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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Quantity indicators of estimation atmospheric air pollution

(State Sanitary Rules-201-97 Protection of atmospheric air from pollution)

Level of pollution Degree of air cleanliness Exceeding of maximum permissible concentration (MPC), degree of points
admissible clean < 1
inadmissible weakly polluted > 1-2
inadmissible moderate polluted > 2-4
inadmissible polluted > 4-8
inadmissible heavily polluted > 8


8.1. The basic:

8.1.1. Hygiene and ecology / under the editorship of Corresponding Member of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, professor V. G. Bardov. – Vinnytsya: Nova Knyha publishers, 2009. – P. 125-130, 131-141.

8.2. Additional:

8.2.1. Hygiene and ecology / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy, Michael P. Vorontsov, Alisa A. Musulbas. – Kharkov: Kontrast Publishing Enterprise, 2006. – P. 26-54.

4.2.2. General hygiene and environmental health / Edited by Professor M.M. Nadvorny. – Odessa, 2005. – P. 8-10, 21-47, 142-166.

Appendix 1

Scenario – based task: "Technologies and constructions for clearing of industrial aerosol and gaseous emissions in atmosphere"

Arithmetic values of daily average concentration of chemical substances in the atmospheric air of Lenin`sky region of Dnipropetrovs’k for 12 months on the stationary post was established:

Substances Maximum concentration limit Concentration in atmospheric air, mg/dm3
Dust inorganic (with maintenance SiО2 <20 %) 0.25 0.52
Anhydride sulphurous 0.05 0.09
Carbon оxide   4.7
Nitrogen dioxide 0.04 0.8
Formaldehyde 0.003 0.005
Maximum allowable pollution index 12,4
Index of factual pollution 34,2

1. Give hygienic estimation of quality of atmospheric air by results of laboratory researches, according to the State Sanitary Rules-201-97 "Protection atmospheric air from pollution".

2. Carried out necessary hygienic actions for improvement of condition of atmospheric air in the occupied places.

3. Carried out necessary architecturally – planning measures in order to improve atmospheric air quality in the settlements.

Standard answer:

Index of factual pollution of atmospheric air of Lenin`sky region exceed maximum allowable pollution index in 2.76 (34,2/12,4=2,76). It means that the level of pollution is inadmissible, the degree of air cleanliness is average polluted.

Carried out sanitary inspection of industrial enterprises on the purpose of protection atmospheric air; carry out laboratory research of air samples at the industrial enterprises on the purpose of observance maximum-permissible emissions to atmosphere; make recommendations on the observance of technological actions for air pollution prevention.


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