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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы



We love to talk to others about what blesses us. One phenom- enon of the last decade was the resurgence of Apple Computer


after the initial runaway success enjoyed by Microsoft. Apple owes its survival and resurgence to a small but vocal group of us- ers who would tell anyone who would listen, “This Apple com- puter is so much better than that computer…it’s ultra-simple to use, it’s intuitive and it helps me be more productive. I love it, I wouldn’t trade it for the world, and I’ll never use another Win- dows machine again.” This led to the coining of the phrase, “Mac Evangelists,” computer users with such an evangelistic fervor for the Apple Macintosh that you might assume they’re getting a free toaster for converting a PC user to Apple. Not so: they are simply demonstrating the human trait that eagerly shares what blesses them.

Any time something has had a big impact on us, we are driven to share it. The dad who read the book that helped him in his relationship with his son immediately buys a copy to give to his friends so they can have the same experience. The mom who suddenly gains insight that helps her with her toddler’s behavior wants to tell other moms what worked for her. The scientist who, after years of scribbling on napkins, finally com- pletes a groundbreaking equation will do all he can to publicize his discovery. He will deliver lectures to any group of people who will listen. Essentially, we are driven to share with others that which brings us joy. This ability to bring joy and make an impact on others is something put in our hearts by the God who loves people. Without this sense of impact on others, we lose something dynamic.

Our sense of relevance is often connected with doing something that exhilarates others. We delight to share things that cause others to be exhilarated. There is something glori- ous about telling good news to those we love. Stories touch people’s hearts, and when we have one to tell, we usually can’t wait to share it. Think of Bartimaeus, the blind beggar from the city of Jericho who was healed by Jesus (Mark 10:46 and Luke 18:35; 19:1, 5). Imagine the joy Bartimaeus had in telling his blind friends about his encounter with Jesus. How exhilarating to bring that news to them! Imagine how he felt when he told


them Jesus was in the area. We love to communicate news that excites our friends. We are exhilarated in their exhilaration and joyful when good things happen that bring joy to others.

For unclean spirits…came out of many…and many who were paralyzed and lame were healed. There was great joy in that city. (Acts 8:7-8)

There is something that makes us want to shout good news from the rooftops in hopes that others can be saved some of the heartaches we’ve encountered. The idea of changing the trajec- tory of another person’s life is irresistible. We’re unsatisfied with wasting small talk on golf clubs or garden tools or the weather. We want to impart substance to people. We want to say and do things that mean something. It’s a part of our desire to make a deep and lasting impact.


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