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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


polychronic time orientation are easily observed and very useful. Although the lack of

empirical data makes the monochronic/polychronic concept more difficult to apply in

Research, these concepts can help leaders and organizations, preparing to cross cultural

Boundaries, better understand those with whom they desire to communicate and conduct



Conducting Business in Linear, Flexible, Cyclic(al) Cultures:



Where does that leave us? How do we communicate or conduct business with people who measure time differently?

Because business demands a certain synchronization of schedules and goals, most cultures will allow the linear-oriented concept of time to dominate to some extent. But your understanding that their underlying beliefs about the “best” use of time are radically different will allow you to communicate with more sensitivity. The following guidelines should help.

When communicating and conducting business in linear cultures:

• Respect schedules. Be prompt for business appointments and understand that you will have a brief period to make your point. Most businesspeople from linear cultures schedule their days in 15-30 minute increments.

• Focus on the meeting. Don’t answer your cell phone or perform any other task. Remember that people from linear cultures expect your full attention and interpret multitasking as disrespectful.

• Target the short term. Linear businesspeople expect data and analysis that address immediate or near-future gains and issues.


When communicating and conducting business in flexible cultures:

• Depersonalize the issue. Don’t interpret lateness as disrespect of you or lack of commitment to the business goal. Recognize that business objectives may take the back seat to familial or relational concerns.

• Provide a wider window of time for the appointment. Building flexibility into your schedule will go a long way to reducing common irritation—“I’ll wait in your office from 11:00 to 11:30” or “I’ll be in my hotel room from 9:00 to 10:00 and will wait for your call.”

• Clarify expectations. It’s becoming increasingly acceptable to ask: “Is that 12:00 American time or Mexican time?” to determine the actual intended start time of a meeting or social event.

• Avoid strict deadlines whenever possible by adding some wiggle room. State, “The delivery date is between Wednesday and Friday.” or “The contract needs to be finalized by the second quarter of 2003.”


When communicating and conducting business in cyclical cultures:

• Be punctual. Be on time for your appointment, understanding that lateness is a violation of form and will be interpreted as impolite and disrespectful.

• Maximize “face” time. Allow time to build a relationship and remember that face-to-face interaction is preferable to electronic or written communication.

• Be patient. Understand that cyclical cultures process information slowly and should not be hurried. Their logic may not be yours; they look for connections and pay a great deal of attention to atmosphere and intuition

• Check comfort level. Remember that because many cyclical cultures communicate indirectly, nonverbal behavior may provide much-needed information. Use culturally-sensitive perception statements or questions to check comfort level: “From your tired facial expression, I can see that you need me to slow down. Am I reading you correctly?”

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