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Bank Holidays and Celebrations in the United Kingdom

There are eight public holidays, or bank holidays a year in Great Britain, that is days on which people need not go in to work.

A bank holiday is an official holiday when all banks and poet offices are closed. Most factories, offices and shops are closed, too. The following days are bank holidays in Great Britain: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day Bank Holiday, Spring Bank Holiday, August Bank Holiday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

Most of bank holidays are religious holidays. Now for most people they are simply days on which people eat, drink and make merry.

Christmas Day is the most popular of bank holidays. It is celebrated on December, 25. On this day many people go to churches, open their Christmas presents, and eat a Christmas dinner of roast turkey and Christmas pudding. Many people watch the Queen's Christmas broadcast on TV. This day is a traditional family reunion day and a special day for children.

Boxing Day is on December, 26. People usually gave «Christmas boxes», or gifts of money, to servants on this day. Today many people still give a Christmas gift to paperboys and girls.

New Year's Day is on January, 1. It is not marked with any custom in Great Britain. Traditional New Year parties and dances are held on New Year's Eve. People see the old year out and the New Year in.

God Friday is the Friday before Easter when the church marks the death of Christ. On this day people eat hot-cross buns – buns marked on top with a cross.

Easter Monday is the day after Easter Day. It is a traditional day for the start of the summer tourist season.

May Day Bank Holiday is the first Monday after the first of May (May Day). May Day which is not a bank holiday, is a celebration of the coming of spring. On May Day different outdoor events are held. Usually May Queen, the most beautiful girl of the celebration, is selected.

Spring Bank Holiday falls on the last Monday in May. August Bank Holiday is held on the last Monday in August.

Besides public holidays, there are other festivals, anniversaries and simply days, on which certain traditions are observed, but unless they fall on a Sunday, they are ordinary working days.


Topical Vocabulary


a bank holiday - национальный праздник
a religious holiday - религиозный праздник
to make merry - веселиться
to be celebrated - отмечаться
to go to churches - идти в церковь
to open one's Christmas present - открыть свой Рождественский подарок
a Christmas dinner - Рождественский обед
roast turkey - жареная индейка
Christmas pudding - Рождественский пудинг
to watch the Queen's Christmas broadcast - смотреть Рождественское выступление Королевы по телевидению
a family reunion day - день встречи семьи
to give Christmas boxes to servants - дарить слугам рождественские подарки
a gift of money - деньги в подарок
paperboys and girls - разносчики газет
to be marked with a custom - отмечаться с соблюдением каких-либо традиций
a New Year Party - новогодняя вечеринка
to be held on New Year's Eve - проводиться в Канун Нового года
to see the old year out - провожать старый год
to see the New Year in - встречать Новый год
to mark the death of Christ - отмечать смерть Христа (дословный перевод)
a hot-cross bun - булочка с крестом наверху
the start of the summer tourist season - начало летнего туристического сезона
a celebration of the coming of spring - празднование прихода весны
to hold different outdoor events - проводить различные меропри-ятия на открытом воздухе
a celebration - праздник, празднование
to select May Queen - выбрать Майскую Королеву
to fall on - приходиться на
an anniversary - годовщина

1. Answer the questions:

1. What is a bank holiday?

2. How are bank holidays celebrated?

3. How is the most popular of all bank holidays marked?

4. What traditions are observed on December, 26?

5. What customs is New Year's Day marked with?

6. What is Good Friday?

7. When is the coming of spring celebrated?

8. What is May Day and May Day Bank holiday?

9. What days do spring Bank Holiday and August Bank Holiday fall on?

2. Translate into English:

1. Во время официальных, или банковских, праздников закрыты все банки, почтовые отделения, большая часть официальных учреждений и магазинов.

2. Сейчас официальные праздники – не религиозные праздники, а просто дни, когда люди веселятся.

3. Рождество, 25 декабря – это день, когда собирается вся семья.

4. Люди обычно смотрят Рождественское выступление Королевы, посещают церковь, обмениваются (exchange) рождественскими подарками.

5. 26 декабря люди дарят рождественские подарки или деньги разносчикам газет.

6. С Новым Годом не связаны особые (particular) традиции.

7. В пятницу перед Пасхой обычно едят особые булочки с крестом наверху.

8. 1 мая проводятся различные мероприятия на открытом воздухе, и избирается Майская Королева.

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