![]() ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Pick out 1 or 2 sentences, phrases or words which may sound differently in different varieties of English.It’ll take whatever you decide RP: [`itl teik w t`ev ju: di`said] AmE: [`itl teik w:t`ev r ju: di`said] Northern accents (Newcastle): [`itl te:k w:t`ev ju: di`sεid] On the basis of example sentence show that various features (accent, possession, rhythm, tempo, pitch) function distinctively. Read the sentences and mark it graphically with different terminal tones indicating of in the differences. She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
She stopped the car (it was almost at a standstill anyway) and unbuckled her seat-belt, then stretched across the passenger seat to see what had landed with such a sickening thud.
4.Find cases of contrastive and non- contrastive distribution (complimentary distribution free variation). Контрастная и неконтрастная дистрибуция Примеры контрастной дистрибуции 1. three [θri:] – tree [tri:] 2. like [laik] – bike [baik] 3. look [lυk] – book [bυk] 4. hell [hel] – hall [h l] 5. had [h d] – head [hed] Примеры неконтрастной дистрибуции а) дополнительная дистрибуция 1. straw [strr:] – time [thaim] – twinkle [`towiŋk l] – little [litll] 2. twinkle [`twiŋk l] – back [bækh] б) свободная вариация could tell [k d tel] – could tell [k:tel] bad taste [bæd teist] – bad taste [bæ:teist] 5.Discribe a vowel and a consonant from a point of view of the distinctive and non-distinctive features. Дистинктивные и недистинктивные признаки гласных и согласных Гласные Дистинктивные признаки Недистинктивные признаки Fan [fæn] [æ] 1. horizontal movement -Front (distinctive feature) 2. vertical movement - Open / low (distinctive feature) 3. position of the lips - Unrounded (non-distinctive feature) 4. degree of tenseness - Lax (non-distinctive feature) 5. the stability of articulation - Monophthong (distinctive feature) 6. length - Short (non-distinctive feature) 7. the character of the end - Checked (distinctive feature)
Window [wind ] [i] 1. horizontal movement -Front-retracted (distinctive feature) 2. vertical movement - Close / high (distinctive feature) 3. position of the lips - Unrounded (non-distinctive feature) 4. degree of tenseness - Lax (non-distinctive feature) 5. the stability of articulation - Monophthong (distinctive feature) 6. length - Short (non-distinctive feature) 7. the character of the end - Checked (distinctive feature)
Beaker [bi:k ] [i: ] 1. horizontal movement - Central (distinctive feature) 2. vertical movement -Mid-open / mid (distinctive feature) 3. position of the lips - Unrounded (non-distinctive feature) 4. degree of tenseness - Lax (non-distinctive feature) 5. the stability of articulation - Monophthong (distinctive feature) 6. length - Short (non-distinctive feature) 7. the character of the end - unchecked (distinctive feature)
Согласные Дистинктивные признаки Недистинктивные признаки Info [`inf ] [f] 1. the active organ of speech - Labial (distinctive feature) 2. the place of obstruction - Labio-dental (non-distinctive feature) 3. the force of articulation - Strong (distinctive feature) 4. the work of the vocal cords – Voiceless (non-distinctive feature) 5. the position of the soft palate - Oral (distinctive feature) 6. the manner of the production of noise - Fricative (distinctive feature) 7. the type of obstruction – constrictive (non-distinctive feature)
Way [wei] [w] 1. the active organ of speech - Labial (distinctive feature) 2. the place of obstruction - Bilabial (non-distinctive feature) 3. the force of articulation - Weak (distinctive feature) 4. the work of the vocal cords – Voiced (non-distinctive feature) 5. the position of the soft palate - Oral (distinctive feature) 6. the manner of the production of noise - Sonorant (distinctive feature) 7. the type of obstruction – constrictive (non-distinctive feature)
Stomach [`st m k] [m] 1. the active organ of speech - Labial (distinctive feature) 2. the place of obstruction - Bilabial (non-distinctive feature) 3. the force of articulation - Weak (distinctive feature) 4. the work of the vocal cords – Voiced (non-distinctive feature) 5. the position of the soft palate – Nasal (distinctive feature) 6. the manner of the production of noise - Sonorant (distinctive feature) 7. the type of obstruction – occlusive (non-distinctive feature)
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