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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


DEVELOPING VOCABULARY. 1. Job adverts often use compound adjectives formed according to the following patterns:

1. Job adverts often use compound adjectives formed according to the following patterns:

good-tempered – (Adj. + N) + -ed;

low paid, newly-formed – Adj. or Adv. + Past Participle

fast-expanding – Adj. or Adv. + Present Participle

The two parts of the words below have been jumbled. Put them together again; give their Russian equivalents.

  far- educated
  fast lasting
  hard reaching
  high appointed
  long- witted
  well- flying
  quick- growing
  newly working

2. Form meaningful word partnerships and make up sentences with them.

1 meet a) the CPA Examination
2 pass b) an unbiased opinion
3 express c) financial reports
4 issue d) taxes
5 collect e) requirements
6 design f) self-analysis
7 do g) accounting systems
8 prepare h) a license

3. Translate the following collocations from the texts of the Unit, mind the approach described in Unit 2.

accounting specialty areas, federal income taxes, a rigorous five-year education program, entry-level accounting clerks, auditing clerk positions, good communication skills, data handling, asset/liability protection procedures, not-for-profit and government organizations,reporting requirements, employees’ salary and wage records, income tax returns.

4. Confusable words: effective vs efficient

Study the dictionary descriptions of these words and choose the appropriate one to complete the sentences.

effective a (→ effectiveness n) –- adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result.

efficient a (→ efficiency n) – performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort.

Note: Being effective is about doing the right things, while being efficient is about doing the things in the right manner.

1) The process makes … use of limited resources.

2) We find advertising on the radio very ….

3) The heating system is very … in its use of fuel.

4) You need … communication within the organization.

5) He became a highly … Chief Accountant.

6) The new technology is aimed at improving … of customer service.

5. Look at the dictionary definitions of the following words and then complete the tree diagram below

1) Salary a fixed amount of money agreed every year and paid monthly directly into a bank account, normally to professional people and office workers

2) Wage (often pl) – a fixed amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, esp. one who does work that needs physical skills, rather than a job needing a college education

3) Fringe benefits (also perks) – extra benefits arising as a result of employment, in addition to regular remuneration such as a car or free accommodation

4). Fee – an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular service, e.g.. a payment to a lawyer, doctor, etc. for professional services

5) Royalty (usually pl) – a payment that someone such as a writer or musician gets each time their work is sold or performed

6) Earnings – a) the total of the sums earned by an employee during a regular pay period; b) what is left of the net profit of a business after allowing for transfers to reserves. the net income or profit of a business

7) Income – money we receive from work, investments, etc. It can be earned income (wages or salary) or unearned income (money from dividends, interest, royalties, etc.)

8) Revenue – a) income, generally, the total income earned by the state or a large corporation; it is not used for people; b) money a government receives through taxation

9) Remuneration (formal) – payment or other rewards that you get for your work

6. Complete the sentences using the appropriate word from the list above.

1) How much … did you earn on your shares last year?

2) A company car, a mobile phone and luncheon vouchers are some of the … that come with the job.

3) The best lawyers often ask for the highest ….

4) Total company … for 20.. was the best yet.

5) My total … this year, including salary, royalties, fees, dividends and perks, should exceed 300,000

6) … levels in manufacturing and mining dropped again last month.

7) The company reported that … were down last quarter.

8) The players are demanding increased … for their services.

9) The publisher paid them … on their dictionary.

7. Translate into English

1) Компания предоставляет дополнительные льготы в виде служебного автомобиля и бесплатной медицинской страховки. 2) Средние заработки квалифицированных рабочих растут. 3) Мы предлагаем привлекательный компенсационный пакет. 4) Рабочие требовали повышения зарплаты. 5) Он многие годы жил на авторские отчисления с повторных тиражей (reprint n) своей книги. 5) Компания официально заявила о том, что в последнем квартале прибыль снизилась. 6) Для малоимущих семей (семей с низким доходом) предусмотрены льготы. 7) Каков Ваш приблизительный среднегодовой доход? 8) За последние десять лет заработки населения росли быстрее, чем цены. 9) Доходы от дивидендов не относятся к заработанным доходам.



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