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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Prepositions of Nouns

В английском языке существует много предлогов, выражающих пространственные отношения между предметами.

1. To указывает на движение одного предмета к другому. На русский язык переводится как к, на, в, до, иногда не переводится вообще.

Go to the door. – Идите к двери.

I sent a letter to him. – Япослал ему письмо.

2. Into указывает на движение внутрь (комнаты, дома). На русский язык может переводиться как в, но может и не переводиться совсем:

Please, go into the room. – Пожалуйста, зайдите в комнату.

She wants to go into business. – Она хочет заняться предпринимательской деятельностью.

3. From указывает на движение предмета от чего-либо. Часто переводится как от, из, у:

Take your books from John. – Возьмите книги у Джона.

I am from Chicago. – Я из Чикаго.

They started from New York. – Они выехали из Нью-Йорка.

4. Out of указывает на движение предмета изнутри (комнаты, дома):

Go out of the room. – Выйдите из комнаты.

5. By указывает на движение мимо чего-либо/ кого-либо. By переводится на русский язык как мимо, а иногда не переводится:

Go by him. – Идите мимонего.

Time went by. - Время прошло.

6. Across указывает на движение через, поперёк (дороги). Часто переводится как через, по ту сторону, на той стороне, иногда не переводится вообще:

You should go across the road. – Вам нужно перейти (через) дорогу.

7. Along указывает на движение вдоль чего-либо. Along может переводиться как вдоль, по:

She is walking along the street. – Она идёт вдоль улицы.

8. Down указывает на движение вниз:

He is going down the hill. – Он спускается с холма.

9. Up указывает на движение вверх:

The steamer is sailing up the river. – Пароход идёт вверх по реке.

10. Around (round) указывает на движение вокруг чего-либо:

I like traveling around the world. – Мне нравится путешествовать вокруг света.

11. Through указывает на движение сквозь, через:

Go through the forest. – Идите через лес.

12. Towards указывает на движение по направлению к чему-либо:

They are walking towards the city. – Они идут по направлению к городу.


Exercise 1.


Insert the prepositions from, to, into, towards, out of or under where necessary:


1. Mum comes __________the market.
2. I'll give it _____ you on Sunday.

3. He drove past me without stopping and drove off ______ the centre of town.

4. He jumped over the wall and ______ the garden.

5. It is four o'clock. The children are coming _________ the classroom.

6. She comes________Poland. She is a Polish girl.
7. Keep going. After about 300 metres, you go _______ a railway bridge.
8. Go ________ of the building and turn left.
9. John fell ________a tree and broke his arm.

10 Our next trip will be to the United States.

Exercise 2.

Choose the correct answer.

1.He made his escape by jumping ______ a window and jumping ______ a waiting car.

a) over / into b) between / into c) out of / between d) out of / into e) up to / out of

2.To get to the Marketing department, you have to go ______ those stairs and then ______ the corridor to the end.

a) over / into b) between / into c) out of / between d) out of / into e) up / along

3.I couldn't get in ______ the door so I had to climb ______ a window.

a) through / in b) between / into c) out of / between d) out of / into e) up / along

4.She took the key ______ her pocket and put it ________ the lock.

a) over / into b) between / into c) out of / in d) by / on e) up to / out of

5.I took the old card ______ the computer and put ______ the new one.

a) through / in b) out of / in c) out of / between d) out of / into e) up / along

6.He was driving ______ 180 miles per hour when he crashed ______ the central barrier.

a) at / into b) out of / in c) under / around d) in / next to e) at / in

7. She ran ______ the corridor and ______ the stairs to the second floor.

a) from / into b) towards / over c) along / up d) by / on e) in / next to

8.When the bull ran ______ me, I jumped ______ the fence.

a) from / into b) towards / over c) beside / next to d) by / on e) in / next to

9.He took the book ______ the shelf and put it ______ his bag.

a) from / into b) at / into c) beside / next to d) by / on e) in / next to

10.To get ______ the Marketing department, you have to go up those stairs and then ______ the corridor to the end.

a) over / into b) between / into c) out of / between d) out of / into e) to / along



Exercise 3.

Choose the right variant.

1. The shop is just _________ the street (across, through, along).
2. The wind blew _________the trees (along, from, through).
3. I like to walk _________ the beach at night(across, through, along).
4. I like walking __________beautiful cities (in, through, across).
5. He prefers walking ___________deserted beaches (across, through, along).
6. The boy is swimming ______________ the river (across, from, along).
7. Two cats are running ______________ the wall (along, from, through).
8. Keep going ___________ Church St. for another 100 metres. (at, along, through)
9. Go ___________ the park until you come to Church St. on the other side, where you turn left.
(over, under, through)

10. Go ___________ the bridge and on the other side you will see a park. (in, through, across)


Exercise 4.

Select the correct answer from the menu to, into, through, around

1. In April I'm going to Paris.

2. It is nine o'clock. The children are going __________ the classroom.

3. Without a visa you can't get _______the country.
4. Can you put your arm ___________the window and open the door?

5. It's a long way _________Europe to China.

6. The teacher came _________ class ten minutes late today.

7. While they were hiking _______ the forest, Laurelle and Frank saw a mountain lion.

8. The train passed ______________ nine tunnels on the way to Denver.

9. When the kids saw the snake in the grass, they started running ________ screaming hysterically.

10. We jumped ___________ the water.



Неопределённые местоимения Indefinite Pronouns Указывают на различную степень неопределённости предмета или его признака. Бывают простыми и сложными Some, any, somebody, anybody, someone, anyone, something, anything, little, few, a lot of, all, every, both, either, neither

Неопределённые местоимения

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