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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Graph Description, Interpretation and Analysis

Introduction / General Information

As the title suggests, this figure is a graph of…

Featured on the graph is…

The following graph represents/describes/pictures/illustrates/rates/ ranks/ visualizes…

The coordinate scale=a system of axes

The vertical axis of the graph shows/ measures the value…

On the horizontal (bottom) axis of the graph represented/marked are time periods at regular intervals (annually, biannually,…) spanning…(number of years)


Types of Graphs

- line -area
-column -flow
-bar -organizational
pictograph -radar
pie/doughnut -3-dimensioanal surface plot

Marks on the Graph

-solid (regular) lines

-dotted lines (usually to show the expected/ estimated trends or deviations from the norm)

-points (maximum points –“peaks”, highs, minimum points –“valleys”, depressions, lows)

-critical/ breaking points = divisions in trends


General layout of the graph

- a steady/regular line (indicating proportional growth)

- a curve/ a pronounced bell curve

- a parallel/aligned/coordinate lines

- crossing/zigzag lines

-the centre point of the graph

-the width of the spread (between the two extremes) –wide, narrow, medium spread (The width of the spread is the most prominent/ at its maximum in… (a particular year or time period). It narrows down (reduces) in….


Parenthetical Constructions to be used for Evaluation

In all likelihood…

Chances are that…


Estimated /In my own estimation…



Describing the Trends and Tendencies

Going by the figures/statistics…

To be outstripped by…

There has become considerably less/more…

The consumption/ production in the last 10 years/ a year has halved/doubled/ trebled/ quadrupled

To be…% up/down or to rise/to go up/ fall/ drop by…% (to …%) on last year/10 years ago

To be flourishing/mushrooming/degrading/stagnating/deteriorating

There has been a steady/gradual/sharp/dramatic/marked/varying/interrupted/varying/uncertain/unstable increase/decrease/rise/fall/drop in…

The most striking statistics suggests that…

Interestingly…/Surprisingly enough…What came as a complete surprise…

The most dramatic/positive/comforting/ encouraging… changes have come in…

According to the most conservative estimate…

At a rough estimate…

The year of 2007 will see an unprecedented rise/increase/drop/fall/decrease/change/shift/deviation

High expectations were set/ placed on…

Due to the often unpredictable nature of…

Changes are next to impossible/obvious/inevitable


Samples of Descriptions

1) Skeleton plan

The graph shows/pictures/visualizes/represents/tracks the progress/evolution/dynamics/sequence of…

It gives indication of…

The annual revenue of the (company) is sorted by product division/industries/gender (or any other category)

In… (spending) assumes an upward trend…/tends upwards/ moves up the graph

In… (…) assumes a negative trend/tends downwards/moves down the graph

The year of… is marked by…

The increase is represented by a moderate/modest rise…

Continued to decrease by (%, number or volume) on (time period)

The most affected areas/spheres/industries are…

For the second/third/ fourth consecutive year…

….kept growing in (year or month) with a substantial increase of…(%, number or volume) over (year or month)

All together it amounts to/ accounts for…(%, number or volume)

The supply outruns/outplays/offsets the demand

To (sky)rocket/ sore vs to plummet/ drop dramatically

To recover by… to…

To level off at (level, index)


2) Exercises

Translate from Russian into English

1. За последние две недели цены на потребительские товары резко взлетели.

2. В период экономического спада наблюдалось стремительное падение рождаемости.

3. В 1991 году в Москве она достигла своей низшей точки: 250 младенцев на 100 000 человек детородного возраста.

4. Это значит, что ребенок рождался в одной семье из четырех тысяч.

5. По сравнению с данными пятилетней давности этот показатель упал в 25 раз.

6. В 1994 году ситуация начала улучшаться, и показатель рождаемости медленно, но верно пошел вверх.

7. Данная диаграмма показывает, что мальчики-подростки тратят на спортивные развлечения втрое больше своих сверстниц женского пола.

8. Девочки, в свою очередь, тратят больше на одежду и обувь: 12% против 7% у мальчиков.

9. С 1994 по 1999 год количество браков в США значительно уменьшилось. Это свидетельствует в частности о том, что полная семья перестает быть одной из незыблемых американских ценностей.

10. Средний возраст американцев, вступающих в брак, вырос до 38 лет у мужчин, и до 35 у женщин. Это говорит о том, что все больше женщин отдают предпочтение карьере, а не семье.

11. В то время как в 70-х годах незначительный процент детей были рождены вне брака, в 90-х этот показатель превысил 25%.

12. Соотношение мужчин и женщин, никогда не бывших в браке, постепенно выравнивается.


Translate from English into Russian

Figures 1 and 2 show how much was spent on entertainment, lotteries and football pools in a four-year period between 1996 and 2001. Overall, there has been a decrease in expenditure in entertainment, whereas spending on lotteries and football pools has increased.

The biggest increase was on cinema admissions, which more than trebled from $2 to $4,5. Expenditure on spectator sports also rose significantly by almost three-quarters to $6 per month/ In contrast, the amount spent on theatre and concert tickets only increased slightly. By far the largest expenditure in the period was on lotteries, as illustrated in figure 2. However, spending on this item fell dramatically/ from $11 in 1996-97 to $10 in 1999-2000 and $9 in 2000-2001. Much less was spent on football pools, and the amount dropped sharply, by about two-thirds, between 1999-2000 and 2000-20001.Spending on this item changed very little from 1996-1997 to 1999-2000, falling from 80 c to 60 c per month respectively.


Produce a graph following the description



In 1987 the export figures stood at 400 million Finnish markkaa. There was a sharp increase between 1987 and 1989 when figures reached over 800 million. This was followed by a sharp decrease between 1989 and 1990 when Finnish paper exports to Japan dropped to 400 million. There was a slight rise between 1990 and 1991 when exports hit the 450 million mark but they fell again to 400 million in 1992. Between 1992 and 1995 there was a dramatic rise and exports of paper to Japan reached a peak of 1.300 million in 1995, before falling again to under 1.000 million in 1997.






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