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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


III. Перепишите предложения и переведите их, имея в виду различные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do.


1. It is not difficult to set up an account on this site.

2. I will have to upload the photos tomorrow.

3. Do they know where she stores the information about the clients?

4. She has just identified his IP address.

5. They had to use a touchpad as they had no mouse.

6. Our problem is to find an access point.


IV. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение.


1. They know their IP address has already been identified.

2. The user didn’t understand he had removed his files for ever.

IV. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива.


1. The blog to be well designed will be of great importance for the development of our new site.

2. It is better for you to use open source software.

V. Прочтите и устно переведите 1-5 абзацы текста. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2 и 4 абзацы.


Computer Languages


1. Unfortunately for us, computers can't understand spoken English or any other natural language. The only language they can understand directly is machine code, which consists of 1s and 0s (binary code).

2. Machine code is too difficult to write. For this reason, we use symbolic languages to communicate instructions to the computer. For example, assembly languages use abbreviations such as ADD, SUB, MPY to represent instructions. The program is then translated into machine code by a piece of software called an assembler. Machine code and assembly languages are called low-level languages because they are closer to the hardware. They are quite complex and restricted to particular machines. It was necessary to make the programs easier to write, and to overcome the problem of intercommunication between different types of computer, thus software developers designed high-level languages, which are closer to the English language. Here are some examples.

3. FORTRAN was developed by IBM in 1954 and is still used for scientific and engineering applications. COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) was developed in 1959 to be used for business applications. BASIC was developed in the 1960s and was widely used in microcomputer programming because it was easy to learn. Visual BASIC is a modern version of the old BASIC language, used to build graphical elements such as buttons and windows in Windows programs. PASCAL was created in 1971. It is used in universities to teach the fundamentals of programming.

4. С was developed in the 1980s at AT&T. It is used to write system software, graphics and commercial applications. С++ is a version of С which incorporates object-oriented programming: the programmer concentrates on particular things (a piece of text, a graphic or a table, etc.) and gives each object functions which can be altered without changing the entire program. For example, to add a new graphics format, the programmer needs to rework just the graphics object. This makes programs easier to modify.

5. Programs written in high-level languages must be translated into machine code by a compiler or an interpreter. A compiler translates the source code into object code - that is, it converts the entire program into machine code in one go. On the other hand, an interpreter translates the source code line by line as the program is running.

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