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The State Organization of Great Britain

1. Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy and the Monarch (the King or the Queen) is the formal head of the government. For centuries the monarch had the total power, but now the monarch reigns, but does not govern. The Queen of Britain now is Elizabeth II.

2. The British Parliament, the legislative body of the country, is the oldest in the world. It was formed in the 13th century. It consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Its name comes from the French word parler (“to talk”).

3. The House of Lords was previously a hereditary, aristocratic chamber. Nowadays it includes hereditary members, bishops of the Church of England known as Lords Spiritual and appointed members (life peers). Life peers are appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Government for various services to the nation. The number of members is not fixed. The head of the House is Lord Chancellor.

4. Today the main part is the House of Commons; its members alone are called members of Parliament. No statute may become law or be altered or repealed, nor may taxes be levied, without its consent. The House of Commons has 650 members elected by popular vote. The head of the House is the Speaker.

5. During the legislative process all bills are introduced in the Commons, go through three stages called “readings”, discussed and amended. Being passed, they go to the House of Lords for the same, but less formal, proceedings. The Lords can provide additional study and reflection and thus improve the quality of legislation. At last the passed bills are signed by the Monarch and become Acts of Parliament.

6. The maximum life of a Parliament is five years. Elections are set by the Prime Minister on the basis of political necessity or advantage. Every citizen above the age of 18 has a vote. Voting is taken by secret ballot. The main parties which give the majority of members to the House, are the Conservative party, the Labour party and the Liberal Democratic party. After the election one of the main parties has a majority. This party is called the Government; the parties in the minority are called the Opposition. The Government has executive functions and is responsible to the House of Commons. One of the main functions of the Government is framing the foreign and home policies.

7. The leader of the majority party becomes the Prime Minister and appoints the Cabinet of Ministers with approval of the Crown. Cabinet members, including the prime minister, are members of one house or the other and thus combine executive and legislative duties. They are collectively responsible to the House of Commons for its policies and actions. Members of the cabinet of the British government constitute the supreme executive authority of the government.



Parliamentary monarchy Парламентская монархия
King Король
Queen Королева
Head Глава; возглавлять
government Правительство
To govern Управлять
Monarch Монарх
Total power Абсолютная власть
To reign Царствовать
Legislative body Законодательный орган
House of Lords Палата лордов
House of Commons Палата общин
Hereditary chamber Наследственная палата
Hereditary members Наследственные члены
Bishop Епископ
Life peers Пожизненные пэры
To appoint Назначать
Lord Chancellor Лорд Канцлер
Statute Законодательный акт
Law Закон, право
taxes Налоги
Popular vote Всенародное голосование
Legislative process Законодательный процесс
To introduce a bill Вносить законопроект на рассмотрение
To amend a bill Вносить поправки в законопроект
To pass a bill Принимать законопроект
To sign a bill Подписывать законопроект
legislation Законодательство
Election Выборы
Citizen Гражданин
To have a vote Иметь право голоса
Voting Голосование
Secret ballot Тайное голосование
Majority Большинство
Majority party Партия большинства
the Conservative party Консервативная партия
the Labour party Лейбористская (трудовая) партия
the Liberal Democratic party Либерально-Демократическая партия
Executive functions Исполнительные функции
To be responsible to / for Нести ответственность перед / за
Minority Меньшинство
Foreign and home policy Внешняя и внутренняя политика
The Crown Король / королева
duties Обязанности
the supreme executive authority Высший исполнительный орган власти



1. Who is the formal head of the country?

2. Who is the monarch nowadays?

3. What power does the monarch have?

4. What is the legislative body of the country?

5. What parts does the Parliament consist of?

6. Who does the House of Lords comprise?

7. Who is the head of the House of Lords?

8. How many members are there in the House of Commons?

9. Who is the head of the House of Commons?

10. How can a bill become a law?

11. How often does the parliamentary election take place?

12. Who has a vote?

13. How is voting taken?

14. What parties take part in election?

15. What party forms the Government?

16. What body represents the executive branch of power?

17. Who becomes the Prime Minister?

18. What is the Cabinet of Ministers?


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