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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

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Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Lower, Middle, and Top Managers

In lower management, managers work closely with employees to supervise their work. They are in charge of the employees who are directly under them and they are also responsible in reporting to the next level of management.

Middle managers are primarily responsible for carrying out certain activities that work in favor of the overall goals of the company. In broadcast stations, middle managers are considered to be the department heads because they oversee a department and then also report to the general manager (GM).

Top managers organize activities of the company and provide overall direction for the accomplishment of the company’s goals. In a broadcast station, top management would include the GM. The GM is responsible for carrying out the objectives of the station’s owners. They are responsible for organizing resources (human and physical) in a way that the stations objectives can and will be accomplished.

All three levels of managers have many different roles, which are broken up into three different categories by Henry Mintzberg. He identified that in interpersonal roles a manager can be a liaison, figurehead, and/or a leader. A manager will use the interpersonal roles to provide information to their employees. The interpersonal roles are concerned primarily with interpersonal relationships (Allen 1998).

In a broadcast station, the general manager is the liaison (or “middle-man”) between the station’s owners and its employees. The liaison can also be responsible for external company relations such as community groups, program suppliers, and other stations. As a figurehead in a broadcast station, the GM is responsible for signing documents to be submitted to the FCC and representing the station at community events, among others. As a leader, the GM must establish a certain atmosphere for the workplace and guide and motivate employees.

Exercise 1. Read «The right person». These words are often used in job advertisement. Companies look for people who are:

Exercise 2. Read these sentences. Complete each sentence with words. Change the form if necessary.

1 Start-up _______________ is available in the form of bank loans.

2 The human resources _______________ is in charge of hiring new employees.

3 Experts in specialist _______________ are sometimes asked to advise companies on their strategies.

4 After tax deductions, the company’s _______________ profit is in excess of £2 million.

5 Seasonal farm _______________ are often employed to help bring in the harvest.

6 After 20 years working her way up the ladder, Ms Jones now _______________ the European division.

7 The business _______________ we follow involves minimizing risk and staying ahead of our competitors.

8 Mr Lim’s primary _______________ was to become a successful entrepreneur.

Exercise 3. Match these words as they go together in the text.

produce and goods and national prison human sales tax defense distribute system services interaction


Exercise 4. Match the parts of the sentences and write them down into your notebook.

can predict understand government policies, business development, and consumer behaviour.
provides context in the areas of getting and spending money
deals with the likely results of economic activity.
is well equipped to help us fundamental, often life-to-death issues.
is concerned with human behavior for making decision in your business, professional and financial life.


Exercise 5. Read the text about management and administration.

An open office


Exercise 6. Read the text about labor, personnel and human resources.

Exercise 7. Find the answer to the crossword and use words from ex.5 and ex.6.



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