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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы



Verbs of the senses look\feel\smell\sound\taste 1 She looks tired. That smells good! These jeans don’t feel comfortable. 2 He looks like his father. This material feels like silk. This tastes like tea, not coffee. 3 She looks as if she’s been crying. It smells as if something’s burning. It sounds as if it’s raining. Use look, feel, etc. +adjective. Use look, feel, etc. +like +noun. Use look, feel, etc. + as if + clause.



Match the two halves of the sentence.

1 That group sounds like A her mother
2 Those boys look B completely out of tune
3 She looks like C too young to be drinking beer
4 That guitar sounds D he’s run a marathon
5 He looks as if E REM  


Exercise 7. Underline the correct form.

1 Can you put the heating on? It feels/feels like really cold in here.

2 You look/look like really happy. Does that mean you got the job?

3 Your new bag feels/feels like real leather.

4 Let’s throw this milk away. It tastes/tastes like a bit strange.

5 Can you close the window? It smells/smells as if someone is having a barbecue.


Exercise 8. Match the definitions A-D to the crimes below.

A force a person to give you you money, usually by threatening to expose a secret

B take sb away and demand money for their return

C take control of a plane, usually for political reasons

D take things in or out of a country illegaly


1 kidnapping

2 blackmail

3 smuggling

4 terrorism

Check yourself

1. Choose the right variant: The sky’s very dark. It_____there’s going to be a storm.

a) looks

b) looks like if

c) looks as if

d) looked

2. Choose the right answer: What lovely material! It_____silk.

a) feels

b) feels like

c) feels as if

d) felt

3. Choose the right variant: What does a pickpocket do?

a) drug addicted

b) plays in a casino

c) drinks alcohol

d) steals a wallet

4. Choose the right variant: My car was stolen by a ….

a) robber

b) smuggler

c) gambler

d) hijacker


English Russian Kazakh
smuggler['smʌglə] контрабандист бұқпасаудагер
blackmail ['blæk,meil] шантаж бопса
hijacking ['hai,dʒækiŋ] угон айдап әкету, айдапсалу
pickpocket ['pik,pɔkit] карманник қалтаға түскіш; қалташы
gambling ['gæmbliŋ] азартная игра құмар ойын
apparently [ə'pærəntli] по-видимому, вероятно бәлкім; есебі
to be overwhelmed [tu: bi:,əuvə’weimd] быть подавленным басыңқы, жабыңқы


Office hours №7

Make up a topic “ Problems, which you had when you were a teenager” and retell it.

LIW №19

Learn by heart the poem “I dream a world ”, p.167




1. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig. New English File Upper-Intermediate Student’s book Oxford University Press, 2012.

2. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig. New English File Upper-Intermediate Workbook Oxford University Press, 2012.


3 John and Liz Soars, New Headway Upper-Intermediate Student’s book Oxford University Press, 2008.

4. the Internet resources: http://www.native-english.ru/



HAND OUT №14 (104)
Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits - 2
Upper-Intermediate level Practical lesson
Lexical theme: Great invention Grammar: Revision of passives    
Teacher: assistant professor Karybayeva Adina Seilgazievna


Exercise 1. Which of the following household items do you think were in use 50 years ago?




Exercise 2. Answer the following questions?

1. Which do you have in your home?

Personal computer fridge camcorder electric razor radio washing machine video recorder deep freeze ti opener microwave oven CD player food processor tumble drier music system iron vacuum cleaner dishwasher Jacuzzi LED TV mobile phone


2. Imagine life in your family fifty years ago. How did your parents and grandparents live? How was life different from today?

3. Which invention is the least important?

4. Which invention is the most important for you? Could you live without it?




Exercise 3. Read and make up your own questions about the text “The family who turned back the clock”.


The Jones family have nine TV, 6 computers, 3 cars, and every domestic appliance. What would their life be like without them? Melanie Adams reports

This family have chosen to fill their home with every conceivable gadget.

What happens if all the props of modern living are removed? The Jones family was asked to turn back the clock fifty years and to switch off all their laborsaving gadgets and push-button entertainment for three days. They were banned from opening the freezer to get out fish fingers and oven chips, to use electronic razor, mobile phones and cars.

The much-dreamed three days got under way! Old-fashioned meals, games, and entertainment were planned for the evenings. After eating together at the kitchen table, they sat playing cards, putting off doing the washing-up because they all hated doing that.

Carol was surprised at how long everything took. ‘By the time I had washed up the breakfast things and got back from walking the children to school, it was nearly lunchtime. Getting to the shops, which normally takes five minutes in the car, took at least an hour, so it was impossible just to pop out for a loaf of bread’

Although Carol enjoyed having a slower, more relaxed pace of life. Also, the lack of electronic entertainment, particularly the TV, had a dramatic effect on the children. They got on much better together and seemed to enjoy each other’s company more, although they clearly believed that they were suffering.


Exercise 4. Why do people like to have these things at home? Try to match each word with its definition.



1) a camera a) to write programs, to find and use information
2) a microwave oven b) to take photographs
3) a mobile telephone c) to clean, to dust the floor, to carpets
4) a computer d) to cook, to defrost, to reheat pre-prepared food
5) a vacuum cleaner   e) to record a program even when watching another on different channel
6) a videophone f) to call in any time you want

Exercise 5. [T.14]Check your understanding. Do this exercise before you listen. Write the inventions in the correct group

time travel machine indoor cloud-maker machine sign language translation gloves wing-suits air-maker (for use on other planets) bio-fabric clothes (that change color according to the wearer’s mood) solar water distiller
Real inventions Fictional inventions

Exercise 6. Answer the questions according to the listened text.

1 What do wing-suits allow people to do?

2 What is the price for wing- suits?

3 By whom the new solar water distiller was created?

4 Who invented "enable talk gloves"?

5 How does "enable talk gloves" work?


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