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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Окраска корпуса судна.

Коррозия и обрастание корпусов морских судов наносит большой ущерб.

Затраты на ремонт корпуса из-за коррозии и на возобновление средств защиты составляют 25-30% всей стоимости ремонта судна.

Объем покрасочных работ в общем объеме работ, выполняемых в доке, достигает 10% и более. Для грунтовки и окраски подводной части и пояса переменных ватерлиний стальных морских судов применяют противообрастающие и антикоррозионные грунтовые покрытия.

Для обеспечения надежной защиты судов от коррозии грунтовать и окрашивать поверхности следует при температуре поверхности 15-35°С и влажности окружающего воздуха не более 70%.

IV. Translate the following orders for repair:


Shipyard Co

Уважаемые господа,

Мы будем благодарны, если Вы организуете в кратчайший возможный для Вас срок ремонт:

1. ……………………………

2. ……………………………

3. ……………………………

Будем благодарны за Ваше сотрудничество.


С уважением …………………..

Ст. мех. т/х …………………….




Уважаемые господа,

Пожалуйста, изготовьте для нас трубы паропроводов для замены ниже перечисленных труб палубных паровых механизмов судна:

1. одна труба паровой лебедки

диаметр 72 мм

длина 200 мм

материал сталь

2. две трубы отработанного пара лебедки

диаметр 110 мм

длина 4200 мм

материал сталь

диаметр 140 мм

длина 2620 мм

материал сталь


С уважением …………………..

Ст. мех. т/х …………………….




Ships need drydocking in a number of cases: sea growth (fouling); damage to the ship’s hull, propeller or rudder (as the result from stranding or collision). There are several methods of drydocking: a marine railway, a floating drydock, a graving dock.

In preparing a dock to receive a vessel the dockmaster first refers to the ship’s docking plan. While being docked, the engineers should examine the stern tube, propeller, injection valves and sea connection. If necessary the ship’s bottom should be cleaned and coated with anticorrosive and antifouling paints.

The length of time a ship remains in dock must be reduced to a minimum both to avoid unnecessary expense and because the dock will be urgently needed for other ships.

If there is breakage of machinery the ship needs repairing. Minor and small repairs are usually effected on board the ship by the engine-room staff under the supervision of the chief or the second engineers. But if the machinery needs big repair the ship is placed in a shipyard. If additional repair items are required in the ship repair yard, they will be sub­mitted to the company repair inspector who will refer them to the appropriate fleet manager's office for approval and inclusion in the additional list of repair work to be performed. The representatives of some local repair shop or shipyard are invited on board the ship and the chief engineer must explain to them all the particulars of the work to be done.

On entering the repair yard, the master, chief officer, and chief engineer meet with yard representatives regarding the repair work to be accomplished. They discuss all the items of the repair list.

From time to time, a conference is held aboard ship, at which the progress of repairs is determined, actions coordinated and any matters considered which may relate to the prompt and satisfactory completion of the repair work.

Ship's engineers, and repair teams and technicians of the yard fully cooperate so as the repairs may be completed quickly, economically and to the satisfaction of the parties.

In the event a ship's engineer considers any item of repair unsatisfactory, or equipment is being closed up in a defective condition, the matter should be discussed by the chief engineer and a responsible representative of the yard.

At the end of the scheduled repair period all items of repair are jointly inspected and tested. A statement attesting to the satisfactory completion of each repair item is signed. If any item has not been satisfactorily completed, full particulars are to be noted and the entry signed by the master.

On completion of work and trial the chief engineer approves of the work done by the shop, signs the respective bills and the agent pays the money to the repair shop on behalf of the ship.



I. Answer the following questions:

1. Which officers inspect the underwater body of the vessel placed in drydock?

2. What is the purpose of such a thorough inspection?

3. What sort of measurement in the stern tube is taken by the chief engineer?

4. What does the text say about additional lists of repair?

5. Whom are the repair items discussed by when the ship is in the repair yard?

6. What matters are considered at the conference held aboard ship from time to time?

7. What are the relations between the ship’s engineers and ship-repair yard personnel?

8. Who takes a decision on unsatisfactory repair items?

9. What is the purpose of testing all items of repair?

10. Is any document drawn up at the end of the repair period?

11. Whom is to be signed by?


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