ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Файл infix2postfix.c
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "infix2postfix.h"
//Functions for getting items from Input string //"item" is text which is separated by spaces or tabulations struct StrArray { char** item; //array of strings int counti; //count strings of the array };
short add_item(struct StrArray* array, char* new_item) { char** ptr2=realloc(array->item,(array->counti+1)*sizeof(char*)); if(ptr2!= NULL) array->item=ptr2; else { printf("\nError: Can not resize array\n"); return -1; } array->item[array->counti]=(char*)calloc((MAX_ID_LEN+1),sizeof(char));
strcpy(array->item[array->counti],new_item); array->counti++;
return 0; }
void free_items(struct StrArray* array) { for(int i=0;i<array->counti;i++) free(array->item[i]); free(array->item); } //
//The function separetes items(words) from sting (s) and returns array with these items void GetItems(const char* s, struct StrArray *InputItems) { int CurCh = 0; short separat = 0; //flag for separating items char CurItem[MAX_ID_LEN]; //for togethering one item memset(CurItem,0,sizeof(CurItem)); //forclearing array int CurCh_inNew = 0; while(s[CurCh]!= '\0') { if(s[CurCh] == ' ' || s[CurCh] == '\t') separat = 1; else { if(separat == 1) { separat = 0; if(CurCh_inNew!= 0) //for first item { add_item(&(*InputItems), CurItem); CurCh_inNew = 0; memset(CurItem,0,sizeof(CurItem)); } }
CurItem[CurCh_inNew] = s[CurCh]; CurCh_inNew++; } CurCh++; } //for the latest item if(CurCh_inNew!= 0) add_item(&(*InputItems), CurItem); }
//It converts string (s) to array of tokens //return 0 in case of success // -1 in case of wrong format of any token // -2 in case of it can not resize array int tokenize(const char *s, Token **tokens, int *len) { struct StrArray ItemsArray = {NULL,0}; //Array of tokens strings GetItems(s, &ItemsArray); //Get this array
for(int item_id=0;item_id < ItemsArray.counti;item_id++) { char* Item = ItemsArray.item[item_id];
Token* ptr2=realloc((*tokens),(++(*len))*sizeof(Token)); if(ptr2!= NULL) (*tokens) = ptr2; else { free_items(&ItemsArray); return -2; }
Token* CurToken = &(*tokens)[(*len)-1];
if(Item[1] == '\0' && (Item[0] == '+' || Item[0] == '-' || Item[0] == '*' || Item[0] == '/' || Item[0] == '(' || Item[0] == ')')) { CurToken->ttype = tt_OPER; CurToken->tvalue.otype = Item[0]; //printf("\nIt is operator\n"); } else { int CurChar = 1; if(isdigit(Item[0])) { while(Item[CurChar]!= '\0') { if(!isdigit(Item[CurChar])) { free_items(&ItemsArray); return -1; } CurChar++; } CurToken->ttype = tt_CONST; CurToken->tvalue.inum = atoi(Item); //printf("\nIt is number\n"); } else if(isalpha(Item[0])!= 0) { while(Item[CurChar]!= '\0') { if(isalpha(Item[CurChar]) == 0 &&!isdigit(Item[CurChar])) { free_items(&ItemsArray); return -1; } CurChar++; } CurToken->ttype = tt_ID;
strcpy(CurToken->tvalue.id, Item); //printf("\nIt is name\n"); } else { free_items(&ItemsArray); return -1; } } } free_items(&ItemsArray);
return 0; }
typedef struct { Token* items; //array of items int count; //count items of the array } TokensDArray;
//return 0 in case of success // -1 in case of stack is over full short push(TokensDArray *stack, const Token *token) { Token* ptr2=realloc((*stack).items,(++(*stack).count)*sizeof(Token)); if(ptr2!= NULL) (*stack).items = ptr2; else return -1;
(*stack).items[(*stack).count-1] = (*token);
return 0; }
//return <Current Count stack item> in case of success // -1 in case of can not resize array short pop(TokensDArray *stack, Token **TokensArray, int *len) { if((*stack).count > 0) { Token* ptr2=realloc((*TokensArray),(++(*len))*sizeof(Token)); if(ptr2!= NULL) (*TokensArray) = ptr2; else return -1;
(*TokensArray)[(*len)-1]=(*stack).items[--(*stack).count]; }
return (*stack).count; }
//return 0 in case of success // -1 in case of can not resize array short out_everyth(TokensDArray *stack, Token **TokensArray, int *len) { short r; while((r=pop(&(*stack), &(*TokensArray),&(*len))) > 0); return r; }
//return 0 in case of success // -1 in case of can not resize array short out_UntilBrac(TokensDArray *stack, Token **TokensArray, int *len) { while((*stack).count > 0) { if((*stack).items[(*stack).count-1].ttype == tt_OPER) if((*stack).items[(*stack).count-1].tvalue.otype == op_LBR) { (*stack).count--; break; }
if(pop(&(*stack), &(*TokensArray),&(*len)) < 0) return -1; }
return 0; }
//For converting from infix form to postfix //return 0 in case of success // -1 unknown type of operator // -2 unknown type of token // -3 stack is over full // -4 memory error: cant resize array int infix2postfix(const Token *infix, int in_len, Token **postfix, int *out_len) { (*postfix)=(Token*)calloc(0,sizeof(Token));
TokensDArray stack = {NULL, 0}; stack.items=(Token*)calloc(0,sizeof(Token));
//go over all tokens of infix array for(int CurInT=0; CurInT<in_len; CurInT++) { //identify type of current token if(infix[CurInT].ttype == tt_OPER) { OperType OTinfix = infix[CurInT].tvalue.otype; OperType OTstack = stack.items[stack.count-1].tvalue.otype;
switch(OTinfix) { case op_LBR: if(push(&stack, &infix[CurInT])!= 0) return -3; break;
case op_RBR: if(out_UntilBrac(&stack, &(*postfix),&(*out_len)) < 0) return -4; break;
default: if(OTinfix == op_ADD || OTinfix == op_SUB) { while(OTstack == op_ADD || OTstack == op_SUB || OTstack == op_MUL || OTstack == op_DIV) { if(pop(&stack, &(*postfix),&(*out_len)) < 0) return -4; OTstack = stack.items[stack.count-1].tvalue.otype; }
if(push(&stack, &infix[CurInT])!= 0) return -3; } else if(OTinfix == op_MUL || OTinfix == op_DIV) { while(OTstack == op_MUL || OTstack == op_DIV) { if(pop(&stack, &(*postfix), &(*out_len)) < 0) return -4; OTstack = stack.items[stack.count-1].tvalue.otype; }
if(push(&stack, &infix[CurInT])!= 0) а return -3; } else return -1; break; } } else if(infix[CurInT].ttype == tt_CONST || infix[CurInT].ttype == tt_ID) { Token* ptr2=realloc((*postfix),(++(*out_len))*sizeof(Token)); if(ptr2!= NULL) (*postfix) = ptr2; else return -4;
(*postfix)[(*out_len)-1]=infix[CurInT]; } else return -2;
} if(out_everyth(&stack, &(*postfix), &(*out_len)) < 0) //out all remained tokens of stack return -4;
return 0; }
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