk p. 29; Vassilyev 5.06, 5.07, p. 134-136; Зиндер с. 36-41);

b) existing in the form of speech sounds;

(Borisova p.29; Vassilyev 5.17-5.19. p. 140-145);

c) capable of distinguishing meaningful units

(Borisova p. 28; Vassilyev 5.25. p. 147)


2. Speak of the function of the phoneme. Prove that

a) the distinctive function is decisive for the phonemic status of the speech sound;

(Borisova p. 30; Vassilyev 5.01, 5.02. p. 134-135);

b) the constitutive identificatory functions (recognitive) reflect the interrelationship between speaking and listening in the process of communication

(Borisova p.30; Vassilyev 5.33 – 5.35 p.151 – 153)


3. Speak of the realization of the phoneme in speech. Show that

a) the phoneme (as an invariant) is realized in its allophones (variants)

(Borisova p. 28 – 29; Vassilyev 5.07 – 5.16. p.136 – 140; Зиндер с. 44 – 55);

b) allophones have articulatory, acoustic and perceptible distinctions, which are functionally irrelevant

(Borisova p.28 – 29; Vassilyev 5.18. p.141 – 145).


The main problems and methods of phonological analysis.

1. Speak of the identification of the phonemic inventory of a language as the main task of phonological analysis.

(Borisova p.34; Vassilyev 5.01 – 5.05. p. 134 – 135; Зиндер с.74 – 79)

2. Point out the difference between the distributional and the semantic methods of identifying the phonemes of a language. Speak of the notions of phonological opposition, complementary distribution, free variation, identical position.

(Borisova p. 34 – 37; Vassilyev 5.60 – 5.66. p. 163 – 167)

3. Discuss the problem of phonologically relevant (distinctive) and irrelevant (non-distinctive) features of speech sounds. Compare their role in oral communication (sense-distinction, identification, naturalness/unnaturalness)

(Borisova p.37 – 38; Vassilyev 5.26 – 5.32. p. 148 – 152)

4. Speak of the phonologically relevant features of English vowel and consonant phonemes and the principles of their classification.

(Borisova p. 17 – 23, 38 – 40; Vassilyev 6.01 – 7.05. p. 182 – 213)


3. Phonetic transcription. Speak of the types of transcription (phonetic, phonemic) and degree of generalization in each of the types.

(Borisova p.42 – 44; Vassilyev 5.21 – 5.24. p. 145 – 146)


Material for study:

1. L. Borisova, A. Metlyuk. Theoretical Phonetics. (Ch.3. P.28-44).

2. V. Vassilyev. English Phonetics. Theoretical Course. (P. 134-137, 140-147, 158-161, 188-191, 196-206).


Дополнительная литература:

1. Л. Зиндер. Общая фонетика. М., 1979. (гл.1 с.36-79)

2. Т.В. Поплавская. Сегментная фонетика и просодия устной речи. Мн., 1993. (С. 6-11, 47-66)


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 | The origin of phonetics. Subject of phonetics. Segmental and suprasegmental phonetics. Methods of phonetic investigation.

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