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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Рекомендуемые темы проектных заданий по сферам общения

LEISURE TIME: 1. The most exotic hobby 2. How national holidays can reveal national character
FOOD: 1. My favourite restaurant (advertise it) / The way I want to organize my own restaurant (pair work) 2. Present a famous chef’s recipe (watch “Jamie Oliver Cooking” on Youtube.com) 3. The best menu within a tight budget (group work)
SHOPPING: 1. The reasons of shopaholism (essay) 2. You should buy it (a sales representative is trying to persuade others to buy a product, the rest ask questions) (presentation + pair work)
MY HOME: 1. Housekeeping tips / Running the house tips 2. Five devices to make house chores easier 3. The problems you can face running a hotel (watch “Gordon Ramsay Hotel Hell” on Youtube.com)
FAMILY MATTERS: 1. Five tips of getting on together and keeping closer relationships in a family 2. The teenage years are the hardest in a person’s life (essay) 3. Five tips for stay-at-home dads
RURAL AND URBAN LIVING: 1. Is life better in the countryside? (essay) 2. Country living vs city living in different countries 3. Top ten city dangers
WILDLIFE: 1. Endangered animals of different regions 2. Staying alive in wildlife / Survival skills (watch “Dual Survival” and “Survivorman” on Youtube.com)
ARTS: 1. A person of art 2. Present and analyze one picture (different genres)
TECHNOLOGY: 1. Five devices to make youк house an Eco house 2. Present a scheme of one popular device and explain how it works 3. Technological advances in Russia and abroad (watch “The Gadget Show” on Youtube.com)
TRAVELLING: 1. Travelling Tips 2. Top ten sights of European capitals
GLOBALISATION: 1. Does globalisation mean the same as Americanisation? (essay) 2. Present one of TED Talks on Globalisation 3. Features of national identity of different nations    
SPORTS: 1. A successful sportsperson who failed at first 2. Mega sporting events that influenced the development of a country
LANGUAGES: 1. Differences of body language in different cultures (pair work) 2. Five most common English phrases/ idioms/ expressions 3. Explain the etymology of some English phrases (watch “America’s Secret Slang” on Youtube.com or use Online Etymology Dictionary)
CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS: 1. Holiday food traditions in different countries 2. Five etiquette rules you shouldn’t break / Russian vs British etiquette rules 3. Present the most common features of one country/place (watch “Rick Steves’ Full Episodes” on Youtube.com)
EDUCATION: 1. Present the main principles and values of elementary/ secondary/ higher education (group work) 2. Should higher education be free for all? (analyse different opinions from Youtube.com and present them to the class)
HIGHER EDUCATION IN RUSSIA AND ABROAD: 1. Present the main features of different systems of higher education in Russia/ … in different countries 2. Good education can influence the future success of a person (essay) 3. Top ten engineering and technology universities in the world
MY UNIVERSITY: 1. Voronezh University facilities (group work) 2. The history and prominent names of my department (group work)
ACADEMIC AND NON-ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES: 1. Academic activities that you can do online (pair work) 2. Ten non-academic activities that can help to get a job 3. Present your own subject ranking table and comment on your choice
ACADEMIC MOBILITY: 1. Choose one European university and write an application letter 2. Present the programs of three technical summer courses abroad


<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
курса углубленной подготовки | Тематика экзаменационных работ по курсу «История Урала».

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