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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Exercise 2. Write the adjectives in brackets in the correct form.

1) Tom is (old) than Richard. 2) John is the (clever) boy in the class. 3) The weather is (fine) today than it was yesterday. 4) London is the (big) city in the world. 5) This sentence is (difficult) than the first one. 6) My dog is (good) than yours. 7) My dog is the (good) of the three. 8) This mountain is the (high) in Europe. 9) Tom is (tall) than Richard. 10) Tom is the (tall) boy in the class.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with as…as; so…as; than.

1) Mike is … tall … Pete. 2. The new cinema in our district is much bigger... the old one.3) My room is … light … this one. 4). Nevsky Prospect is more beauti­ful... our street. 5) Sergei is … old … Michael. 6) She is … young … Tom’s brother. 7) This woman is … good … that one. 8) Nick’s English is not … good … his friend’s. 9) I am not … tall … Pete. 10) This woman is … young … that one.


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (~est or most...) or a comparative (~er or more...).

1. We stayed at … hotel in the town. (cheap)

2. Our hotel was … than all the others in the town. (cheap)

3. The United States is very large but Canada is …. (large)

4. What's … river in the world? (long)

5. He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks … today. (happy)

6. It was an awful day. It was … day of my life. (bad)

7. What is … sport in your country? (popular)

8. Everest is … mountain in the world. It is than any other mountain. (high)

9. What's … way of getting from here to the station? (quick)

10. I prefer this chair to the other one. It's ---. (comfortable)



Оборот «There is / are»

1. Оборот «There is / are» используется, когда мы говорим о существовании или присутствии людей или наличии вещей где-либо:

There is a book on the table. – На столе (лежит) книга.В предложения с оборотом « There is / are» глагол «to be» обычно согласуется с подлежащим, которое следует непостредственно за ним:

There is a table in the room.– Вкомнатестол.

There are four chairs in the room. – В комнате четыре стула.


Оборот «There is / are» может использоваться в разных временах. При этом глагол «to be» ставится в соответствующую форму:

There was a pen here. – Здесь была ручка.

There were books here. - Здесь были книги.

There will be a lot of people in the center of the city. - В центре города будет много людей.


В общих вопросах с оборотом «There is / are» глагол «to be» в нужном времени ставится перед словом there:

Were there a lot of mistakes in the report? – В докладе было много ошибок?

В вопросах к подлежащему с оборотом «There is / are» сохраняется порядок слов утвердительного предложения, в качестве подлежащего выступают слова who/what: What is therefore breakfast today? - Что сегодня на завтрак?

Когда вопрос ставится к определению подлежащего, употребляются вопросительные слова how much/ how many и вопросительное местоимение what, которые ставятся перед подлежащим:

How many mistakes are there in this sentence? – Сколько ошибок в этом предложении?

What mistakes are there in the text? – Какие ошибки (есть) в тексте?

Отрицательная форма оборота «There is / are» образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы «not», которая ставится после глагола «tobe» в нужной форме, при чём чаще всего используются сокращённые формы:

There aren`t any books on the table. – Настоле нет никаких книг.

Exercise1. Choose the right variant:

1. There… a large forest near our city.

2. There …many berries and mushrooms there.

3. There … much work about the house yesterday.

4. There … some students and a teacher in the lecture hall.

5. There … bird in the cage.

6. There … some books in the bookshelves.

7. There …no vacant seats in the café last Saturday.

8. There … an interesting lecture on literature tomorrow.

9. There … a sofa and two armchairs in our living-room.

10. There …a beautiful theatre in this street next year.

Exercise2. Complete the sentences using was or were.

Начало формы

1. Last year there............... a circus in my town.

2. When I was at school there... any computers. But now every school has many computers.

3. This morning there is water on the ground everywhere. I think there... a lot of rain last night.

4. There................... many fountains in this park 20 years ago.

5. There....................five bananas in the fridge 2 days ago.

6. There.................. a Chinese restaurant in Moscow in 2001.

7. There.................. one tailor in my village 10 years ago.

8. There.................. many children in the park yesterday.

9. There.................. an alien in your garden last night.

10. There.................. five elephants in the zoo in Cracow five months ago.Конецформы



Exercise3. Add there is or there are to the following sentences.

Example: There are many stars in the sky.

1. … … a fly in my soup.(There is, There are)

2. … … many parks in New York. (There is, There are)

3. … … any tigers in Africa. (There isn't, There aren't)

4. … … lots of hotels in big cities. (There is, There are)

5. … …a bank near here? (Is there, Are there)

6. … … life on Mars? (Is there, Are there)

7. … … a telephone I can use?(Is there, Are there)

8. … … a football game tomorrow.(There is, There are)

9. … … 25 students in my class. (There is, There are)

10. … … many people my town. (There isn't, There aren't)

Exercise 4. For each sentence, choose the best word or phrase to complete the gap from the choices below.

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