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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


TheInfinitive and theing-form as Subject. § 235. Neither the infinitive nor the ing-form as subject is common in English, so the distinction between them is not very important for practical

§ 235. Neither the infinitive nor the ing-form as subject is
common in English, so the distinction between them is not very
important for practical purposes.

The differentiation between the infinitive and the ing-form as
subject is, on the one hand, determined by their respective tense
and aspect characteristics — the infinitive tends to denote an ac-
tion following that of the predicate verb (a), while the ing-form
mainly serves to express an action simultaneous with that of the
predicate verb (b).

e.g. a) To win the world's greatest cycling event became the ambi-
tion of his life.

b) Beatrice and I don't correspond unless there is a major
event in the family. Writing letters is a waste of time.

On the other hand, the choice between the infinitive and the
ing-form is to a certain extent determined by the usage. Accord-
ing to tradition, the ing-form is preferred in this function and the
infinitive is by far less frequent. Sometimes, however, the use of
the infinitive is required by an additional factor, namely the abili-
ty of the infinitive to express the modal meaning of condition.

e.g. To go to them with an accusation would be absurd.

The Infinitive and the ing-form as Predicative

§ 236. As predicative, the infinitive and the ing-form may both
have the same appositive meaning. The difference between them is
mainly determined by tradition — the infinitive (a) is in common
use in English whereas instances of the ing-form (b) are scarce.

e.g. a) The job of a reporter is to expose and to record.

All one could do was try to make the future less hard,
b) The important part is helping people so that they can live
normal lives.

Yet the infinitive is used only after the link-verb to be, while
the ing-form. is found after other link-verbs, particularly to mean.

e.g. That would mean telling him everything.

Still another point of difference is that only an ing-form is
used after to be like. The ing-form has appositive meaning here
but the explanation is made by way of comparison.

e.g. Philip tries to direct his mind to the question but it is like
to press the like poles of two magnets together.
They push away.

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