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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


STATE ST 12.4.034-2001 (EH 133-90) Occupational safety standards system. Individual protection equipment of respiratory organs. Classification and marking

STATE ST Conservation. Atmosphere. Rules of establishment of admissible emissions of hazardous substances by industrial enterprises

STATE ST EN 237-2013 Oil products liquid. Determination of small concentration of lead by method of atomic and absorbing spectrometry

The STATE ST 511-82 Fuel for engines. Motor method of determination of octane rating

STATE ST 1510-84 Oil and oil products. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage

STATE ST 1567-97 (ISO 6246-95) Oil products. Gasolines automobile and fuels aviation. Method of determination of pitches evaporation by a stream


Absorber: A vertical, cylindrical vessel that recovers heavier hydrocarbons from a mixture of predominantly lighter hydrocarbons. Also called absorption tower.

Shock absorber - A mechanical dampener above a perforating gun that attenuates some of the acceleration force created by firing the gun.

Absorber (absorber) - an absorber (fluctuations, gases).

Adsorption - substance absorption by a blanket of a firm or liquid sorbent.

Aero tank (from aero... and English tank - the reservoir) - a row definitely the built pools in system of treatment facilities for sewage in which there is an active silt and where oxygen moves.

Adsorption – concoction of substance (adsorbate) from amount of phases on an interface between them, for example, from gas or solution on a surface of a solid body (adsorbent) or liquid. Is also a special case of sorption.

Air coolers (fig. 1) of general purpose belong to heat exchange and condensations of steam and vapor-liquid environments in engineering procedures of chemical, petrochemical, oil processing, oil and gas industries with pressure of Wednesday from 0,6 to 10 MPas (from 6 to 100 kgfs/cm2) or under vacuum with residual pressure not lower than 665 Pas, with the temperature not higher than + 4000C and viscosity at the exit to 5х10 – 5 sq.m/c are intended for chilling of gases and liquids.

Antifreeze (antifreeze) - the water solutions of alcohols, glycols, glycerin and some salts which aren't freezing at low temperatures and used in an engine cooling system.


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