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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Упражнение 4. С существительными во множественном числе неопределенный артикль тоже не работает. Уберите его там, где ему быть не положено.

A headquarters, fungi; a fireman; passers-by; a disadvantage, a tooth; geese; mice; a deer; a formula; criteria; a room-mate; cattle; a council; clothes; a need; a vertebra; police; a cactus; a water-melon; a child; oxen; a datum

Упражнение 5. Постройте предложения из данных словосочетаний по заданной модели. Не забудьте: исчисляемому существительному нужен артикль, а неисчисляемому – ни в коем случае.

E.G. What competent advice! – Какой компетентный совет!

What a good question! – Какой хороший вопрос!

-Original advice; a great idea; a bad temper; -beautiful nature; -fashionable furniture; a big refrigerator; -modern equipment; an ancient fortress; -unexpected money; (a)great fortune (-удача/а- состояние); -wonderful music; a sentimental tune, -hitting news; a strange call; -good progress; a big success; -heavy traffic; a busy line; -miserable weather; a nasty day; -deep knowledge; an excellent certificate; - hard work; a pleasant job; - nice silk linen; a dirty linen towel

Упражнение 6. Дополните предложения глаголом to be в нужной форме (is / are)

1. The police are here doing their best.

2. Who are those people?

3. Clothes are no longer something one doesn’t discuss.

4. My knowledge of German is very limited.

5. The goods are from China.

6. My family are early risers.

7. According to modern standards my family is not big.

8. All the furniture in this office is the latest design.

9. These shorts are too long.

10. This equipment is for camping.

11. The council is responsible for looking after roads.

12. Politics is a popular topic these days.

13. The Government are of the opinion that money in the accounts is siphoned out of the country.

14. The weather is fabulous in Italy in early autumn.

15. Watch out! The stairs are dangerous.

16. There is a hair on the dinner table.

17. Your advice is very timely. Thank you.

18. The news is too good to be true.

19. My wages are a bit higher now.

20. The outskirts of this town are shabby looking.


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