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Types of monopolies

Sometimes the nature of a product or service dictates that society would be served best by a monopoly. A natural monopoly – a market situation where the costs of production are minimized by having a single firm produce the product – is one such case.

Natural monopolies often can provide services more cheaply than several competing firms could. For example, two or more competing telephone companies serving the same area would be inefficient if each company needed its own telephone poles and lines. Public utility companies fall into this category because it would be wasteful to duplicate the network of pipes and wires that distribute water, gas, and electricity throughout a city. To avoid these problems, the government often gives a public utility company a franchise – the exclusive right to do business in a certain area without competition. By accepting such franchises, the companies also accept a certain amount of government regulation.

The justification for the natural monopoly is that a larger firm can often use its personnel, equipment, and plant more efficiently. This results in economies of scale, a situation in which the average cost of production falls as the firm gets larger. When this happens, it makes sense for the firm to be as large as is necessary to lower its production costs.

Sometimes a monopoly exists because of a specific location. A drugstore operating in a town too small to support two or more such businesses becomes a geographical monopoly. This a monopoly based on the absence of other sellers in a certain geographic area. Similarly, the owner of the only gas station on a lonely highway also has a type of geographic monopoly.

A technological monopoly is a monopoly that is based on ownership or control of a manufacturing method, process, or other scientific advance. The government may grant a patent – an exclusive right to manufacture, use, or sell any new and useful invention for a specific period – to the inventor. Inventions are covered for 20 years; however, a product’s design can be patented for shorter periods, after which it becomes public property available for the benefit of all. Art and literary works are protected through a copyright – the exclusive right of authors or artists to publish, sell, reproduce their work for their lifetime plus 50 years.

Still another kind of monopoly is the government monopoly – a monopoly owned and operated by the government. Government monopolies are found at two levels of government – national and local. In most cases they involve products or services that private industry cannot adequately supply.

Many towns and cities have monopolies that oversee water use. Some states in the USA control alcoholic beverages by requiring that they be sold only through state stores. The government controls the processing of weapons-grade uranium for military and national security purposes.

Words and phrases to be remembered:

costs of production – витрати виробництва

to provide smb with smth – забезпечувати когось чимось

inefficient – неефективний, непродуктивний

public utility – комунальне підприємство

to fall into a category – підпадати під категорію

wasteful – марнотратний

to duplicate – дублювати, подвоювати

network of pipes and wires – мережа трубопроводів та проводів

to distribute - розподіляти

to avoid – запобігати

a franchise – франшиза, ліцензія

to accept – приймати

justification – обґрунтування, правомірність

to exist – існувати

a drugstore – аптека

to support – підтримувати

to grant – надавати, дозволяти

invention – винахід

however – однак

benefit – користь, вигода, перевага

to involve – включати, залучати

to oversee – наглядати, контролювати

security – безпека

purpose – мета.


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