
Популярная публикация

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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Glossary for the Course of Stylistics................................. ... 190

Preface................................................................................. 7

Chapter 1. The Object of Stylistics................................... 9

1.1. Problems of stylistic research............................ 9

1.2. Stylistics of language and speech...................... 14

1.3. Types of stylistic research and branches of stylistics 16

1.4. Stylistics and other linguistic disciplines.................. 19

1.5. Stylistic neutrality and stylistic colouring............... 20

1.6. Stylistic function notion...................................... 24

Practice Section........................................................ 28

Chapter 2. Expressive Resources of the Language............... 33

2.1. Expressive means and stylistic devices.................. 34

2.2. Different classifications of expressive means.... 37


2.2.1. Hellenistic Roman rhetoric system.......... 39

2.2.2. Stylistic theory and classification of expresssive means by G. Leech 45


2.2.3. I. R. Galperin's classification of expressive means and stylistic devices 50

2.2.4. Classification of expressive means and

stylistic devices by Y. M. Skrebnev........ 57

Practice Section........................................................ 76

Chapter 3. Stylistic Grammar........................................... 87

3.1. The theory of grammatical gradation. Marked, semi-marked and unmarked structures 87

3.2. Grammatical metaphor and types of grammatical transposition 89

3.3. Morphological stylistics. Stylistic potential of the

parts of speech.................................................. 92

3.3.1. The noun and its stylistic potential........... 92

3.3.2. The article and its stylistic potential......... 95

3.3.3. The stylistic power of the pronoun............... 97

3.3.4. The adjective and its stylistic functions... 101

3.3.5. The verb and its stylistic properties............. 103

3.3.6. Affixation and its expressiveness................ 107

3.4. Stylistic syntax...................................................... 110

Practice Section........................................................ 116


Chapter 4. The Theory of Functional Styles..................... 122

4.1. The notion of style in functional stylistics......... 122

4.2. Correlation of style, norm and function in the language 124

4.3. Language varieties: regional, social, occupational. 128

4.4. An overview of functional style systems........... 133

4.5. Distinctive linguistic features of the major functional styles of English 145


4.5.1. Literary colloquial style.............................. 145

4.5.2. Familiar colloquial style............................. 148

4.5.3. Publicist (media) style............................. 150

4.5.4. The style of official documents............... 153

4.5.5. Scientific/academic style........................... 155

Practice Section.......................................................... 159

Chapter 5. Decoding Stylistics and Its Fundamental Notions. 162

5.1. Stylistics of the author and of the reader. The notions of encoding and decoding 163

5.2. Essential concepts of decoding stylistic analysis

and types of foregrounding............................... 166

5.2.1. Convergence............................................. 169

5.2.2. Defeated expectancy............................. 171


5.2.3. Coupling.................................................... 173

5.2.4. Semantic field.......................................... 176

5.2.5. Semi-marked structures........................... 179

Practice Section........................................................ 181

Glossary for the Course of Stylistics.................................... 190

Sources............................................................................... 202

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