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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


The Complex Subject. 1. Steven is sure to win the game

Exercise 31

1. Steven is sure to win the game. 2, Peter is known to have left for Oslo. 3. The president is supposed to speak at the conference. 4. This play is considered to be the most interesting at the theatre. 5. She seems to be cooking an apple pie. It tastes delicious. 6. Bob is likely to help us. -- He is sure to help us. 7. They were believed to have left yesterday. 8. The talks are likely to finish tomorrow. 9. The work is supposed to have been done successfully. 10. This fact is unlikely to be of great importance. 11. This is likely to happen if the wind does not change. 12. The delegates to the conference are said to have come. 13. The committee is known to have been set up several years ago. 14. He is likely to be writing a new book. 15. They are thought to be able to solve the question at once. 16. Jack London is known to have written a lot of good books.



Unit 15

Causative Verbs and Have/Got something done

Exercise 32

1. The robbers made the people in the bank stand against the wall. 2. Let the child eat an ice-cream. 3.1 am not to blame. I was made to do it. 4. Yesterday I had my windows washed. 5. Let me try to do it myself. 6. The children are so noisy/making a lot of noise. Let them go for a walk. 7. He was made to do very dull work. 8.1 got her to go for a holiday. 9. He has his flat repaired. 10. Difficult circumstances made him act in' such a way. 11. Let's make a break for lunch. 12. You must get her to accept the offer. 13. Let me know when you want to see me again. 14. He got his neighbour to look after his dog during his absence. 15.1 wonder what made him kill the president. 16. She always lets her children watch cartoons on Sunday. 17. The suspect was made to lie on the ground. 18. She must have her watch repaired. 19. She feels bad, she got her tooth pulled out yesterday. 20. He did not build the house himself, he had it built.



Unit 16 The Gerund

Exercise 33

1.1 insist on your showing the new automobile to us.

2. The little boy was proud of having such a noble friend.

3. This film is worth seeing. You can't help enjoying the wonderful performance of the actors. 4. It was impossible to get the tickets and he had to give up the idea of listening to the famous pianist. 5.1 remember his laughing loudly when telling the story. 6. She was sure that the boys had stopped working long ago and had run to the river. 7. She was sitting in the drawing room without saying a word and paying attention to her sister's chat. 8. He quickly went into the hall without answering the greetings. 9.1 am sick and tired of being old and wise and I can't stand being treated like an invalid. 10. He meant to begin his investigation with the garden examining. 11. After washing up and tidying up the kitchen she lay on the sofa. 12. If you don't tell me what the matter is, what is the use of my being here? 13.1 couldn't even walk without his coming up to me. 14. He can't bear being praised. 15. He did not like his daughter chatting on the phone for hours. 16. He was trying to find a pretext for leaving earlier. 17.1 hope you don't mind his being told everything. 18. Did you remember to post the letter that he gave you? 19. On seeing our difficulty, they offered their help. 20. They couldn't help laughing at the sight' of the clown.



Unit 17

The Participle


Exercise 34

Translate into English using participles where possible.

1. Будьте внимательны, когда ведете машину. 2. На листе бумаги было несколько строк, написанных ка-рандашом. 3. Получив телеграмму, моя сестра немед-ленно выехала в Глазго. 4. Я не знаю человека, говоря-щего по телефону. 5. Уехав вечером, мы прибыли в город в 6 утра. 6. Полученное известие взволновало всех. 7. Я оставила ей записку, не застав ее дома. 8. Чув-ствуя усталость, они решили передохнуть. 9. Я не за-помнил имя человека, звонившего вам вчера. 10. Мы сидели на террасе, наслаждаясь чудесным видом гор, окружающих наш отель.


Unit 18 Modal Verbs

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