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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Составьте и разыграйте диалог по следующим ситуациям.


1. People talking in the street. One of them is a stranger in the city asking the way to the nearest department store.

2. Friends’ chit-chat in a café.

3. Good friends are shopping.

4. Russian couple from Ekaterinburg is on holiday in London. They took a taxi to get to the hotel.



Список литературы


1. Зиновьева Л.А., Омеляненко В.И. Английский язык: 1000 фраз и диалогов.- М.: Эксмо, 2009.-352 с.

2. Качалова К.Н., Изралевич Е.Е. «Практическая грамматика английского языка»

3. Поуви Дж., Иванов А. Здравствуй и прощай.= Hallo and Good-bye: Английский речевой этикет: Учеб.пособие для изучающих английский язык.- Спб.: отд-ние изд-ва «Просвещение», 1998, - VI, 167с.

4. Elizabeth Sharman «Across cultures»

5. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

6. Raymond Murphy «English Grammar in Use» (Intermediate) Cambridge University Press

7. Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor, Frances Eales, Cutting Edge, Elementary, Students Book, 2001 Longman, S.A. Printo, Madrid, 160 p.

8. Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor, Jane Comyns Carr, Cutting Edge, Pre- Intermediate, Students Book, 2001 Longman, S.A. Printo, Madrid, 168 p.

9. www.bbc.co.uk/russian/learning-english/




Образец текста к теме 1. Логический анализ текста.

Shaking the family tree
Talk about your family? “Well…they’re just there”, we say. Our families are so ordinary to us that we even think they’re boring. Not a bit of it! Families are the most exotic things on earth. If you dig enough in your own family, you’re sure to come up with all the stuff you could want for a great novel. Surprising characters, dramatic or funny stories passed down for generations, or a face from the past you recognise – maybe in your own. Someone or something unique to your family. Or, as * genealogists like to say, “Shake your family tree - and watch the nuts fall out. My mother started tracing our family tree a few years ago, not expecting to get far. But, digging in old records and libraries she got back three hundred years. She turned up old stories and a few mysteries. What happened to the big family farm? Where did the family fortune go in the 1870s? More to the point – where is it now? I’m the traveller in my family, and I like to think I got it from a great-grandfather on my Dad’s side. He was an adventurous soul. My two favourite family * heirlooms are a photo of him on a horse in a desert landscape (1897 in Patagonia) and a postcard home from Portugal complaining that his boat was late because of the Revolution in Lisbon. “Dreadful business, they seem to have arrested the King...” he says. All families have their stories, their dramas, their private jokes, nicknames and phrases. They’re the place where our personalities were made. If you look at your family, you open a window on the past. Notes *genealogist (n): a person who researches their family history. *heirloom (n): an object kept in a family and passed down from parents to children. Введение Основная часть Заключение



Обращением называются слова, обозначающие лицо, к которому обращена речь: Doctor!, Waiter!, Darling!, Mr!, My friend!. Вводные слова вставляются в предложение для выражения отношения говорящего к высказываемой мысли, придавая ей различныe оттенки: предположения, уверенности, сожаления и т. п. Вводными бывают не только отдельные слова и словосочетания, но и целые предложения. (by the way- между прочим, moreover- кроме того, that is - то есть, for example- например, in my opinion- по моему мнению, in other words- другими словами, frankly speaking- честно говоря, perhaps- возможно, maybe- возможно, otherwise- иначе, to my surprise- к моему удивлению, on the one hand- с одной стороны). Междометия: Oh!- О! , Ah!- А! , Alas!- Увы!, Well!- Ну! Слова, которые не являются членами предложения, а относятся к предложению в целом: обращения, вводные слова и предложения, междометия.


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