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Text 10.1.1. Sports in Britain.

Exercise 10.1.1 Learn the words below and write your own sentences using the Passive Voice:

a sports-loving nation нация, любящая спорт

soccer футбол

rugby регби

squash сквош

snooker снукер (разновидность бильярда)

rules правила

yachting яхтенный спорт

horse-racing скачки

to originate from зародиться в

to take part in принимать участие в

angling рыболовство

darts дротики

a contest состязание

to draw up the rules разработать правила

Football League Футбольная лига

to win the World Cup выиграть Кубок мира

to hold a tournament проводить турнир

to be a part of everyday life быть частью повседневной жизни

to be invented быть изобретенным

to be interested интересоваться

to be known быть известным

to be on the programme of входить в программу чего-либо


Read and translate the text. Pay attention to the sentences in the Passive voice.

Sports in Britain.

The British are a sports-loving nation. Cricket, soccer, rugby, tennis, squash, table tennis, badminton, canoeing and snooker were all invented in Britain. The first rules for such sports as boxing, golf, hockey, yachting and horse-racing also originated from Britain. The most popular sports that people take part in, rather than watching, are angling, snooker and darts.

Cricket is very much the English game. It is often played in schools, colleges, universities and by club teams all over the country. Summer isn’t summer without cricket. To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and a standard of behaviour.

When they consider anything unfair they sometimes say: “That isn’t cricket.”

Football at the beginning was a contest between neighbouring villages – with no limit to the number on each side, no fixed pitch and almost no rules. The Football association drew up the rules of the modern game in 1863 and in 1888 twelve clubs joined together to form the first Football League. England won the World Cup in 1966. Today football is the game that attracts the greatest attention.

Next to football, the chief spectator sport in Britain life is horse-racing. A lot of people are interested in the races and risk money on the horse, which they think will win The Derby. It is perhaps the most famous single sporting event in the world.

Golf was probably invented in Holland, but today it is one of the most popular games in Britain, especially in Scotland.

A great number of people play and watch tennis. Tennis tournaments at

Wimbledon are known all over the world. The innumerable tennis courts of Britain

are occupied by people between the ages of 16 and 60 who show every degree of skill– from practically helpless to extremely able.

There are a lot of sports and games, which are popular both among youngster sand grown-ups. 25 million of grown-up people take part in sports. Sport is on the programme of all state and private schools and universities. Indeed, sport is a part of everyday life in Britain.

Exercise 10.1.3. Insert the prepositions where necessary:


1. Cricket was invented … Britain.

2. The first rules … hockey originated … Britain.

3. There are a lot of sports and games which are popular both… youngsters and grown-ups.

4. Sport is a part …everyday life … Britain.

5. Cricket is often played … schools, colleges and … club teams all over the country.

6. England won the World Cup … 1966.

7. A great number … people play and watch tennis

Exercise 10.1.4. Answer the following questions using the negative sentences if necessary:

1. Are the British a beer-loving nation?

2. Are hockey and volleyball the most popular sports in Britain?

3. Was golf invented in Britain?

4. Was football a contest between neighbouring villages?

5. Are sports on the programme of all state schools?

Exercise 10.1.5. Translate into English.


1. Британцы - это нация, любящая спорт.

2. Самые популярные виды спорта, которыми люди занимаются, а не

наблюдают, это рыбная ловля, бильярд и «дротики».

3. Крикет - это типично английская игра.

4. Спорт входит в программу всех государственных, частных школ и


5. Спорт - это часть повседневной жизни Британии.


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