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PREDICTION TWO: …Long Live Human Evolution?

Other scientists see plenty of evidence that human evolution is still going on.

For instance, a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggested that women of the future could become shorter and stouter. Such women tend to have more children than their peers. These physical traits are inherited by their offspring.

Geoffrey Miller, an evolutionary psychologist, highlighted sexual selection through mate choice as the key factor of human evolution nowadays. "Mate choice shapes mental traits that are needed to succeed economically and in raising kids," Miller explained. "You need more intelligence to master the technology. That intelligence leads to higher earnings, social status, and sexual attractiveness." He added that artificial selection using genetic technologies will likely accentuate these changes in the future.

"You’ll probably see a rise in physical attractiveness and health due to artificial selection and genetic technologies," he added. “But "regular" natural selection will not disappear. In fact, we're going to get stronger sexual selection, because the more advanced the technology gets, the greater an effect general intelligence will have on each individual's economic and social success”.

"We're going to get a lot more epidemics," Miller said. "That should increase the importance of the genetic immune system in human survival"— and result in a human species with stronger immune systems.

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