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Dying to be healthy

Nature - the greatest genius inventor and master of his craft. Can not even imagine how it is arranged within the jewelry man, as his concert work, and how difficult the system is organized, each of them. And to the whole mechanism functioned smoothly, it needs a complete balanced diet.

Proper balanced diet is very important. Substances contained in food are responsible for the construction of new cells. After all, everyone knows that the human body is constantly updated.

Without food a person would die. But from the poor, unbalanced eating people, too, would die very quickly.

What is a balanced diet? As the name implies, is a food in which a balance of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and other substances. This is food that is good for the body, causing his system to work in optimal conditions.

One of the key elements of a healthy diet is a daily intake of protein, fat and carbohydrates. According to the recommendations of experts, the daily menu should contain 60% carbohydrates, approximately 20-15% of various fats and not less than 15% protein. Moreover, half of these proteins should have a vegetable and a half - an animal origin.

It is often advised not to mix in one meal foods with different composition. This is called a separate power supply. Proponents of this system argue that most products are incompatible with each other, and being employed together worsen digestion. This position is highly questionable from the viewpoint of dieticians, but, nevertheless, takes place.

And finally, the principles of healthy eating suggest an optimal amount of food. The number of calories necessary for a person depends on many factors: health status, age, lifestyle, fitness level, exercise and other things.

Moreover, all these calories are very important to properly divided into several stages. Man must eat at least 3-4 times a day with each meal should be from the last 3-4 hours.

Of course, the system is balanced and healthy diet is difficult. But it is only at first glance. Only by starting to apply its principles in life, you realize how much they are physiological and natural for any human being. A body will not hesitate to thank you wonderful feeling.


On a balanced diet
When a doctor or a dietitian uses the term balanced diet, it is referring to distinguish food groups and how many calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and sugars we get from each group in relation to your height and weight. It varies depending on your health, the ratio of height and weight, your gender, and other factors.
Everyone should try to eat a balanced diet in order to feel healthy and free from possible complications related to excess body weight. In addition, people who do not consume enough calories, vitamins and nutrients, can have serious consequences. In terms of nutrition, those who do not consume the right balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, are more "chances" to get more weight.
Why is a balanced diet is important?
A balanced diet includes meat products (or other protein sources), fruits, vegetables imolochnye products. There are many reasons why you should try to eat healthy foods. Here are just some of them.
* If a full and balanced diet, you can be sure that your body gets all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of all your organs. If your diet does not include at least one of the major nutrients, it may have unwanted side effects and even lead to dangerous consequences.
* The balance in your diet makes the correct adjustment of the number of calories for your height and body type. Consumption of large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, helps to ensure that your diet is not only vitamins and minerals, and fiber, which can help you stay well-fed for longer, preventing the accumulation of excess weight.
* Proper nutrition will help strengthen your immune system against disease and can help prevent injuries as a result of exercise.
* In addition, eating the required number of products that will help your body perform better and strength training. In addition, your agility is also dependent on proper nutrition.
* Many people correctly believe that only by adhering to a balanced diet rich in healthy and natural products, they may attain or maintain good health. Improvement of certain diet-related conditions that are directly related to the overall feeling of good health.
* It is also useful for people as an attribute of a general feeling of well-being when they maintain a healthy diet.

Wanting to lose weight, many people rush to extremes, even refusing to eat, then exhausting yourself with various newfangled diets, if not resort to dangerous to health facilities. You just need to bring their food to a particular system. What should be a balanced diet for weight loss? To lose weight, it is important to observe the three principles of healthy eating: rhythm, moderation and rationality.
It is known that in order to become slimmer, it is important to carefully choose products for their daily diet. You can lose weight and not feel hungry, if there is a "proper" food. Forget for a while about the sweets, cakes and white bread. On your desktop should be as small as possible so-called simple carbohydrates that contain a lot of "empty" calories. They provide a saturation at a very short time and, moreover, is easily deposited in our body as fat. Sample menu balanced diet for weight loss should include:
• Is a hearty breakfast. It is proved that the tighter we eat in the morning, the easier it is losing weight, in the absence of overeating.Therefore, the breakfast is very rational to eat a boiled egg or omelette with salad, seasoned with linseed or olive oil and toast (or two), consisting of bran bread and cheese. It is also possible to prepare for breakfast or buckwheat porridge without butter: they provide the body a long time burning carbohydrates, and give a feeling of satiety for the next three hours. Good morning have a cup of tea with ginger - This spice helps to speed up metabolism.
• As a second breakfast, eat an apple, orange or persimmon. In principle, allowed to eat any fruit except bananas and grapes, which are fairly high in calories. A cup of coffee or tea with cinnamon and a small piece of bread as well quench the appetite begins.
• Lunch should include a low-fat boiled meat, poultry or fish (no more than 100g), a large plate of vegetables (any, restrictions are only for sugar beet) and unsweetened beverage: yogurt, fresh juice or herbal tea.
• Three hours after lunch, treat yourself to a bite. You can eat some nuts or 100g low-fat yogurt.
• At the dinner, which must be no later than three hours before bedtime, you can not eat sweets, fruit, and any carbohydrate food.Prefer green vegetables, low fat cottage cheese or a piece of cheese without bread. You can drink a glass of fresh yogurt with cinnamon - it perfectly satisfies hunger and of itself contributes to weight loss.
Adhering to the principles described a balanced diet to lose weight, you will notice that the weight is reduced, though not very fast, but steady pace - 500 g per week. Remember that healthy weight loss should not be rapid.
Overeating - the cause of many illnesses, this truth is not a secret.Scientists have conducted research that confirmed that the usual restriction of caloric intake by a third increases life expectancy.Lose weight without cutting the usual amount of food is impossible.It is therefore important to ensure that the management of a balanced diet for weight loss was modest. The entire plate should occupy only a vegetable salads (remember to limit the use of beet).Fruits are permissible in an amount not more than one or two daily, preferably in the first half. If you really want a sweet, eat a little bit of honey, nuts or dried fruits, which also includes a balanced diet for weight loss.
If you want to lose weight in your diet in small quantities to be present saltwater fish, as well as nuts and vegetable oils.

And another tip for everyone who wants to become slimmer: in between meals, drink plenty of water (in an amount not less than 30 ml per 1 kg body weight).

Природа – величайший изобретатель и гениальный мастер своего дела. Невозможно даже представить себе, с какой ювелирной точностью ею устроен человек, как согласованно работают все его системы и сколь сложно организована каждая из них. И для того, чтобы весь механизм функционировал без сбоев, ему нужно полноценное сбалансированное питание.

Правильный сбалансированный рацион очень важен. Вещества, содержащиеся в еде, отвечают за построение новых клеток. Ведь всем известно, что человеческий организм постоянно обновляется.


Без еды человек умрет. Но и от некачественной, несбалансированной еды человек тоже очень быстро погибнет.

Что представляет собой сбалансированное питание? Как следует из названия, это пища, в которой соблюден баланс витаминов, микроэлементов, питательных и иных веществ. Это пища, которая идет на пользу телу, заставляя все его системы работать в оптимальных режимах.

Одним из ключевых моментов здорового рациона является суточное потребление белков, жиров и углеводов. Согласно рекомендациям специалистов, ежедневное меню должно содержать 60% углеводов, около 20-15% различных жиров и не менее 15% белков. Причем, половина этих белков должна иметь растительное, а половина – животное происхождение.

Очень часто советуют не смешивать в одном приеме пищи продукты с разным составом. Это называется раздельным питанием.

И, наконец, принципы здорового питания предполагают оптимальное количество пищи. Количество необходимых человеку килокалорий зависит от многих факторов: состояния здоровья, возраста, образа жизни, уровня физической подготовки, физических нагрузок и прочего.

Причем, все эти калории очень важно правильно разделить на несколько приемов. Человек обязан питаться не менее 3-4 раз в день, причем, каждый прием пищи должен отстоять от предыдущего на 3-4 часа.

Конечно, выглядит система сбалансированного и здорового питания довольно сложно. Но это лишь на первый взгляд. Только начав применять ее принципы в жизни, вы поймете, насколько они физиологичны и естественны для любого человека. А организм не замедлит отблагодарить вас прекрасным самочувствием.

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