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ТОР 5 статей:

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Be able to might need have to

Robert Koch

1. Practice the pronunciation and translate the following words:

Resource bacillus microbiology isolate vibrio predominance miasma major preeminence award laboratory [ri'sɔːs] [bəˈsɪləs] [ˌmaɪkrəʊbaɪˈɒlədʒɪ] [ˈaɪsəˌleɪt] [ˈvɪbrɪˌəʊ] [prɪˈdɒmɪnəns] [mɪˈæzmə] [ˈmeɪdʒə] [pri(:) 'eminəns] [əˈwɔːd] [ləˈbɒrətərɪ]  

2. Topic vocabulary:

Limited resources - обмежені кошти, ресурси

research work - досліднецъка робота

findings - отримані/ здобуті данні

to manage - справлятися, ухитритися, примудритися

widely spread - широко поширений

formally renamed - офіційно переіменований

to be unaware of - не знати, не підозрювати

due to - завдяки, дякуючи, внаслідок

to be responsible for - бути відповідальним за

to carry on - продовжувати

to allow - дозволяти

a mouse - миша / mice - миші

a bacterium - бактерія, мікроорганізм / bacteria - бактерії, мікроорганізми

Fill in the gaps with modal verbs.

Can must should could

be able to might need have to

a) You…try to avoid tight clothing, sitting in deep armchairs and bending, especially after meals.

b) If you aren't feeling better in 7 to 14 days, you really …come back and see me again.

c) You…end up with a serious drug problem.

d) I expect things will settle in a few days and you'll…get up.

e) If you still have some pain, you…keep taking paracetamol.

f) Some time off work…help.

g) I'm going to start you off with some tablets. If they don't help, we'll… to think about surgery.

h) You don't…insulin right now but it is possible you…need itin the future.

i) What about ay night? Do you…get up at night?

j) In severe cases, there…be scars afterwards.

4. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative:

a) The patient was able to fall asleep after taking the medicine.

b) We had to summarize and analyse all the findings of our observations.

c) The fifth-year students will be allowed to operate on the patients by themselves.

d) The scientist can prove his investigations.

e) The nurse must feed the infant.

f) The patient may walk.


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