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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы



Контрольная работа 2 семестр

Вариант 1

Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задание, необходимо повторить следующий грамматический материал:

1. Модальные глаголы (сочетание модального глагола с простым инфинитивом)

2. Правила образования трех типов сложноподчиненных предложений с условными придаточными

3. Система грамматических времен в действительном и страдательном залоге

Задание 1

Переведите письменно текст со словарем:


Intellectual property crime (IPC) is the counterfeiting and piracy of trade marked and copyrighted products and services. Fake products occur in abundance in all industry sectors including designer fashion, luxury goods, electrical equipment, audio visual, toys, games, drinks, cigarettes, pharmaceutical products and automotive parts. The range of goods being copied and illegally reproduced is growing, extending to such diverse products as counterfeit razor blades, motorbikes and crane spare parts. The threat extends to organized crime and has a serious impact on the economy, harms consumers and local communities. There is a serious threat to consumer safety, where goods have not undergone product safety testing. Both the economy of country and businesses are suffering from IPC.

The seriousness of this impact should not be underestimated. For example the liquidation of Apolo Video Film Hire Ltd which had over 100 rental shops. The impact from piracy and illegal downloading were amongst the principal reasons leading the firm to stop trading. There is the impact on local communities. Criminals are using illegal immigrants to sell pirated goods. Criminals are exploiting children and grooming them into a criminal lifestyle. There is also the loss of revenue to Government in taxes.

This is difficult to quantify, but tax losses range from corporate tax to VAT and excise tax on alcohol and cigarettes. An estimate of 2 billion cigarettes were counterfeit and that the total trade of 18.5 billion non UK duty paid cigarettes cost the taxpayer $ 2.9 billion. In the EU the statistics for 2006 show that the number of cases taken by customs involving goods infringing intellectual property rights have increased dramatically since the previous year. In 2006 customs intercepted more than 128 million counterfeit and pirated articles involving over 37,000 cases. The EU records that almost 60% of articles seized in 2006 were cigarettes. The amount of other goods seized has jumped by 25% compared to 2005.

Organized crime groups are involved in the distribution of counterfeit DVDs. The British music industry released new piracy figures based on the purchasing behaviour of the buyers of fake CDs. The industry’s losses from commercial music piracy in the UK amount to $ 165 m in retail value. Investigations show that rates of illegal software use within the EU remain around 36% with losses to industry of around $1billion. The internet has facilitated a startling growth in volume and breadth of illicit trade. The music industry suffers from two problems, infringing optical disc production on an industrial scale and the use of record or sell infringing content. The counterfeiting and piracy are global phenomena. 79% of all articles seized originate from China. Most of the product is ‘home’ produced. Large quantities of electrical goods are entering the UK from the Far East. American International Ltd (Bench and Hooch trademarks) have noted that counterfeits of their products are being imported from India, Pakistan and Turkey. Physical copies of films, music, games and software are less likely to be imported into the country. These products are manufactured in the UK for distribution online and physical markets.


Intellectual property ⃰ - Интеллектуальная собственность — в широком понимании термин означает закреплённое законом временное исключительное право, а также личные неимущественные права авторов на результат интеллектуальной деятельности или средства индивидуализации. Законодательство, которое определяет права на интеллектуальную собственность, устанавливает монополию авторов на определённые формы использования результатов своей интеллектуальной, творческой деятельности, которые, таким образом, могут использоваться другими лицами лишь с разрешения первых.

Задание 2

Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. What is IP crime?

2. What areas does IP crime occur in?

3. What harm is caused by IP crime?

4. Who is suffering from IPC?

5. Compare the crime rate in 2005 and 2006.

6. Where do counterfeit products mostly originate from?

7. Whom may criminals use to sell pirated goods?

8. Where do counterfeiting articles mostly originate from?

9. What countries are American products` counterfeits being imported from?

10. Whyare physical copies of films, music, games, software, etc. less likely to be imported into the country?

Задание 3

Выпишите из текста английские эквиваленты следующих слов/словосочетаний:

1. контрафакция (подделка)

2. наносить вред потребителям

3. недооценивать

4. противоправное скачивание

5. государственные доходы

6. налоги

7. НДС

8. акциз (вид налога)

9. права на интеллектуальную собственность

10. нарушать/преступать закон (посягать на чьи-либо права)

11. фальшивые диски

12. незаконная торговля

Задание 4

Подчеркните сказуемое, определите грамматическое время и залог и переведите на русский язык:

1. Continental systems have resulted from attempts by governments to produce a set of codes to govern every legal aspect of a citizen’s life.

2. I have been convicted of breaking the law because I was trying to stop others from doing so. It’s totally unjust.”

3. If a man fails to observe the law he will be punished.

4. In a divorce or separation, property is divided according to the matrilineal definitions of property ownership and is written into the decisions of the traditional or tribal court.

5. International arbitration is now recognized and can be enforced in the 132 countries which are members of the New York Convention of 1958

6. Last month Congress adopted a law that allows women to become pilots in the Air Force.

7. Most companies involve charges of attempts to buy votes, financial abuses and violation of electoral law.

8. Political divergence has produced legal divergence from England.

9. Some drivers ignore the law and drive without using safety-belts.

10. The British lawyers rely mostly on customs, traditions and precedents.

11. The situation has been considerably simplified with the newly enacted Russian Code of Arbitration.

12. They are discussing the provisions of the new law.

13. This issue is being negotiated now.

14. We are not able to sue him now. He has gone to Brazil and is beyond the law.

15. When a Bill is passed by Parliament and signed by the President it becomes a law.

Задание 5

Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы. (Следует переписать предложения и подчеркнуть в них модальные глаголы):

1. Your contract should set the time needed to do your job if the job site is ready.

2. You should make sure all the job details are clear and any questions you have are answered before committing your company.

3. You ought never to deal with companies having a doubtful reputation.

4. When a possible customer calling in to your business is treated on the phone not quite politely, it can leave a bad impression.

5. The contract must state how the scheduling is to be handled and how it will be agreed upon.

6. Special considerations should be noted and specifically agreed to before accepting a contract.

7. Some big companies have doubtful pay practices and can put a small contractor in a world of hurt very quickly.

8. Skilled, smart employees can make a company stand out and poor employees can quickly ruin a company with the people who hire.

9. Negotiation ought not to be confrontational.

10. Last year we had to terminate the agreement on deliveries with the company XXX because of systematic delays with shipment.

11. If there is a problem, it should be settled in private.

12. For a negotiation to be 'win-win', both parties should feel positive about the negotiation once it's over.

13. Constructions companies can be moneymakers and financial disasters.

14. Although Mr. Gerry is not quite qualified for the job, he has to work for this company because of a big salary.

Задание 6

Переводите следующие предложения на русский язык, определяя тип сложноподчиненных предложений с условными придаточными:


1. If he had not stolen money from the shop, he would not have been sent to prison for 3 years.

2. If I open a saving account with $10,000 this year, I will receive 5% interest.

3. If I were offered a better-paid job, I would accept.

4. If the company continues spending more than it is making, it will make a loss.

5. If there were technically qualified people in this country, it would not be difficult to recruit locally.

6. If we had sold our shares last month, we would have made a lot of money.

7. If we hadn`t produced overseas, we wouldn`t have had the pirate copies flooding the market.

8. If we reduced overheads, we would reach our targets.

9. If you had sold your Renault in 1997, you would have got $ 10,000.

10. You will find the annual report very informative if you read it carefully.


Задание 7

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