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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Spelling test. These words are Italian and are also used in English. Choose the correct solutions.

1. spagetti, spagheti, spaghetti

2. graffiti, grafitti, grafiti

3. expresso, espreso, espresso

4. brocolli, broccoli, brockley

5. capuccino, cappuccino, cappucino

Do you know that the expression ‘ spaghetti western’ means a cowboy film with a very confusing plot, and ‘ spaghetti junction’ is a complex motorway intersection.

Would you know how to sneeze in English or what to say if you walked into a lamppost?

Ой! – Ouch!

Апчхі! – Atchoo!/ Atishoo!

Бувай здоровий! – Bless you!

Опля! – Whoops-a-daisy!/Oops-a-daisy!/Whoops!/Oops!

За ваше здоров’я! – Your health! Here’s to you! Cheerio!

Do you know that Bingo is a popular British game played for money and held in large halls, many of which are former cinemas. To play this game you have to buy one or more cards with numbers printed on them and then cross the numbers out as they are drawn at random1 and called out by the caller, who is usually a man. There are cash prizes for the first to complete a whole card.

To make the numbers more interesting, some of them have been given certain associations or nicknames2. An example of this is ‘Legs Eleven’ – the number eleven resembling a pair of legs. ‘Unlucky for some’ – 13, ‘Two fat ladies’ – 88, ‘Clickety Click’ – 66, ‘Sunset Strip’3 – 77.

1 are drown at random – беруться наугад

2 nickname – прізвище

3 ‘ 77 Sunset Strip’ – назва серіалу

U N I T 4

Grammar: Perfect Tense

Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Participle

Pronoun One

Text: Underground Railways

Supplementary text: Kharkiv Underground

It’s interesting to know: News in Brief about World Metros

Word Building: -ic, -al, -an; -age, -th, -ee; -ize, -(i)fy; en- (em-)



G g [G] перед e, i, y age, engineer, gym викл. get [g],give [g]
[g] перед приголосними та голосними (крім e, i, y); у кінці слів great, go, big, dog
[N] у сполученніng bring, wrong, strong



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