![]() ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Place of Adverbs in the Sentence. § 7.There are generally four possible positions for adverbs in the sentence:§ 7. There are generally four possible positions for adverbs in 1) at the head of the sentence, 2) between the subject and predicate or, if the predicate is a 3) before the word the adverb modifies, 4) at the end of the sentence. Different semantic groups of adverbs tend to appear in differ- Thus, many adverbs of time and frequency prefer Position 2. e.g. Mother is now busy in the kitchen. However, some of time adverbs appear in Position 4. e.g. He arrived yesterday. If any adverbs of time and frequency are found in positions Cf. He usually comes early, (common) Adverbs of place and direction usually occur in Position 4. e.g. The young people were enjoying themselves outside. Adverbs of manner commonly appear in Position 4, after the e.g. They welcomed us warmly. He explained the problem very simply. Some adverbs of manner may occasionally be found in Position 2. e.g. She knew she had deeply hurt her husband. The girl bent down and gently scooped the butterfly into the Occasionally adverbs of manner may be found in Position 1. In e.g. Stiffly she began to get out of the car. (= she was stiff when she began to get out of the car) Anxiously she watched the butterfly. (= she felt anxious Adverbs of degree (or intensifiers) are usually placed in Posi- e.g. I quite forgot her birthday. He definitely saw me in the corridor. The adverb enough, when it modifies an adjective or an ad- e.g. He is old enough to understand it. However, adverbs of degree (intensifiers), if they modify e.g. I don't know him well. He ignored me completely. Focusing adverbs occupy Position 3 ■— most of them precede e.g. a) Shall we just exchange the books? It was only proper that the girl should give up her seat to an elderly lady. He also bought a can of raspberry jam. I, too, want a cup of tea. Viewpoint adverbs are usually found in Position 1 and marked e.g. Morally, they have won a victory. Theoretically, I have no objection to his proposal. Cf. The expedition was planned scientifically, {an adverb of manner meaning 'us- a scientific point of view') detail') meaning 'usually') Attitudinal adverbs mainly tend to appear in Position 1, at e.g. a) Perhaps they knew that she was coming today. It was possible of course that Meg would deny everything. Conjunctive adverbs may be found in Positions 1, 2 and 4. tired to do it. The corridor was full of people anyway. Besides he was too The Adverb so § 8. Note the peculiarities in the use of the adverb so. It is 1) When so is used to express agreement with a preceding e.g. "Will he do it?" "I think so." (I expect so. I believe so.) Disagreement with a previous statement may be expressed in e.g. "Can you come and see us tomorrow?" "I'm afraid not." As to the other verbs, both ways are possible with them, the e.g. "Will they ask you to do it?" "I don't think so." "Are your parents going to stay with you when they come?" 2) When so expresses agreement and refers to a previous e.g. a) "It was hot yesterday." "So it was." "We've all worked well." "So we have." b) "It's going to rain soon." "If so, what are we going to do?" 3) When so is used with to do to refer to a preceding verb. e.g. I told him to come and see me the next day, and he did so. 4) When so meaning 'also' is used in the following sentence e.g. My wife likes having visitors and so do I. My brother is fond of pop-music and so is his wife. The negative counterpart of that is neither. The Adverbs already and yet § 9. Already is generally found in affirmative sentences, In interrogative sentences it is used with an element of sur- e.g. "Have they left already?" ('Они уже ушли?') "Yes, a minute ago." Yet is found in negative sentences and in interrogative sen- e.g. They haven't left yet. (They haven't yet left.) The Adverbs still and yet § 10. Still may be used in all kinds of sentences with an im- e.g. He is still asleep. ('Он все еще спит.') Yet may also be used in all kinds of sentences with an im- e.g. He is asleep yet. ('Он еще не проснулся.') Compare also the following pairs: The Adverbs much, far and long § ll. The use of the adverb much is similar to the use of the e.g. He doesn't care much what happens to him. The adverbs far, far off, far away and long are also mainly I've got a long way to go. I couldn't stay there long. He talked with us for a long time. § 12. Special attention should be paid to a striking point in the e.g. He gave a careful look round the room. (= He looked round the room carefully.) He pays us occasional visits. (= He visits us occasionally.) their shoulders cynically.) PREPOSITIONS § 1. Prepositions are structural words which are used with a e.g. The face of his visitor was so distasteful to him that he could scarcely bear to look at it it was active, hurrying over the pebbles. Не нашли, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском: