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Примерный образец вопросов на зачете

1. Read and translate the text. Give the idea of the text using italicized words. 2. Choose the correct variant. 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

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1. Read and translate the text. Give the idea of the text using italicized words. Foreign Nationals Push for Right to Make Contributions to U.S. Political Campaigns Mike Scarcella All Articles The National Law Journal May 16, 2011 Lawyers for a Sidley Austin associate and a doctor on Thursday urged a three-judge panel in Washington, D.C., to find unconstitutional the inability of foreign nationals who live and work in the United States from making monetary contributions to political candidates. The associate, Benjamin Bluman, and the doctor, Asenath Steiman, sued the Federal Elections Commission in October in Washington federal district court, saying the restrictions imposed on them violate First Amendment speech rights. Bluman, who practices in Sidley's mergers and acquisition group in Manhattan, is a native of Canada. Bluman said in the suit he wants to contribute money to Diane Savino, a Democratic state senator in New York who is a proponent of same-sex marriage. Bluman also intends to print and distribute flyers to support President Barack Obama's re-election campaign. Arguing for the plaintiffs Thursday in front of a three-judge panel, Jones Day associate Warren Postman called the FEC position "extreme" and said Bluman and Steiman should not be excluded from the political speech as lawful, if not permanent, residents of the United States. "If there is a concern about speech, the solution is more speech," Postman told U.S. District Judges Ricardo Urbina and Rosemary Collyer, who heard the case with Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. The panel heard argument for more than an hour in the ceremonial courtroom of the federal district courthouse in downtown Washington. Collyer said she was troubled by what she described as Postman's "black and white" view of the First Amendment. Collyer said the First Amendment is not "all or nothing." The judge noted the plaintiffs are permitted to advocate orally for the candidate and the cause of their choice. Bluman and Steiman, Collyer said, can volunteer in a campaign headquarters and speak on public radio for or against a candidate. "They can't contribute money," she said. "But they can contribute in other ways." Collyer asked Postman, "Why should the First Amendment think it's critical to hear from the dollars of your clients? You want them to do whatever a voter or permanent resident can do." The judges questioned whether the First Amendment "goes that far." Postman said political speech through campaign contributions is no less protected than speech on a soapbox. He urged the panel to allow lawful residents of the United States to "participate in the marketplace of ideas." Kavanaugh questioned whether Postman's argument would open the door for foreign corporations, with a significant presence in the United States, to contribute campaign funds to candidates.
2. Choose the correct variant. 1. Criminal offences are the offences against the State and … by the State. 1) available, 2) possible, 3) punishable. 2. …lays down the rules governing the manner in which a right is enforced under the civil law in court or a crime prosecuted in the trial. 1) Constitutional Law, 2) Substantive Law, 3) Procedural Law. 3. … may be defined as a rule of human conduct imposed upon And enforced among the members of a given state. 1) Statute, 2) Jurisdiction, 3) Law. 4. The chief characteristic of law is that is… by the State. 1) broken, 2) made, 3) enforced. 5. The United Kingdom is … …. 1) a republic, with a written constitution; 2) a monarchy with a written constitution; 3) a constitutional monarchy without a written constitution. 6. The Queen … an important formal role within …. 1) doesn’t keep, Parliament; 2) doesn’t retain, the Government; 3) retains, the Parliament. 7. The House of Commons consists of… … for 5 years by … 1) members of the local government, appointed, the Queen’s order; 2) members of Parliament, appointed, the Prime Minister’s order; 3) members of Parliament, elected, universal suffrage. 8. … legislation comprises the bulk of European Union law. 1) Primary; 2) Non-significant; 3) Secondary. 9. There is some debate as to … in relation to later statutes … by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. 1) the statutes of European Union law, passed; 2) the statutes of European Union law, enacted; 3) the statutes of European Union law, enforced. 10. The Maastricht Treaty … the previous Treaties of the European Community and … the European Union. 1) passed, made; 2) amended, created; 3) broke, rejected.
3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.   1. Конституционный суд России вынес постановление о неконституционности данного решения суда первой инстанции. 2. Нелегальные иммигранты были депортированы из Москвы. 3. В США выборы главы государства проводятся раз в четыре года. В Германии, Греции, Франции, Венгрии президент избирается раз в пять лет. 4. Косвенное (непрямое) голосование означает, что избиратель голосует за своих представителей, а уже те будут голосовать от их имени. 5. Непривычным для российского слуха словом «омбудсмен» на Западе называют людей, защищающих права человека. 6. Вердикт жюри присяжных был единогласным. 7. В мае 2010 его обвинили в неуплате налогов и приговорили к 9 годам лишения свободы. 8. Судебное дело о привлечении к уголовной ответственности за совершение преступления возбуждает прокурор. 9. Акционеры имеют право голосовать за избрание и смещение членов совета директоров, за дополнения к уставу. 10. Система кумулятивного голосования позволяет отдать голоса либо за одного кандидата в директора, либо за всех кандидатов поровну.


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