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Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

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British Company Management.



The management of the company is called the Board of Directors (not Managers) headed by the Chairman (the President - Am.). There is usually a Managing Director and in big companies there may be several Joint Managing Directors.

A Manager in British companies is the person who is head of a department – Sales, Export, Works (Production) Staff (Human Resources) etc. So there are Sales Managers, Export Managers, Production Managers, Staff Managers, etc.

A general Manager has managers working under his control and receives his instructions from the Managing Director.

By British Company Law (the Companies Acts 1948 and 1985) a limited company (public or private) must have a Company Secretary whose duties are manifold. First he is the clerk to the Directors: he is to keep Registers of Directors and Members, arrange for proceedings at Director’s and shareholders’ meetings, prepare notices for the calling of these meetings, attend them and advise directors at board meetings on the legal, accounting and tax matters of any proposed business move as well as keep minutes and write reports [ the minutes of a meeting are usually concise records of resolutions or decisions reached, and the reports are more extensive and give details of discussions, arguments for or against the resolutions, and so on]. Second he represents his company and in this capacity he supervises the working of the staff and the maintenance of staff records (if there is no special staff manager). Finally he is often responsible for the accounting and handling of contracts. Thus he is the link between the company and the staff and between the company and the public.

The Company Secretary must be a properly qualified person, and must be able to fulfill his routine duties well. He is supposed to have training in company law, accountancy and many other subjects. He is expected to be a part-lawyer, part-economist, part-administrator and part-accountant.

But it takes a good deal more than professional qualifications to make a good company secretary: “he must be businessman and humanitarian, lawyer and visionary” (as one of the English newspapers puts it).


Exercise 1. Find in the text the equivalents of the following words and word combinations:


управление компанией, совет директоров, руководитель отдела (заведующий отделом), председатель, директор-распорядитель, заведующий отделом продаж, заведующий экспортным отделом, заведующий производством, заведующий отделом кадров, главный управляющий, работать под ч.-л. контролем, получать инструкции, компания с ограниченной ответственностью, частная компания, открытая компания, многочисленные обязанности, акционеры, организовывать проведение собраний, созывать собрание, готовить объявления, юридические вопросы, налоговые проблемы, бухгалтерские вопросы, деловые решения, вести протокол, писать отчеты, принятые решения, представлять компанию, осуществлять надзор за работой персонала, отвечать за ч-л., быть связующим звеном, выполнять установленные обязанности.


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