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9 Another announcement soon follows, and the passengers are shown by the flight attendants how to sit in the brace position - with their head resting on their crossed arms placed on the seat in front of them.



aisle [ail] aisle 1) проход; проход между рядами кресел (в пассажирской кабине)

announcement [E7naunsmEnt] объявление, сообщение; извещение, уведомление to issue / make an announcement сделать объявление

assemble [E7sembl] собирать, созывать

assign [E7sain] назначать, определять, устанавливать

brief [bri:f] 1) короткий, недолгий, краткий, сжатый; лаконичный 2) сводка, резюме news brief — сводка новостей

declare [di'klBE] заявлять, объявлять

fold [fEuld]сгибать, складывать, сворачивать

heel [hi:1] каблук

impact ['impXkt] удар, толчок; сотрясение; импульс

inflate [in'fleit] надувать, наполнять газом, воздухом; накачивать

injury ['ind3Eri] 1) вред, повреждение, порча, убыток, ущерб 2) рана, ушиб

locker [7lOkE] контейнер для хранения багажа

overhead [7EuvEhed] верхний

purser [7pE:sE] старший бортпроводник

senior ['si:njE] вышестоящий, старший (по положению, званию) amount [E7maunt] величина, количество

stow [stEu] укладывать, складывать

summon [7sVmEn] вызвать, позвать 2) требовать исполнения (чего-л.)

tray [trei] поднос

upright [7Vprait] вертикальный, прямой, отвесный; вертикально, прямо



1. Who does the captain summon to the cockpit?

2. What does the captain ask?

3. What does the purser brief about?

4. What does the purser make?

5. What does the purser advise passengers?

6. Who and how do the cabin crew assist if the captain is planning to ditch the aircraft?


² T 6.6

F: Good evening Madam, will you be having dinner tonight?

W: Please

F: And you sir?

M: Yes please!

F: May I offer you an entree Madam? We have Chicken Yakatori, Prawn Satay or a Barbecue Duck salad?

W: Um, I'll have the chicken thanks.

F: And how about you sir? An entree perhaps?

M: Yes, could you tell me if the satay is spicy?

F: The satay? Yes it comes with a chili and peanut sauce. If you don't like hot food sir I'd suggest something else.

M: Ok, I'll have the duck please. Does it come with a sauce?

F: Yes it comes with a very nice ginger and orange dressing, um, it is actually quite a sweet sauce.

M: Sounds great, thank you.

F: And would you both like a soup or salad with your appetizers?

M: Yes please! I'd like the lobster soup.

F: Certainly, if you'll excuse me.... There you go.

W: Um, what salads do you have?

F: We have two kinds of mixed salads. One is served plain with a vinaigrette or blue cheese dressing and one is tossed with squid pieces marinated in lime juice.

W: Could I please have the plain salad but could you put the dressing on the side?

F: Of course, here we are.

W: Thank you.

F: And something to drink?

W: May I have er, just a glass of water.

F: Certainly Madam would you prefer clear or mineral water?

W: Mineral water will be fine thank you.

F: Sir, a drink for you?

M: I'll have glass of wine please. Can you tell me what reds you have?

F: We have a Shiraz or Merlot, both Australian wines and from South Australia I believe.

M: I'd like a Merlot please.

F: Sure, if you could just pass me your glass...

M: Thank you that was very good. Lovely!

F: I'm glad. Madam, are you ready for your main course?

W: Yes, I'll have the salmon please, oh and could I have a bread roll with that?

F: Certainly, white or whole meal?

W: Ah, white please and may I have some extra butter as well?

F: Of course, would you like wine with your meal?

W: No thanks I'll stick with the water.

F: Sir?

M: I'd like the beef please. Do you know how it's cooked?

F: Well sir for the month of August we have been promoting our menu with a chef on board, so you can have your steak cooked the way you'd like it!

M: That's fantastic, I'd like it medium rare please; and could I possibly have another knife, I can't seem to find mine, I think I must have dropped it somewhere - sorry!

F: Not a problem, just a minute, there you are!

F:...We are serving dessert now if you'd care to have a look. We offer a selection of pastries, Black Forest cake...let me see… oh yes, fresh strawberries and cream, or, if you prefer something hot, traditional bread and butter pudding.

W: No dessert for me thanks. I'm a little full but could I possibly have some fruit?

F: Certainly just a small platter for you Madam?

W: Yes thanks.

M: I think I'll have the black forest cake, it looks delicious.

F: Okay. And some tea or coffee for you madam?

W: Ah, tea please, black, no sugar.

F: Excuse me (pours).

F: Sir?

M: Coffee please, do you have decaffeinated?

F: Yes we do would you like some?

M: Ah yes, wonderful! White with two sugars would be great. And those chocolates look nice, we might take some for later.

F: Enjoy your desserts.



appetizer ['XpitaizE]or appetiser 1) закуска (кушанье, подаваемое перед горячими блюдами) Syn: starter 2) аперитив (слабый алкогольный напиток, возбуждающий аппетит)

chili ['tSili] приправленный красным, "чилийским" стручковым перцем

decaffeinate [di:7kXfineit] декофеинировать, удалять кофеин

dessert [di'zE:t] десерт, сладкое (блюдо)

dressing [7dresiN] приправа

entree ['Ontrei] брит, блюдо, подаваемое перед основным блюдом; закуска, первое блюдо, антре амер. главное блюдо

ginger [7d3ind3E] имбирь, корень имбиря (пряность)

lime [laim] лайм настоящий (разновидность лимона) 2) плоды лайма, маленькие зелёные лимончики 3) сок или напиток из плодов лайма

marinate ['mXrineit] мариновать

medium [7mi:diEm] средней готовности

pastry [7peistri] выпечка, мучные кондитерские изделия

peanut ['pi:nVt] арахис, земляной орех

plain [plein] простой

platter [plXtE]холодные закуски, обычно нарезанные ломтики мясной гастрономии (cold cuts) с зеленым салатом, набор сыров или фруктов, подаваемые на большой тарелке

prawn [prO:n] креветка

rare [rBE]сырой

roll [rEul] бублик

salmon ['sXmEn] лосось; сёмга - dog salmon, лососина

sauce [sO:s] соус; подливка

spicy ['spaisi] острый, пикантный, пряный (о пище) spicy sauce — острый соус

squid [skwid] кальмар

toss [tOs] подбрасывание

vinaigrette [,vini'greit или,vinei'gret] 1) vinaigrette sauce приправа из уксуса и оливкового масла, часто с зеленью 2) флакон с нюхательной солью


1. What would the lady like for dinner tonight?

2. What is the gentleman going to order?

3. What kinds of salads do they have?

4. What main course did the lady order?

5. What kind of dessert did the waiter offer?

6. Was it tasty?




² T 7.1


How many people are alive in the world today? This is a question that not many people can answer, probably because they haven’t thought very much about it, or perhaps because they don’t think that it’s important.

But it is important, because the world’s population is growing so rapidly. In fact, over the past 50 years, we’ve had a population explosion. Overpopulation is a real problem now, and it’s going to get worse in the future. There are simply too many people on our planet. And in the time you’ve been listening to me talking, another 90 babies have been born.

Let’s look at some number. In 2004, more than half the world’s people lived in Asia, which had a total population of 3.7 billion. In China alone there were more than 1.3 billion people. Next was the African region, with 906 million people. In Europe the population reached 729 million in 2004, while in Latina America, and the Caribbean it was 546 million. More than 327 million people were living in North America, and almost 260 million in Middle East. The least populated region of the world was Oceania, with only 32 million people. This all adds up to a massive 6.4 billion people in the world.



add [Xd] прибавлять, присоединять, добавлять

massive [7mXsiv] 1) a) тяжелый, массивный, увесистый, b) большой, крупный, нескладный, громоздкий (о частях тела, чертах лица) 2) крупный, массивный, статичный



1. What’s happened to the world’s population in the past 50 years?

2. Where did more than half the world’s population live in 2004?

3. What was the population in Europe in 2004?

4. Where was the least population region of the world?


² T 7.2


What happens when there are too many people? Well, there are two enormous problems. The first is that there are not enough resources for everyone. In other words, there may not be enough water or food for everyone, or enough schools and hospitals. The results are poverty, unemployment, illness and disease. Already many people in the world don’t get enough food to eat. This can cause malnutrition and sometimes even starvation and death. And when many people in a society are poor and only a few are rich, or when some nations are poor and other rich, then you can expect to see a lot of social problems.

The second problem is that overpopulation puts a terrible strain on the environment. People need land to live on. They cut down trees to build their houses. Forests disappear; plant and animal species die out. Cities spread out over land that should be used for farming, so that we have even less land for growing food. And over time, our world becomes increasingly polluted with the waste products of our cities and our factories.

Now, although people have been talking about the population explosion for a long time, the problem is getting worse, not better. The earth’s population is growing at the rate of one billion people every 14 years. So you can see, we have a serious problem on our hands.



disease [di7zi:z] болезнь

enormous [i7nO:mEs] громадный, гигантский, обширный огромный, чудовищный

malnutrition [6mXlnju:7triS(E)n] недоедание, недостаточное питание

poverty [7pOvEti] бедность, нищета, нужда, скудость

starvation [sta:7veiS(E)n] голод, голодание, голодная смерть

strain [strein] натяжение, растяжение, напряжение, нагрузка, переутомление

waste [weist] растрата, расточительство, излишняя или ненужная трата

waste products отходы (производства)



1. What is the first problem when there are too many people?

2. What is the second problem?


² T 7.3


Ok. We’ve just looked at the general causes and effects of increasing world population, and we’ve identified some of the possible major problems that are associated with this trend. However, it’s not all bad news. An increasing population also has some very positive consequences, particularly for the aviation industry. To put it in the simplest terms, more people means more business for the world’s airlines. In turn, more business leads to cheaper fares, which results in more business, and so on. In other worlds, this population boom provides airlines and aircraft manufacturers with opportunities to expand and improve air services on a national and international level.

More specifically, there will be more passengers and more flights. This will increase pressure on airspace and airports. One way of reducing this pressure will be to use bigger planes, such as the recently introduced A380, allowing a large increase in passenger numbers for the same number of flights. However, bigger planes require wider and longer runways, so these will also need to be extended at most of the world’s airports. Another effect of increasing air business is the need to standardise and control aviation, in order to maintain safety standards. This is the main reason that there is now a worldwide agreement to make English the language of aviation.



boom [bu:m] бум, быстрый подъем

consequence [7kOnsikwEns] (по)следствие, результат (чего-либо), умозаключение, вывод, заключение

expand [ik7spXnd] растягивать(ся), расширять(ся); увеличиваться в объеме, в размерах, в количестве

fare [fBE] стоимость проезда или провоза багажа, плата за проезд

trend [trend] курс, направление, общее направление, тенденция



1. What are positive consequences of increasing world population?

2. What does this population boom provide airlines and aircraft manufactures with?

3. What is the way to reduce the pressure on airspace and airports?

4. What do bigger planes require?

5. What is the main reason for making English the language of aviation?


² T 7.4


The graph shows the number of daily passenger movements at a busy European airport in 2001.

In January 2001 the total number of aircraft movements stood at 342,000. From January to May 2001 there was a steady increase in that number from 342,000 in January to 476,000 by the middle of May. Between May and June, however, there was slight fall of 22,000 movements, followed by a sharp increase to a peak of 567,000 in July. This was probably due to the large numbers of passengers travelling during the summer holiday period.

From July until early September this figure fell significantly to 455,000 before levelling off for the rest of the month. From October there was a sudden and dramatic drop in the total number of flights to a low of 331,000 by the end of December. At this time the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington caused a great deal of anxiety about airline safety and passengers all around the world were choosing not to fly. The trend continued into 2002 but air traffic gradually increased throughout the year as the industry recovered.



anxiety [XNg7zaiEti] беспокойство, тревога, боязнь, страх

gradually [grXdjuEli] исподволь, мало-помалу, понемногу, постепенно

graph [gra:f] график, диаграмма, схема, кривая

recover [ri7kVvE] вновь обретать, возвращать, получать обратно, восстанавливать

significantly [sig7nifikEntli] многозначительно, значительно

steady [7stedi] неизменный, неуклонный. постоянный

throughout [Qru7aut] на всем протяжении, во всех отношениях, совершенно, все время



1. What was an increase in aircraft movements from January to May 2001?

2. When was the peak of those movements?

3. Why was there a dramatic drop from October?


² T7.5


Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen my name is John Patton, I'm from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority and today I hope to provide you with a positive outlook for Australian aviation from a safety perspective. OK, I'll start by outlining some of the key indicators from over the last decade and it's my pleasure to inform you that, in general, the number of accidents across the country has been in decline. So I'll begin by showing you some data on total fixed wing accidents across the whole country for the period 1994 to 2003. OK? As you can see here, over the last three years there has been a marked decline in the number of accidents: from 106 accidents in 2001 down to 93 in 2002 and 74 in 2003. However, way back in 1994 this was a different story. In 1994 the total number of fixed wing accidents stood at 123. This number unfortunately increased significantly to 147 in 1995. You may remember July of that year in Western Australia - there was a series of sudden and violent storms. This number fell by 9 in 1996 but increased again to reach a peak of 149 in 1997. This can probably be attributed to the number of accidents caused by the fuel contamination crisis. After falling to 134 in 1998 and 121 in 1999, there was a gradual decrease in accidents to a total of 109 in 2000. This number remained relatively stable through to 2001 when there were 106 accidents. As I mentioned before, in recent years this number has thankfully fallen quite dramatically and we expect government measures to have an effect soon. Hopefully we will reach our eventual goal, which is of course, zero! So there we are - in general we can conclude that our skies are getting safer.




attribute [7Xtribju:t] объяснять (чем-либо), относить за счет (кого-либо, чего-либо); приписывать (кому-либо, чем-либо; относить к (чем-либо)

conclude [kEn7klu:d] делать вывод, подвести итоги, принимать решение, прийти к соглашению; заключить

contamination [kEn6tXmi7neiS(E)n] загрязнение, заражение, порча, разложение; загрязненность, засоренность

decade [de7keid] декада

decline [di7klain] спад, снижение, уменьшение; спадать, снижаться, убывать, ослабевать; наклон, наклонять, наклоняться, отклонять, отклоняться

eventual [i7ventSuEl] возможный, конечный. окончательный

outline [7autlain] конспект, план, схема, краткое содержание

outlook [7autluk] перспективы, виды на будущее, точка зрения, взгляд, мировоззрение, мироощущение

positive outlook оптимистическое, позитивное восприятие

violent [7vaiElEnt] интенсивный, сильный, резкий; неистовый, яростный



1. What was the number of accidents in 2001 and 2003?

2. When was the significantly increased number of accidents?

3. When was there a gradual decrease in accidents?

4. What is the eventual goal in aviation safety?


² T 7.6


Today most aircraft are very computerised and traditional analogue instruments are being replaced by the so-called 'glass cockpit'. The Airbus A320 was a pioneer aircraft in this regard and really began the trend, so - welcome to the A320 flight deck - the world's first fully computerised passenger aircraft! Computers helped design the A320, computers helped build it and computers control it.

The first thing you'll notice about the A320 cockpit area is the large amount of space. This is largely because the traditional control column or 'joystick' found in earlier airliners has been replaced by the smaller sidestick you can see down there - to the left of the captain's seat and to the right of the first officer's. The sidestick is used to manoeuvre the aircraft by sending electronic signals directly to the control surfaces -the so-called 'fly-by-wire' system. This has taken away the need for much of the complex mechanical and hydraulic connections of earlier airliners. Most pilots seem to enjoy using it although some are unhappy because they believe that the 'feel' of the older control columns has been lost. These pilots prefer the old joystick because of the realistic vibrations transferred through-the aircraft from the air passing over the control surfaces - they feel more 'connected' to the older planes. To the front of the pilots you can also see that the instrumentation has been dramatically simplified. The six large screens you can see are the main parts of what is known as the 'glass cockpit' or, to give it its proper title, the EFIS or Electronic Flight Instrumentation System. The glass cockpit has not only changed the way the aircraft is flown but it has also reduced the weight of the aircraft enormously. This has allowed greater payloads to be carried and also reduced the operating costs for airlines considerably.



analogue [7XnElOg] аналог, вариант, разновидность

considerably [kEn7sid(E)rEbli] гораздо, значительно, существенно, намного

enormously [I’nO:mEsli] весьма, очень, чрезвычайно

payload [7peilEud] полезная нагрузка, грузоподъемность

regard [riga:d] рассматривать, касаться, принимать во внимание, внимание, отношение

simplify [7simplifai] упрощать, делать более простым, легким; становиться более простым, легким

wire [waiE] проволока, электрический провод, телеграфный или телефонный провод



1. Which aircraft was a pioneer in the so-called “glass cockpit”?

2. What is special about the A320 cockpit area?

3. What is the sidestrick used for?

4. Why are some pilots unhappy about the so-called “fly-by-wire” system?

5. How had EFIS changed the aircraft?


² T 7.7


Let me show you the various parts of the EFIS. Directly in front of the pilot are two large screens. The one on the left is called the PFD or Primary Flight Display This gives the pilot a very clear visual display of what the aircraft is actually doing in flight. It displays the aircraft's altitude, its speed and current heading as well as its attitude and the vertical speed at which the aircraft is travelling. It presents the pilot with important flight information on one display whereas older analogue design required the pilot to continually scan across many different instruments, making the job more difficult and tiring.

The screen next to the PFD is the navigation display or ND. This screen displays navigation information and visually displays the position and track of the aircraft on a map. It gives the pilot information about wind speed, direction, heading and the time remaining until the aircraft reaches its next destination or waypoint. This screen also provides the location of navaids such as NDBs or VORs and shows weather conditions ahead and nearby that may affect the flight. It's important to note that on the first officer's side the positions of the PFD and the ND are reversed.

Across from the PFD and ND are two screens located on the central panel. The top screen is called the ECAM or Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitor. This provides information about engines and aircraft systems warnings. It also displays data for engine temperatures, fuel levels and engine operating limitations. It can also let the pilot know whether the flaps and the slats are deployed or retracted.

Below the ECAM is the systems display unit (SDU). This screen gives extra systems information, such as oil quantity, engine start information and engine temperature levels. Between the ND and the ECAM are four more traditional analogue instruments used for back up in case of massive computer failure. On the top left is the standby airspeed indicator. Next to it is the standby altimeter. Below these is the standby Artificial Horizon or AH. In the same position on the first officer's side are the landing gear selector and the indicator lights for the nose wheel, main landing gear and others.



affect [E7fekt] 1) (воз)действовать на кого-либо, влиять; 2) задевать, затрагивать интересы; 3) отражаться, сказываться на

back up [7bXk6Vp] выполнять резервное копирование, резервное дублирование (файла, системы, диска), создавать резервную копию данных; засорять, забивать (что-либо)

deploy [di7plOi] использовать, употреблять, развертывать зд. выпускать

reverse [ri7vE:s] давать задний или обратный ход; реверсировать, поворачиваться в противоположном направлении, разворачиваться

tire [7taiE] утомляться, уставать,

tire of терять интерес к (чему-либо)

various [7vBEriEs] различный, разный, разнообразный

whereas [wBE7rXz] тогда как, несмотря на то, что; принимая во внимание, поскольку



1. What does the PFD display?

2. How does PFD make the pilot’s job easier?

3. What does ND display?

4. What are the positions of the PFD and ND on the first officer’s side?

5. What information does ECAM provide?

6. What information does SDU give?

7. Where and what for are there four traditional analogue instruments?


² T 7.8


Not everyone is satisfied that the glass cockpit has made flying easier and safer. While it has made the pilot's job easier in that information is displayed clearly and in simplified format, some have argued that it takes much of the realism away from flying. They say that pilots become too reliant on looking at computer screens and lose much of their overall mental awareness, especially during emergencies and abnormal situations. Computer reliance is therefore seen to be the cause of the loss of basic flying skills. Even though analogue systems do require more active scanning, critics of the glass cockpit say that pilots using older instruments obtain greater mental awareness of the fact they're flying a machine rather than a computer. Others say that the glass cockpit is actually too complex and that valuable time is lost during emergencies, when pilots have to scroll between menus and enter data when they should be focusing on flying the aircraft safely. The question is whether automation is really making the task of flying easier and safer or, in fact, more dangerous? A final criticism of the glass cockpit is that many pilots believe that older instruments were easier to read because they often used dials and needles to show, for example, airspeed, and therefore pilots could very quickly sense changes in the heading, height and speed. In contrast, some pilots believe information displayed on computer screens is much more difficult to respond to.

However, many pilots believe that the glass cockpit has made flying very much safer. They say that three main principles of the EFIS, display, control and resolution, have helped the pilot to be more focused on what the aircraft is doing, and how its systems are functioning and how possible problems are being fixed by the computers. They believe that having information presented clearly and being able to read instruments quickly and accurately, without the need for constant scanning, has greatly reduced their workload. What is clear though is that the trend towards fully computerised instrumentation is growing. The future of glass-cockpits will be very interesting indeed.

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