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Implemented one of the largest CRM-projects in the Russian corporate banking

Corporate Banking of the bank "Revival" began work in the new CRM system based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

The project is to deploy the new CRM-system in the bank "Revival", implemented in cooperation with the system integrator Navicon - one of the largest projects for Microsoft Dynamics CRM implementation in the corporate section of the Russian banking system.

Today, all branches of the bank "Revival" being product sales to corporate customers based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM. In six suburban branches of the bank system is used to automate the process of corporate lending. During the first half of 2016 all the territorial branches of the bank will be connected to the automated credit process in the CRM.

Alexei Ivanov, chief information officer of the bank "Revival": "The bank built a unified information space for interaction with corporate clients. All work with existing and potential customers of the bank (the organization and monitoring of sales, decision making, motivation for the results, data storage, etc.) are now carried out using a system based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The sales process is implemented by the initial contact with the client before deciding on the deal and the formation of business decisions. CRM integrated with core banking modules: accounting system, file storage client base of current financial performance as well as implementing requests for customer identification in internal and external data sources (SPARC, CHB, black lists). All relevant information about the customer is stored in a "single window".

Along with the rise in sales performance, one of the key tasks of the IT project for the bank began to reduce operational risk and implementation of additional controls for making decisions on credit transactions, compliance with all the regulations of the credit process complies with the conditions of contracts concluded prior approval of the decision.

Mikhail Ponomarev, head of the department of banking CRM-solutions company Navicon: «project in the bank" Revival "- one of the largest CRM-projects in the banking sector in Russia and the biggest of those, which uses the platform Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Process sales to corporate customers and the process of corporate lending, we have automated during the project - one of the most difficult processes in the banking industry. The implementation of this project is not only interesting and far-reaching for us, but also demanded that all qualifications and responsibilities of the team. "

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