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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


VI. C. Answer the questions

1. Moscow is the largest economic, scientific and cultural center of the coun­try, isn’t it? 2. What is its popu­lation? 3. What area does Moscow cover? 4. Where is it situated? 5. How is Moscow connected with all parts of Russia? 6. What can you tell about the transport system? 7. What is the quickest and the most convenient form of transport? 8. What is Metro famous for? 9. How many passengers does it carry daily? 10. How many museums and exhibitions are there in Moscow? 11. What are the most popular paces of interest? 12. When was the Tretyakov Art Gallery founded? 13. What collection does it have? 14. What theatres have won universal recognition? 15. Where is St Basil's Cathedral situated? 16. What is it famous for?

VI. D. Read the text THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Divide the text into logical parts and then entitle them


The United States of America is the 4th largest country in the world after Russia, Canada and China. It occupies the central part of the North American continent. Americans are made up from nearly all races and nations. The official language of the state is English.

The United States of America is a federal republic, consisting of 50 states including the states of Alaska and Hawaii and 1 district — Columbia. Its total area (including the District of Columbia) is over 9 mln sq. km. (9,809,155 sq km). The country population is over 250 million people. The states differ in size, popula­tion and economic development. Each state has its own capital. The capital of the USA is Washington. It is situated in the District of Columbia on the banks of the Potomac river and is named after the 1st US Pres­ident — George Washington.

The country borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It also has a sea-border with Russia. The country is washed by 3 oceans: The Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific. The country has many lakes, including the Great Lakes and many rivers, the long­est of which are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Columbia, the Rio Grande and some others. On the US territory there are mountains and lowlands. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Appalachi, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada. The highest peak, Mount McKinley, is located in Alaska.

The climate conditions are rather different. The country is rich in natural and mineral resources: oil, gas, iron ore, coal and various metals.

The USA is a highly developed industrial and ag­ricultural country. The main industrial branches are aircraft, rocket, automobile, electronics, radio-engi­neering and others. There are many large cities in the country: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco, Boston, Cleveland and some others.

The United States of America is a federal state, headed by the President. According to the US Consti­tution the powers of the Government are divided into 3 branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative power belongs to the Congress con­sisting of the Senate and the House of Representa­tives. The Senate represents the states while the House of Representatives — the population. The executive pow­er belongs to the President and his Administration (Vice-President and Cabinet of Ministers). The judi­cial power belongs to the Supreme Court and the sys­tem of federal, state and district courts.

Nowadays the USA is one of the leading powers of the world due to its economic, political and military influence.

CordilleraКордильеры Great Lakes Великие озера SenateСенат Appalachian mountains Аппалачские горы District of Columbia округ территории Колумбия House of Representatives палата представителей
Sierra Nevada Сьерра — Невада Rocky mountains Скалистые горы



I. A. Translate the following international words: saxophone[′sæksəfoun], mile [mail], mission [′miòən], catalogue[′kætəlɔg], mathematical [,mæqi′mætikəl]

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