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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Match words from the two boxes to make expressions.

absolutely, best, car, dotted, highly, joint, main, significant. venture, development, line, competitor, option, probable, ownership, certain.


10. Now use the expressions above to complete the sentences and translate them into Ukrainian:

a) We have a number of choices, but our __________ is to lower fuel consumption.

b) On the next side, the __________ indicates the money saved by using recycled materials.

c) At the beginning of the year we formed a __________ with a company in Africa. We’re __________ that this was the right decision.

d) The most __________ last year was in the lowering of emissions.

e) ___________ is clearly rising in the Far East as more and more people can afford vehicles and fuel.

f) I am not 100% sure, but it is __________ that our __________ is coming out with an environmentally-friendly model within the next five years.

Text 19

According to the safety precautions it is necessary to keep your car in good condition and well-repaired. Complete this report by the car mechanic (M) to his supervisor (S). Act out the dialogue with your partner.

S: Have you checked the tires yet?

M: Yes, we’ve checked all the tires first thing this morning and we ______ (find) that the rear tire was worn. So we ______ (replace) it.

S: What about the tire pressures? Have you adjusted them yet?

M: Yes, we ______ (adjust) them when we ______ (put) the tires on. Then, at about 10 this morning, we ______ (examine) the fuel system. We ______ (take) it apart and ______ (unblock) the fuel pipe.

S: Good have you repaired the damaged paintwork on the door?

M: Yes, we ______ (strip) off the damaged paint just before lunch and then we ______ (clean) the door, ______ (repair) it and ______ (repaint) it.

S: W hat about the air conditioner? Have you checked it?

M: Yes, we checked it. Then we ______ (pump) some new fluid into the air conditioning system.

S: What about the oil leak under the car? Have you had time to look at that yet?

M: Yes, we ______ (do) that about an hour ago.

S: Thank you guys. You are the best.

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