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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Safe Social Networking

You can avoid these risks and enjoy using social networking sites by following a few sensible guidelines:

· Do not let peer pressure or what other people are doing on these sites convince you to do something you are not comfortable with.

· Be wary of publishing any identifying information about yourself – either in your profile or in your posts – such as phone numbers, pictures of your home, workplace or school, your address or birthday.

· Pick a user name that does not include any personal information. For example, “joe_glasgow” or “jane_liverpool” would be bad choices.

· Set up a separate email account to register and receive mail from the site. That way if you want to close down your account/page, you can simply stop using that mail account. Setting up a new email account is very simple and quick to do using such providers as Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail or gmail.

· Use strong passwords.

· Keep your profile closed and allow only your friends to view your profile.

· Never post comments that are abusive or may cause offence to either individuals or groups of society.

· Be aware of what friends post about you, or reply to your posts, particularly about your personal details and activities.

· Remember that many companies routinely view current or prospective employees’ social networking pages, so be careful about what you say, what pictures you post and your profile.

· Don't post your holiday dates - or family photos while you are away - as social networking sites are a favourite research tool for the modern burglar.

· Learn how to use the site properly. Use the privacy features to restrict strangers’ access to your profile. Be guarded about who you let join your network.

· Be on your guard against phishing scams, including fake friend requests and posts from individuals or companies inviting you to visit other pages or sites.

· If you do get caught up in a scam, make sure you remove any corresponding likes and app permissions from your account.

· Ensure you have effective and updated antivirus software and firewall running before you go online.


Текст 4.

Текст рекомендуется для письменного перевода и представляет собой отрывок из статьи об истории понятия «бренд», написанной в научном стиле. При переводе обратите внимание на лексико-грамматические особенности научного стиля: использование терминов, книжной лексики, сложных распространенных предложений, осложненных


Through an investigation of the historical archeology literature, we have been able to unearth some clues, which point to both a definition for “proto-brand” and for “brand”. What we see is a gradual transition from more utilitarian provision of information regarding origin and quality in order to reduce risk and uncertainty during earlier periods of civilization (transactional), to the addition of more complex brand characteristics through time which are related to image building and include status/power, inherent value and finally, the development of brand personality (transformational). These brand characteristics connect well to the consumer side of the equation relating to consumers’ cognitive representation of a brand (i.e., brand knowledge – Peter and Olson 2001; Keller 2003) as follows: information (awareness, attributes, benefits) and image (images, thoughts, feelings, attitudes and experiences).


Generally speaking, “proto-brands” for ancient civilizations were information attached to a product or product vessel (packaging) which carried out at least one of three functions. First, information regarding place of origin was connoted utilizing a known mark, signature or through the known physical properties of a given raw material. Second, this information was often elaborated in order to allow for some of the basic functions of marketing to take place (i.e., sorting, transportation and storage). Finally, information regarding quality was designated through the same vehicles – in other words, knowing the origin helped to remove uncertainty for consumers, thereby reducing risk in purchase decisions and thereby increasing perceived quality.


“Brands” for modern civilization involve both the informational characteristics of the ancient proto-brands, and the more complex image characteristics of modern brands including status/power, inherent value and finally, the development of brand personality. Further, as described by McCracken (1986), the significance of consumer goods rests largely in their ability to carry and communicate cultural meaning – and we believe that this is the ultimate role of brands – to carry and communicate cultural meaning that is both transactional (information-related) and transformational (image-related) in character.

(The Birth of Brand: 4000 Years of Branding History. Moore, Karl and Reid, Susan. McGill University, 2008)

Интервью для абзацно-фразового перевода

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