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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Task 2; Practice the pronunciation of the words:.

Law, barrister, solicitor, court, prosecutor, cousin, legal, militia, person, property, to encroach, to join, niece, acquainted, daughter, nephew, origin, various, foreign, impartial, tolerant, to govern, challenge, to throw.

Task 3: Choose the questions that help you as a militiaman to gather the information about a person:

Do you live alone or with relatives? Have you ever been abroad? What is your address? Where do you play tennis? What is your citizenship? What do you like to eat? What is your name?

Have you a family of your own? Where do you work? Why are you so tired? Have you ever violated the law? When do you get up? How old are you? What are you doing?

Task 4: C hoose documents defining social status of a person and his/her family relations:

the first-class diploma, marriage certificate, bonus share, deposit slip, order form, registration (of domicile), birth certificate, obligation, death certificate, official's fee, mutual commitments, conjugal contract, guardian responsibilities, passport, certificate of employment.

T ask 5; M atch the English and Ukrainian word combinations,

To be popular   Кинути виклик
Financial market   Вивчати право
Maiden name   Закінчити університет університетyHIBCpCHTCT  
The specialist on civil cases   бути брітанського походження ппоходження походженняпоходженняEyTH 6pHTaHCM(oro noxon«CHM)i  
To study law   допомагати людям  
To throw down the challenge   зупинити замах
Life and professional experience   бути популярним  
To graduate from the University   шукати діяльність  
To look for the activity   фінансовий ринок  
To stop an encroachment   вступити до поліції  
To join the police force   фахівець з цивільних справ  
To be of British origin   дівоче призище  
To help people   життєвий та професійний досвід  

Task 6:R ead and translate the text:

Hello, my name is Robert, Bob for short. My surname is Smith. Smith is a very popular surname all round Great Britain. I'm from Scotland. I'm nineteen. My hobbies are fishing and driving.

My father Steve Smith works as a manager in the bank. It is the "Bank of England"- one of the leading banks in British and world financial market. As for my mother Gizella she does not work anywhere. She is of German origin; her maiden name is Schwartz. I have a sister Jane. She studies at Grammar school.

It was my dream to work at the police. When a boy I read many books about famous detectives, which I found in the library of my uncle Peter Smith. Now he is a well-known barrister in London, the civil cases specialist. Uncle Peter started his

career as a constable, and later he graduated from Cambridge University where he

studied law. He did much to help people in various difficult situations. Uncle's

career, life and professional experience affected me greatly. The rest relatives of mine are busy with finance and engineering. I think a career with the police is not a bad idea for those people who look for an interesting activity, who are not afraid to throw down a challenge to the criminal world, who are eager to put a stop to any encroachment of the law. So I decided to join the police force. My uncle helped me to choose the police school due to its specialization. Now I am the first year cadet of Cambridge police school.

Task 7: Give the English equivalents:

Стати поліцейським, бути німецького походження, шукати цікаву роботу, дівоче прізвище, любити щось, мати вплив, вивчати право, допомогти людям в складних ситуаціях, мати захоплення, читати багато книжок, цивільна справа, замах на закон, бути готовим, вибрати навчальний заклад, боятися, почати кар´єру, закінчити унівеpситет, професійний досвід, родина, бути адвокатом, бути зайнятим, за спеціалізацією, фінансовий ринок

Task 8 A nswer the questions: \

1. What is your first name? 2. What are you? 3. What are you doing? 4. When were you born? 5. Where were you born? 6. Where do you live now? 7. Where do you study? 8. What do your parents do? 9. What is your hobby? 10. Do your relatives live abroad? 11. Where are you from? 12. What is your nationality? 13. What is your citizenship? 14. How old are your parents? 15. What is your telephone number? 16.Does anybody of your relatives work at the public prosecutor's office? 17.,What do you want to become? 18. Why did you want to enter the Faculty of Law?' 19. What do you think of your future work? 20. What specialization do you intend lo have as the practical one? 21 - Why is lawyer's profession so popular now?

Task 9 Put the right verb. A) do B) does C) —

1. ___ you like playing chess?

2. ___ your mother like cooking?

3. Where ___ she live?

4. Where ___your parents spend their vacation?

5. What ___ your father do in his spare time?

6. What ___ you think of me?

7. When ___ your father go to work?

8. Why ___ your sister go shopping on Saturdays?

9. Who ___ you always walk your dog with?

10. Who ___ his friend like to play chess with?

11. Who ___ knows the way out?

12. Who of you ___ speaks Englishfluently?

13. What time ___ you get up?

14. How often ___ you go swimming?,,

15. How often ___ Dan come to the club?

16. How much ___ your sweater cost?

17. Whose parents ___ want to help us?

18. Which of your sisters ---- lives in the country?

19. When ___ your sister come back home?

20 ----- you have any relative in our city?


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