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Say which of the requirements was the most important, to your mind.

IW # 7 Personal computers

Read and translate the text in a written form.


Computer is an electronic device that can receive a program (a set of instructions) and then carry out this program by calculating numerical information.

The modern world of high technology is possible mainly due to the development of the computer. Computers have opened up a new era in manufacturing by means of automation, and they have enhanced modern communication systems.

Personal computers

Personal computers are also called microcomputers or home computer. The most compact are called laptops. They are portable and work on built-in batteries.

Personal computers aredesigned for use at homes, schools, and offices. At home they canbeused for home management (balancing the family finances, for example) and for playing computer games, watching films or listening to music. Schoolchildren can use computers for doing their homework and many schools now have computers for independent learning and computer - literacy studies. In the office personal computers may be used for word processing, bookkeeping, storage and handling of necessary information.

Personal computers weremade possible by two technical innovations in the field of microelectronics: the integrated circuit, or IС, which wasdeveloped in 1959 and the microprocessor that first appeared in 1971. The IС permitted the miniaturization of computer-memory circuits, and the microprocessor reduced the size of a computer's CPU to the size of a single silicon chip.

Because a CPU calculates, performs logical operations, contains operating instructions, and manages data flows, a complete microcomputer as a separate system wasdesigned and developed in 1974.

In 1981, IBM Company offered its own microcomputer model, the IBM PC that became a necessary tool for almost every business. The PC's use of a 16-bit microprocessor initiated the development of faster and more powerful personal computers, and its use of an operating system that was available to all other computer makers led to a standardisation of the industry.

In the mid-1980s, a number of other developments were especially important for the growth of personal computers. One of these was the introduction of a powerful 32-bit CPU capable of running advanced operating systems at high speeds.

Another innovation was the use of conventional operating systems, such as UNIX, OS/2 and Windows. The Apple Macintosh computers were the first to allow the user to select icons — graphic symbols of computer functions — from a display screen instead of typing commands. New voice-controlled systems are now available, and users are able to use the words and syntax of spoken language to operate their personal computers.


Word List:


1. device [di´vais] устройство, приспособление; механизм; аппарат, машина, прибор
2. carry out   выполнять, осуществлять; приводить в исполнение
3. to carry out in(to) practice   осуществлять, проводить в жизнь For ex. We all have certain duties and jobs to carry out. - У всех нас есть обязанности и дела, которые мы должны исполнять. The gunmen carried out their threat and shot the man. - Бандиты привели угрозу в исполнение и застрелили его.
4. by means of    
5. enhanced [in´ha:nst] усовершенствованный, улучшенный; передовой
6. portable [´pɔ:təbl] портативный, переносный, передвижной; разборный, складной, съёмный, транспортабельный
7. balancing    
8. computer-literacy [´litərəsi] компьютерная грамотность
9. handling [´hændliŋ] управление; оперирование (чем-л.); манипулирование
10. the integrated circuit   интегральная схема
11. permitted   в пределах допуска (о размере)
12. to initiate [i´ni∫iet] начать, приступать, положить начало
13. conventional [kən´ven∫ənə] обычный, обыкновенный, традиционный; общепринятый
14. syntax [´sintæks] синтаксис, строй, порядок

2.Поставити чотири типи питань (загальне, спеціальне, розділове, альтернативне) до одного й того ж речення.

In 1981, IBM Company offered its own microcomputer model, the IBM PC that became a necessary tool for almost every business.


3. До слів у стовпчику зліва підберіть групу синонімів із стовпчика справа. При визначенні слова орієнтуйтесь на текст

1. device A. allow, authorize, let

2. carry out B. to begin, commence, inaugurate, initiate, institute, launch, start

3. enhanced C. demountable, removable, detachable

4. portable D. cutting-edge, advanced, updated

5. to permit E. usual, customary, habitual, traditional

6. conventional F. machine, mechanism, gear

7. to initiate G. effect, fulfill, realize

4. Визначте видо-часові форми та стан підкреслених дієслів та вкажіть їх неозначену форму, перекладіть ці речення українською мовою.

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