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Serenade No. 10 Gran Partita


In addition to writing a lot of large-scale music-operas, symphonies and the like-Mozart was a jobbing composer who also produced a large quantity of lighter music for special occasions of varying degrees of formality, often held out of doors. Such music was usually called a serenade or a divertimento, the two names being virtually interchangeable, although a serenade carried the connotation of an evening entertainment and was often referred to by its German name, Nachtmusik. This was essentially background music, against which you could tat/ talk or party as the occasion demanded, but such restrictions did not prevent Mozart from writing works of great style and sophistication. A serenade did not conform to any particular form, although they often had several movements: thus Serenade No. 7, the “Haffner”, is a kind of scaled-down sifonia-concertante, No.10 is mainly for wind instruments, No. 13-the most famous of all - was originally written for string quartet and double bass.

Serenade No. 10 Gran Partita

Wind bands were highly fashionable in Vienna in the early 1780s - even the emperor had one – and several arrangements of Mozart's operas were made for such ensembles. Mozart's wind band masterpiece is known as the Serenade for 13 Wind Instruments, although it is actually for twelve plus one double bass. There is some doubt as to whether it was written for Mozart's own wedding celebrations or, as seems more likely, for a benefit concert for his old friend the clarinetist Anton Stadler. Clarinets and basset horns (a lower-pitched version of the instrument) make up four of the instruments, but the great glory of this work is the way the various instruments move in and out of the limelight dictating the mood of its seven movements. The core of the work is the third-movement Adagio which begins with a rather unassuming, lilting introduction from which a long sustained note on the oboe suddenly appears. It's moment of heart-melting magic.

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