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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


My favorite kind of sports


1. About myself………………………………………………......…………3

2. My working day…..………………………………………………….......4

3. My favorite kind of sports…………………………………………….….5

4. Ukraine. My native town………………………...……………………….6

5. Verb «to be»…………………………………………….………...……7-9


About myself

My name is Anastasia Korneevа. I was born in Ukraine, in the southern city of Mykolayiv. Part of my childhood I spent in the North in the city of Severomorsk, where we lodged. In 5 years I moved to live in Kyiv region, in the village Knyazhychi, where he now lives. My family consists of five people: mom, dad, two younger sisters and me. And yet I have two granny and grandpa. My family is united and strong. We have our own rules and traditions. We love each other, respect and understanding. 1 year ago I graduated from high school and enrolled in medical school. After graduation I want to go to medical intsitut and become a gynecologist.. Since childhood, I set myself the goal and try to go in this direction. Like medicine, the medical profession I admire.

In my spare time I can do different things. I love to cook, I like to bake pies, cakes and other sweets. I like reading, music sluagh dream. I love spending time with friends and family. Often I walk with my sisters, we walk in the woods, stroll with a dog, we are in a cinema, skating rink, and a park. In the summer we go with the whole family for a vacation by the sea or visit my relatives in my hometown.

I am 17 years old, I traveled a lot, learned a lot and learned a lot. The main thing, I realized that you need to enjoy all around, love and respect of people and then you will be always happy, despite the difficulties.


My working day

Beautiful morning begins with the fact that I wake up at 6 o'clock and mentally plan the day. First of all I drink 1 liter of water and do morning exercises 20 minutes. In the summer, I swim in the pond and run into the woods and back. Аfter the morning exercises, I go into the shower and bring in the order of my body. After that I eat breakfast, such as cereal with fruit or cottage cheese with nuts and honey. I always try to make my breakfast was a full and healthy. Then I start going to college. I dress, do makeup, bring my hair in order to gather the necessary things and leave the house. The road to college takes 50-60 minutes. Before college get on the bus, it takes 35 minutes. My way to the bus is 15 minutes, to me this is a pleasure trip, during road I finally invigorate and bring thoughts in order. In transport, I usually read or repeat the subject, but if you have spare time, I give myself to music. From the bus to the college I go 10 minutes. The school day is about 4.5 hours, depending on the schedule. After the end of the lectures I get out of college and go on the bus. My way back I relax, listen to music. After returning home, I wash my hands, change into comfortable clothes and lunch. At this time, I have a varied menu. After lunch, I rest for about an hour.I can not sleep, just to talk with your family, or work at a computer. An hour later, I start to prepare material on the following day. At the break, I relax with a cup of tea or coffee for 5-10 minutes. And once again plunge into the study. In the evening I had a light dinner in the form of fruit, eggs or cheese. After dinner I continue employment, and if there is time, minding my own business. I can help with English sister, play, discuss with your family any topic. In the evening I take a shower and getting ready for bed.

My favorite kind of sports

I like sport very much. In general, I like all kinds of sports. When people are engaged in physical development, that's great, helpful and nice. And when the pros do it uh, then for them is very interesting to watch, admire the skills of others. I do not do any one sport professionally, but I like outdoor activities, it is always associated with the sport. I had a good ride on roller skates, skating, like cycling, swimming and boxing. From professional sports, I prefer to watch the skating. I like the grace and strength of will of the athletes. Regular training to improve their skills, and the raising of the fall, incredible jumps. It is interesting to observe how children from 5 years old are on the ice, and his persistence and diligence grow into well-known skaters who get the silver and gold at the championships.

All sports are good, each is unique and all people develop self-confidence, character, strength of will. Perseverance, great diligence, on a robot, training and honing skills makes them champions and pushes forward. That's why only the best become champions. Sport needs everyone. Sport is health, good mood, strength, victory. First of all it is a victory over laziness.



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