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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

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Вариант I.

Road ragers in the sky.

Airlines and their long-suffering customers are reporting a steep climb in air rage incidents. Some incidents are apparently caused by problems, familiar to many regular travellers. One case reported from America stemmed from an interminable delay in takeoff, when passengers were cooped up in their aircraft on the tarmac for four hours, without food, drink or information. Mass unrest is less common than individual misbehaviour, as in the case of the convict who recently went crazy on a flight, attacked the crew and tried to open a door in mid-flight.

The psychology of air rage is a new and fast-growing area of study, and there are as many explanations as examples. Most analysts of the phenomenon blame alcohol, but many people now think that the airlines are at fault. To cut costs, they are cramming more passengers into their aircraft, while reducing cabin crew, training, and quality of service, all of which increases passenger frustration. In addition, there is increasing concern in the USA about another cost-cutting exercise which could seriously harm passengers' health: cabin ventilation.

Modern aircrafts are equipped with sophisticated air conditioning devices - but running them at optimum capacity burns up valuable aviation fuel. Many airlines routinely instruct their flight crews to run the systems on minimum settings. Campaigners for improved air quality claim that this can lead to irritability and disorientation.

In the USA, the soaring number of passenger complaints across a wide range of issues, is reflected in a number of sites which criticize the airlines and demand better service.

Cabin and flight crews, who are in the front line of the battle against disruptive and dangerous in-flight behaviour, have called for stiffer penalties against offenders. Managements have also called for legislation - while denying that cost-cutting practices have contributed to the problem. But there are some signs, in America at least, that the airlines are at last attempting to respond to customer dissatisfaction.

Some major lines have announced concessions to the most frequent complaint of all, and are removing seats to make more room for their customers.


II. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What are the main reasons for passengers’ misbehavior in aircrafts?

2. What are airlines doing to respond to customer dissatisfaction?


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