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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


The Department of Biosafety and human health



Faculty of biomedical engineering

The Department of Biosafety and human health






Abstract by:

Vitaliy Chapek,
Bogdan Yevdokymenko,
Maxim Gordiyan,
Marina Petrik,

Potapov Michael,

Volodymyr Pasichnyk.

group BR-51


Kyiv 2016


Students from over 90 countries are currently (в данное время) studying at the University of East (восточного) London. More than quarter of a million students choose to study in London. Famous sights (памятники), entertainment a wealth (богатство) of museums, galleries and libraries - all of it (всем этим) can be enjoyed and explored in London. What qualifications do you need (нужна)? Your local British Council [ˈkaunsl] office (местный офис британского совета) will advise (советовать) you on how your own qualifications fit (подойдет) into the British system.
Overseas students (иностранным студентам) are guaranteed University or private accommodation (жилье) if you apply (подадите заявку) early enough. All students belong (принадлежат) to the Student’s Union (союзу), which has many societies (обществ), including several of interest (в том числе несколько представляют интересы) to international students, for example, Chinese and African. You can study Biochemistry (Биохимию) and Biotechnology in London. You can study Environmental Sciences (Екологические науки), Health, Microbiology, Parasitology, Physiology, Pharmacology, Physiotherapy, and Nursing (Сестринское дело).
The study (изучение) of the environment (окружающей среды) involves a wide variety of (включает в себя широкий спектр) scientific disciplines as well as areas such as (в таких областях как) pollitics, economics, sociology and law (право).
In particular (в частности) Enviromental examine (исследования по окружающей среде) включают в себя the relationship between humanity and the environment. As for Health Studies the degrees in this subject area are designed for those who have an interest in health topics. (Що стосується медичних досліджень ступені в цьому предметі призначені для тих, хто має інтерес до питань охорони здоров'я)

Microbiology is one of the three subjects areas within (предметных сфер в рамках) the Department Sciences and provides (дает) a home base for students specializing*(специализирующихся)*in*microbiological*subjects.
Many international students study Physiology and Pharmacology, because Physiology is the study of the biological functions of the human body and Pharmacology is the study of drugs (препараты), their biological effects on physiological*systems.
These science are very important for doctors.
Future doctors can also study Physiotherapy. It is a health care profession (профессия охраны здоровья) which adopts physical means and practical approaches in the prevention and treatment of disease*and*disability. яка об'єднує в собі матеріальні ресурси (фізичні засоби) і практичні підходи в профілактиці і лікуванні захворювань та інвалідності.
For those who are going to be qualified nurses, there are many degrees in professional studies in nursing, they are specifically designed (назначены) for qualified nurses (медсестер) to give them the academic development to widen their career opportunities. (чтоб расширить свои возможности карьерного роста)

Medicine is one of the most competitive (конкурентноспособных) courses in the London and every year thousands of international students are accepted (поступают) into medical school. If your grades are of the highest standard (получили высшие оценки), and if you can prove (доказать) that you have set your heart on studying and working in this field (любите учиться и работать в этой области), then applying to read (изучение) Medicine in the London is for you.
Training to become a doctor in UK is one of the long education training and may takes 10 or more years to become a specialist.
All leading (ведущие) British medical university are state-funded (финансированы государством) and their core purpose (их цель состоит в том) is to train doctors on behalf (от имени) of the National Health Service (Нпциональной службы охраны здоровья). Courses generally last (обычно длятся) five or six years: two years of preclinical (доклинического) training in an academic environment (среде) and three years clinical training at a teaching hospital and in community settings (общественных организациях). Medical university and teaching hospitals (учебные больницы) are closely integrated. (тесно интегрированы)
Competition (Конкуренция) for a place at medical schools and higher education institutions (ВУЗах) is rather high (достаточно велика), and the state places restrictions (накладывает ограничения) on the number of places provided for non-EU students (предусмотреных для студентов не из ЕС). Each institution accepts about 6 to 16 international students annually (ежегодно), and priority is given to students belonging to countries (из стран) with an unsatisfactory (неудовлетворительной) medical system.
According (По данным) to Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), in 2010, 95% of graduates (выпускников) of medical universities obtained employment (получили работу) within (в течении) half a year upon completing the degree. (после получения степени) The majority (большинство) of them are employed (работают) at state hospitals. Many young medics are employed at private hospitals, armed forces (вооруженных силах) or scientific and research institutions (научно исследовательских институтах).



1. How many students choose to study in London?

2. What organization can advise you on how your own qualifications fit into the British system?

3. Where do all students belong?

4. Which subjects can you study in London?

5. What scientific disciplines does the study of the environment involve?

6. What subject area provides home base for students specializing in microbiological subjects?

7. Why do many international students study Physiology and Pharmacology?

8. What is named as Physiotherapy?

9. How many students are accepted into medical school every year?

10. Where can many young medics be employed?



1. Department Sciences - Департамент наук;

2. academic development - академічний розвиток;

3. оverseas students – іноземні студенти;

4. career opportunities - кар'єрні можливості;

5. closely integrated - тісно інтегровані;

6. to examine the relationship – вивчати взаємозв'язок (стосунки, відношення);

7. disease and disability – захворювання та інвалідність;

8. priority is given - пріоритет віддається;

9. leading British medical university - провідні британські мед. університети;

10. competition for a place - конкуренція за місце;



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