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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

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Poultry, Stuffing, Stuffed Meats, and Casseroles

Poultry, stuffing, stuffed meats, should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165F (74C) or higher for fifteen seconds. Poultry tends to have more types and higher counts of microorganisms than other meat and, therefore, should be cooked more thoroughly.

Stuffing poses a hazard for several reasons. It can be made with potentially hazardous food, such as eggs or oysters, which need to be fully cooked. It also acts as insulations, preventing heat from reaching the center of meat or poultry. For example, when poultry is stuffed, the thighs, wings, and even the breast can reach temperatures of 165F (74C), while the stuffing may still be at an unsafe temperature. If the bird is taken out of the oven too soon, microorganisms in the stuffing will not be killed, creating a potential hazard.

For this reason, stuffing should be cooked separately, particularly when cooking whole, large birds or large cuts of meat. Smaller cuts of meat, such as pork tenderloins or veal chops, may be stuffed before cooking, but verify that the internal temperature of both the meat and the stuffing has reached 165F (74C) for at least fifteen seconds.


Cook pork, such as chops or medallions of tenderloin, to an internal temperature of 145F (63C) or higher for fifteen seconds. This temperature is high enough to destroy any Trichinella spp. larvae that might have contaminated the pork. Pork roasts, on the other hand, must hold the same internal temperature for at least four minutes. Depending on the type of roast and the oven used, however, pork can be cooked at different internal temperatures.



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